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Posts posted by lafayette

  1. @annieca

    Congrats on Aber! Would this degree be able to get you the proper certification for archival jobs in the U.S. though, I wonder? Just to consider, and something I can't help but think of because my best pal is graduating from a great MLIS program here (with tons of top internships under her belt, which is key) and is very anxious about getting a job in this incredibly competitive field. (Although it sounds like you're already building up a rockin' resume).

  2. That was me. I got an email from the department's graduate coordinator with an offer letter/financial info attached. I'm pretty excited, this was a top choice. I was waitlisted there two years ago, and now acceptance with a masters!

    Congrats!! (Things are moving fast this year!)

  3. i'd love some stories from experienced grad cafe folks who realized a major flaw in their application and still got in

    i'm sure most of my feeling is just having to get up at 7 on a saturday feeling slightly hungover as it is...why isn't it february yet?!

    Yes, me. At Johns Hopkins, where i just got in. Firstly, almost all my schools received a CV with a big, dumb bold spelling mistake. But I tried not to beat myself up. But my worst mistake ( that I know of) was butchering, and I mean butchering, a professor's name in the dept in my fit paragraph. Luckily not my two main POIs but it was a very blatant mistake. And suffice to say ... They did not care. So please try not to fixate on your mistake, as there is nothing you can do about it at this point. I know it's impossible to forget but ... Good things can happen. We are all human.

    That said, my Berkeley app was pretty sloppy (the writing sample ... It was my first and I could have given it so much more care) & I've pretty much assumed I'm out there. But who knows. Just trying to keep myself busy with other things. And other good news.

    Best of luck.

  4. Congratulations to those who are receiving good news. :)


    Incidentally, how terrible is a very basic grammatical slip toward the end of one's SOP? "The research of X and Y are..." (should be "is," obviously).

    Just want to share that I just got accepted to a program where I mangled (really... just mangled) a professor's name in my fit paragraph. Luckily not the main POI, but still! I was pretty embarrassed, but it all worked out. I think they understand these things happen.

  5. Are there many of you who are in/applied to PhD programs without an MA? I'm a couple of years out of college and I'm applying to mostly PhD programs (one MA). That seems a little uncommon around here? I wonder how adversely I should expect that to effect my results.

    While I did get a M.A., I sort of think of it as I HAD to, as I didn't major in history as an undergrad. I knew I wouldn't be competitive in the slightest, so it was my time to right that and actually take some history courses. Personally of those I know who are in humanities PhD programs, all of them went from undergrad to a PhD program (some immediately, some with years between). I really don't think not having one rules you out at all. I was just glad for the opportunity to do some work post-undergraduate to show what I wanted to do / was actually capable of.

  6. JHU acceptance was me. I am thrilled because this means I am going to go get my PhD after all! As I said in the results note -- it was an informal email from a POI who had received word I was admitted. She also mentioned everything official was coming next week, so fret not (although ok, it's hard not to) if you haven't heard yet.

  7. What's going on in Harvard? It looks to me they started arranging interviews and I'm not on their list. Don't know if I should hate or love this results search page.

    I wouldn't worry about it. It sounds like one POI wanted to chat with a potential applicant. This happened to me at one of my schools & I didn't post it on the results page as it was obviously just my POI's preference. Hang tight!

  8. I'm not currently in school, so I've just been doing lots of pleasure reading (some of which would not be so pleasurable to others, I imagine) because I know that will soon come to an end. Right now, Elaine Dundy's The Dud Avocado, which is enjoyable simply for its 1950s Paris setting.

  9. I'm so sorry Lafayette, I wish I could. On the other hand.... it's an expensive area to live in and there is really nothng better to do in the town. Would it help if I told you the graduate housing is seriously post world war II temporary housing? And last year they had to take down a graduate apartment building because it weirdly had both asbestus and fire code violations?


    Ah, yes, sounds absolutely horrible. I definitely do not want to go there. No way. 

    (Just going to casually forget about all the questionable health standards of the various old 'renovated' tenement buildings I've lived in in NYC)

  10. I had an unexpected phone interview with a POI (unexpected in that my field doesn't interview much). I hadn't contacted my POI before -- he reached out to me, which was nice. The interview was terrifying but great! Great in that after it ended I was very excited to continue having such conversations! I do hope I get into a program.

  11. Me too. Terrible deadline, though. Jan 2. Gahhhh...


    Although yesterday when I was incapacitated the January 2nd deadline haunted a little, it wasn't so bad in the end. Actually, I preferred it. I feel as if my applications became progressively better. Though, as I was working on new ones, I would find litlte mistakes in those formerly submitted  (like a rather ridiculous typo on my CV that was submitted for all but one of my apps! NO idea how I missed it) that I would convince myself would result in my prompt rejection from all programs (kidding! mostly.)


    So thrilled to be done! Now the worst part -- waiting.

  12. As far as I know, interviews for history PhD programs are not all that common. To my knowledge, none of the schools I am applying to conduct interviews. Yale does, and there was some discussion of that last year (but I see you're not applying there), and yes, not receiving an invitation to interview was an implicit rejection. You can check out the "results" sections too and see if anyone mentioned interviews for your schools in the past. I would not worry though about not hearing anything yet. If other years are a good bet, nothing is going to happen much for about a month.

  13. Harvard applicants- Any applying to History of Am Civ?


    I am. Working (or rather, procastinating) on my application right now. Looking forward to submitting, as it will be my last.

  14. I feel a bit foolish over such an oversight, especially with the time I spent on each application.

    But most importantly, don't beat yourself over this -- this is exhausting work! And I CAN assure you they aren't going to throw out your application because of this. Instead, congratulations on completing your applications!

  15. As I mentioned to my friends, I've officially hit the "hyperventilating into a paper bag" stage of PhD apps. :)

    This was me just a few days ago. But now I've submitted most of my apps save for one, which feels so odd after thinking about this process for so long and being in a working frenzy for the past month or so!

    Now I'd just like to know, and I think January will be rough in its waiting. More okay now with the idea of being rejected than I thought I'd be -- because at least it's some response, and I'd like for it to be done! Although the idea of being rejected from all and having to go through this again totally haunts ... but let's save that worry for another day.

  16. Are any members here applying to Johns Hopkins and/or Harvard? After submitting my applications yesterday, I noticed that the general graduate school webpages mention that applicants must upload a copy of their transcripts and also send in a copy of their transcripts. Perhaps because other schools do not require this, I am just now noticing it and a bit worried as the deadlines have now passed.

    Should I contact the Graduate Schools tomorrow? If I rush mail transcripts to these schools, despite coming in late, do you think that they will still be accepted? Johns Hopkins mentions that official transcripts must be recieved prior to the application deadline. I wonder if there is any possibility of them accepting transcripts a few days late?

    Thanks in advance for any and all advice.

    Yes, both. I also noticed this yesterday for Johns Hopkins, day of the deadline. I'm just sending my transcripts via mail on Monday. Since they have the unofficial I'm really not sweating it at all, and figured others would be in the same boat. But good to know about Harvard too (have started app but missed that, somehow) -- my deadline for that one isn't till January.

  17. Rawson's book on Boston is very good. Read it a few weeks ago and might be the best individual book I've read this year.

    Agreed, and I believe it was born out of his dissertation he wrote while at Wisconsin with Cronon as his advisor.

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