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Posts posted by knowledge

  1. UoR's CS departments is one of the smaller ones in the nation, even smaller than Purdue's. In total, they have approximately 42 (+/- 3) PhD students in their program. They admit around 10 new students each year (10 total, not just international). The recent trend has been that 70% (or 7) of the 10 accepted annually are international applications. So this is the likely breakdown of who will get accepted this year:

    *3 applicants from the U.S or Canada

    *7 applicants from international schools

    The upper bound for their number of acceptances per year is 12, so the numbers may be 4 and 8 respectively if they really like the pool of students. If you're an international applicant, your odds are better than mine (if the trend holds up). They had narrowed the pool to around 21 U.S/Canada students (at least that's how many were invited for a site visit), so I imagine that the total amount of finalists is in the 40-50 ballpark. Our odds as finalists are 10/(40 to 50) or 20-25%. Certainly not bad, but it is really competitive.

    I'm guessing that we'll hear from them around April 8th, meaning we probably won't have a lot of time to consider our options with other schools. I personally don't care, as long as I get in, haha, although the wait is excruciatingly painful. In fact, I have yet to hear anything, even from my safety school (geez, I better get in there, I have solid enough credentials I would think...).

    Oh well, we'll see. If I hear anything, I'll let you know ASAP. You'll probably hear before me. I'm not that lucky :-)


  2. No response from U of R yet. I'm applying for their CS PhD program (I'm guessing you are too, so good luck).

    They don't say anything until April anyways, and only 30% of those accepted are U.S./Canadian students, and they only take 10.

    yea, I agree with the other guy, it's not your best option. It's a solid school, no questioning, but there are better. The area is pretty lousy, but so are a lot of other American cities.

    I don't know, do what's best for you. However, if you go to another school, it gives me a better shot of getting in :-) [i live in the area and want to stay in Rochester]

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