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Posts posted by Yak1030

  1. 15 hours ago, scarvesandcardigans said:

    Nice, congratulations!! That's awesome! Now I know who to collaborate with in Iowa. :) That has to be so exciting! Celebrate this!!!

    Thank you so much!! I'm sure I will thrive there. And I know who to collaborate with at Penn State! ;)


    4 hours ago, erasingdinosaurs said:

    Thanks @scarvesandcardigans! I ended up emailing someone else at UVA and got a really nice reply in under 10 minutes. Emailed someone else at UNC and was told I'd find out in early April (so late!). I think I'll withdraw my applications and accept an offer for an MA. I'm so excited and I think this is the best fit for me!


     Wow, that is late! But I think you are making a good decision...I would imagine that in any case doing the MA first will make your application more attractive when applying for PhD programs. 

  2. 2 hours ago, erasingdinosaurs said:

    Hi everyone! So I'm waiting to hear from 2 more schools. I'm not exactly expecting acceptances (which is okay, they're PhD programs and I'm pretty set on doing the MA first), but I do want to hear from them before I accept/decline the offers I have. So, I guess I'm wondering if I should keep on waiting or if I should assume I've been rejected. The schools (UNC and UVA) have sent out acceptances and I've emailed both to ask about a time line for when I would get my results (UNC gave me a generic reply and UVA never responded). I'm not really sure what to do now. I don't want to email and ask them again, but I also want to know if I'm on a wait list or even if I've just been plain rejected. I'm not really anxious to hear from them, but I'm worried that I'm waiting too long to get back to other programs. My first offer was made over a month ago now. Anyone have any advice/guidance? 

    If the other schools haven't given you a deadline to accept...or if they have and it still isn't for a while...then I wouldn't worry about waiting some more before making a decision. I wouldn't say that you are definitely rejected from UNC or UVA; they are likely waiting too see who is going to accept/reject their offers. What's bad is you might not know until very late in the game their official decision :/. It seems like UNC is determined to give you the runaround, so I guess the only other thing you could try is calling their graduate director or secretary (gulp) to try to get more specifics. Same with UVA, although maybe with them you could email someone else than you did the first time. 

  3. I've been accepted by the University of Iowa for their master's program in Hispanic linguistics...and I will be accepting if I am awarded an assistantship. The coordinator implied to me that everyone admitted gets an assistantship, but they couldn't guarantee anything yet. It would be a dream-come-true though because the stipend would be 19k, more than I ever expected from anywhere. However my backup school wants me to accept their offer by March 10, so I'm kind of in a bind. I'm hoping I find out before then. 

    @scarvesandcardigans congrats on Penn State!! I'm told that is one of the most prestigious and difficult programs to get into. So happy for you! 

  4. Yeah, I hate it when schools give those kinds of generic replies. Like, I understand that a lot of people may be asking the same thing, but for me I at least appreciate a response that doesn't appear copied and pasted. A lack of at least slightly personalized communication gives me a bad vibe. 

  5. It seems like most of the graduate programs for Spanish send out their acceptances in waves.  They select the applicants they want the most at first, hypothetically filling their target class size. Then, they wait to see if these people they accepted accept or reject their offer. When enough people have rejected their offer, they send out another "wave" of acceptances, and the process repeats until spaces are filled. This is what both Illinois-UC and Indiana told me when they said I was on their waiting list. So @Spanport, you might ask UNC about the application of your status, because in both of those instances with me I had to reach out to the department to acquire this information. In other words, they might not tell you directly if are on the waitlist. 

  6. MA club Jajaja ! I decided to do the MA thing as well. I figure it will give me some time to figure out what I want to do. For me, for example, I'm not sure whether I want to PhD in Hispanic linguistics, Second language acquisition, or linguistics in general. I'm sure doing the masters first will give me some clarity. 

  7. Not much to update from me. Indiana and Illinois-UC have waitlisted me...though Illinois kindly phrased it to me that I had a strong application, but just wasn't in the "first wave." So maybe I have a chance. I'm still waiting on Iowa and Wisconsin-Madison...neither have released admissions decisions yet. I'm happy that as of now nowhere has outright "rejected" me. @erasingdinosaurs did you hear back from UNC? 

  8. 10 hours ago, Spanport said:

    I personally eat my feelings and make myself crazy by looking at campus photos of my top choice schools :lol::P... not sure I'm much help... this is just such a stressful time. 

    I would also love to know how some of you are actually dealing with this anxiety. 


    10 hours ago, Argengringa said:

    Hahaha, same! I spend roughly 2 hours a day looking at campus photos and searching apartments on craigslist for all my top choices. And the eating part, too. Lots of that. 

    Guilty of all of the above ???

    I wonder if it's just something about us Spanish grad applicants ? 

  9. 1 hour ago, erasingdinosaurs said:

    Do you mind if I ask what your email looked like? I'd like to send one, but I don't want to come across negatively. 

    I'll PM you @erasingdinosaurs . And @scarvesandcardigans I didn't tell this school that I had other offers, but I don't imagine that it would make a difference. I just thought it was a little early in the game to be saying that kind of thing (though that doesn't mean you can't). Now, as we approach April 15th I may begin throwing that out there in hopes of a response, haha, 

  10. On 1/25/2017 at 3:30 PM, scarvesandcardigans said:

    Exactly!! One one hand, I feel as though contacting them and letting them know is just an annoyance and makes them more likely to discard your application than really consider it, but on the other, I feel like that is a ridiculous assumption to make. (With the situation at Rutgers, they accept 2-3 people, so they are looking for a decision quickly to not lose their first/second/third/etc. choices, which I totally get). I'm going to consult with a professor in my department tonight on how to word something like this in correspondence, so I can pass along the info if desired! 


    Going back to what we were talking about last week, I emailed one of my programs today, asking for a general timeframe of when I could expect an admissions decision. They were very nice about it, and told me not to worry at all about asking that kind of question...and they gave me the information I needed. So, I wouldn't worry too much about emailing and asking for updates. 

  11. I've just received news that I've been accepted at Western Michigan for their masters program! That, along with Michigan State, is two acceptances so far out of 7 applications! @scarvesandcardigans I've been going back and forth with the idea of contacting the other schools. On the one hand, it probably would speed up the process. On the other, I'm really scared of coming across as annoying by doing such a thing. Oh the stress! 

  12. 3 minutes ago, scarvesandcardigans said:

    Gotcha gotcha. That makes sense! Like I said, there are tons of programs with their own protocols. And those are really reputable programs. It's actually surprising, in my opinion, when programs don't do interviews, because of the aforementioned point - how do they know what your language skills are like?! 

    I definitely agree. I really don't mind the interview process, to be honest. It makes the process more personal. It also helps reassure those of us whose native language isn't Spanish that we are not imposters who seem better prepared on paper than they are in real life. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, scarvesandcardigans said:

    In my experience I've never had a pre-admissions interview, but there are tons of programs, so that might just be luck of the draw. I know that at NCSU and UC Davis and Berkeley, at least when I applied, I had to send in a recording of me speaking about myself and various topics, and for the UC schools, I had to read a paragraph provided by them as well. 

    I'm not sure if any schools do interviews for language programs, but I could be totally wrong and definitely welcome someone to say they had one, it would be great to know what they are like. 

    Well, I had a skype interview with Michigan State for their Masters program and have another one scheduled for U of Wyoming. My interview with Michigan was entirely in Spanish, and to my knowledge my interview with Wyoming will be as well. These  are the first programs I've heard back from so that probably is what led me to believe that this is the norm .

  14. 30 minutes ago, erasingdinosaurs said:

    Has anyone been admitted to a program without an interview process? I'm curious what to expect :) 

    You know, I've kind of been wondering the same thing. I think the interview process is the way they evaluate your Spanish-speaking skills (or English-speaking skills of you are an international student) so I imagine that most of the programs will require it. I could be wrong, though. 

  15. So I've applied to University if Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IU, University of Iowa, University of Wyoming, Michigan State University, Western Michigan University, and University of Wisconsin-Madison. So far I have heard back from Michigan State and Wyoming. I had a skype interview with Michigan State, and they have offered me admission with an assistantship. I also have an interview tomorrow with Wyoming! 


    Note: All are masters programs and most are concentrated in Hispanic linguistics 

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