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    PsychBoy reacted to eternallyephemeral in Ontario Grad. Scholarship versus Canadian Grad.Scholarship   
    I don't think there is anything about the CGS-M that publishes your research. The purpose of both scholarships is the same, and that is to fund students while they are doing research, and hopefully that will be published, but there is nothing guaranteed about publishing through CGS-M. It is a federal grant agency, not a publishing house, if that helps clarify things.
  2. Upvote
    PsychBoy reacted to Camel90 in Ontario Grad. Scholarship versus Canadian Grad.Scholarship   
    You can't have CGS and OGS at the same time : 
    - Cannot hold an OGS award at the same time (or during any session) as a scholarship from SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR, QEII-GSST from any given year.
    However, maybe you can have the CGS now (because it's the one that pays more) and get the OGS for the rest of your master studies. For example, I was awarded both CGS and FRQSC (similar to OGS but in Quebec) last year. I received the CGS from May 2016 to April 2017, and will receive only one payment from FRQSC for Summer 2017 (because I will graduate in August, but I'm eligible to 2 more semesters). I don't know if its possible with OGS but you should look into it. If it's your first year as a master student, maybe you can have the CGS for your first year and the OGS for your second.   
  3. Upvote
    PsychBoy reacted to TakeruK in Vanier and Trudeau Doctoral Scholarships, question   
    lol, of course they would each think they are the most prestigious
    Although to be fair, the Trudeau foundation says it is "the most prestigious fellowship of its type", and I would count the Trudeau and the Vanier as two separate types of fellowship. The former is a fellowship awarded by a private organization that funds scholars and scholarly activities. Winning this fellowship also allows you to join the community of other Trudeau scholars, so it's more than just the money, it's admittance into a special group of people. Funding these fellowships furthers the goals of the Trudeau Foundation.
    On the other hand, the Vanier is a government-funded fellowship that is awarded to support the best student(s) at each school. This is public, taxpayer money that the Government of Canada has invested into science, engineering, and humanities. Funding these students further the goals of the Canadian Government.
    Ultimately, they all contribute to betterment of our society and it's great (in my opinion) to see both public and private organizations invested in the future of research in Canada.
  4. Upvote
    PsychBoy reacted to Lanie in Vanier CGS 2016-2017   
    Good luck everyone. I found this forum really helpful during the process last year.
  5. Upvote
    PsychBoy reacted to Jay's Brain in Two weeks to study for the psych GRE   
    The good news is that if you majored in psychology there is almost nothing on the Subject Test that will be new to you (for me, the only thing that was foreign was I/O questions). Given the brevity in the time you have to study, I would say to take a stab at the practice test first. See how well you do on it, and look at the areas that you did the worst in. Also, keep in mind that the different question concentrations are not weighed equally. Some areas of study are more prevalent and will have more questions than others. In that case, you can also try to focus on the larger sections since you have the option to skip some (if I recall correctly). What your focus of study was in psychology (social/personality, biological/cognitive, etc) can determine which sections to look at more closely.
    It is possible to do well, but you'll need to work on it in those days! Good luck!
  6. Upvote
    PsychBoy reacted to Butterfly_effect in Reference/recommendation letters from undergrad?   
    Fellowship season is upon us, but as a second year student, I only probably have one potential letter writer at my grad institution (my PI). Most fellowships require 3-4 letters. Is it a horrible thing to have 2 of the 3 letters be from undergrad? For me personally, these would be from two different institutions (one REU, one my undergrad college) with PIs that worked with me and I ended up being on a paper in each lab. I just don't think anyone from my grad institution would know me as well. There have been professors whose classes I've done well in, but they can't really speak to my research ability. 
  7. Upvote
    PsychBoy reacted to Lanie in Vanier 2015-2016   
    Congratulations everyone and good luck with CGS for those who didn't get it this round!
    I did get the Vanier SSHRC. Still sort of feeling dizzy.
  8. Upvote
    PsychBoy reacted to orange turtle in Vanier 2015-2016   
    Long time lurker but first time posting. In fact, I just signed up.
    I am thinking of applying for the Vanier next year. I am curious what candidates who got forwarded by their institutions put for their leadership section.
    Also, what about research potential? It says in this section that "both the prestige of the Vanier CGS and the stage and nature of the candidate's academic career should be considered." Does this mean if you're a 1st year Phd, they expect you to have fewer publications than a 2nd year and so forth? Or that different research councils have different expectations? (I will be applying to CIHR)
    Thanks, and good luck for results tomorrow! I wish everyone the best!
  9. Upvote
    PsychBoy reacted to LMK in Vanier CGS 2016-2017   
    Hello everyone!
    I`m applying to Vanier CGS 2016-2017. Is there any other applicants here? If we could count with the help (some tips, guidelines, etc) of those who are already accepted that would be great.
  10. Upvote
    PsychBoy reacted to Beals in Vanier CGS 2016-2017   
    I'll be applying for a SSHRC!  I started flipping through last years SSHRC thread, but it's mainly people freaking out and it was the opposite of helpful (I have enough anxiety of my own- don't need to read other peoples!!). 
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