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Posts posted by hugheswf

  1. 2 hours ago, Horb said:

    I just want to say that my school had about 32 semifinalists this year and we only had about 6 people get the grant. Other years, we'd have 20 semifinalists and 14 receive offers. This is all to say that it is a very weird selection process and so your school not getting a research grant may have nothing to do with the FPA. I work in my school's scholarship office and I cannot tell you how many students do not listen to solid advice or just can't seem to incorporate it the right way.

    If you don't mind me asking, what country are you going to? Certain countries may view it as a political issue and others may not. It will also depend on how you word it and if you can find an already established organization to volunteer at, that certainly helps, especially if you are in contact with them. 

    Thanks for your input! I am looking at New Zealand or Austrailia in particular due to their higher levels of civic engagement, but arguably 'worse' disability related services. Aus is interesting because they have mandatory voting, but it doesn't apply to the disabled.

    She made the good point of saying that not every country may want their people more civicly engaged. I do not recall if I had mentioned these two countries in general, but she seemed against my research idea in general. Any additional thoughts would be very appreciated!

  2. Hi all! I recently met with my university's fulbright advisor and I have a few questions. I want to do it on civic engagement among people with disabilities. They recommended against this as it could be 'too political.' It makes sense to an extent, but our school has not received a research grant since this advisor has been here so I am not too confident in their say on the matter. Is their input reliable? Thanks! I would love to go more in depth with someone who might be able to shine some light on this!

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