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  1. Upvote
    coreaffect got a reaction from you'll_never_get_to_heaven in 2022 Results   
    Hi, Larry. Sorry to hear that you're still waiting for news from UBC. I did receive an acceptance (PhD) about a week ago, so they have certainly begun reviewing and deciding on applicants. I have been out of the online-admissions loop, but maybe others have more information on how many students they're looking to accept this year. I did take the offer, so that is one spot gone.
    I also rejected an offer from McGill, which hopefully speeds up the waitlist! For anyone that happens to get into McGill, I wanted to quickly note that at least two faculty members, Prof. Fiasse and Prof. Al-Saji, are, by my lights, quite kind and personable. (Of course, this is just one experience.)
  2. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from TakingACarnap in 2022 Results   
    Hi, Larry. Sorry to hear that you're still waiting for news from UBC. I did receive an acceptance (PhD) about a week ago, so they have certainly begun reviewing and deciding on applicants. I have been out of the online-admissions loop, but maybe others have more information on how many students they're looking to accept this year. I did take the offer, so that is one spot gone.
    I also rejected an offer from McGill, which hopefully speeds up the waitlist! For anyone that happens to get into McGill, I wanted to quickly note that at least two faculty members, Prof. Fiasse and Prof. Al-Saji, are, by my lights, quite kind and personable. (Of course, this is just one experience.)
  3. Upvote
    coreaffect got a reaction from Hamid.ir in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to Simon Fraser, including full funding, travel funds, and the special graduate entrance scholarship. I am surprised: my writing sample was extremely niche, disallowing me to gauge how the committee would view it. Whatever the case, I am glad they found my research outline appealing, as I was nervous about this a month ago.
  4. Like
    coreaffect reacted to BabyFarmer in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to Western Ontario and Guelph PhDs.
  5. Like
    coreaffect reacted to somethingwitty in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    So I was originally accepted to the M.A. at Western's Center for Theory and Criticism, but I received a surprising email from the director that they have decided to admit me directly to the doctoral program?? Idk, I got my hopes up too many times this cycle so I need to email to confirm, but I believe a tentative 'yay' is warranted nonetheless!
  6. Like
    coreaffect reacted to pinkgradient in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Just notified that I am accepted with full funding at Arizona. Nice email from Michael Mckenna with the news. I am waitlisted at several other programs, so this was a big relief. Woohoo!
  7. Like
    coreaffect reacted to Christopher Sun in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to Arizona PhD program w/ funding and UCSD PhD program w/ funding.
  8. Like
    coreaffect reacted to somethingwitty in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Not strictly a philosophy program, but I have been accepted to Western's Theory and Criticism program!
  9. Upvote
    coreaffect got a reaction from Mischief in Acceptance Rates?   
    I agree with the point about transparency. Moreover, I wanted to note that the University of British Columbia also makes this information public: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/prospective-students/graduate-degree-programs/phd-philosophy. If you scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Enrolment, Duration & Other Stats" dropdown link, enrolment data from 2015-2019 for their Ph.D. program is available. This also holds for their MA program.
  10. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from ShadyCarnot in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to Simon Fraser, including full funding, travel funds, and the special graduate entrance scholarship. I am surprised: my writing sample was extremely niche, disallowing me to gauge how the committee would view it. Whatever the case, I am glad they found my research outline appealing, as I was nervous about this a month ago.
  11. Upvote
    coreaffect reacted to Mischief in Acceptance Rates?   
    To throw in one example: places like Michigan are transparent about these things. See here and sort for philosophy: 
    I haven't encountered many schools who are like this, but they do exist. I, for one, think departments in every discipline should aim for this kind of transparency, but that would take an institutional change I imagine.
  12. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from Marcus_Aurelius in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to Simon Fraser, including full funding, travel funds, and the special graduate entrance scholarship. I am surprised: my writing sample was extremely niche, disallowing me to gauge how the committee would view it. Whatever the case, I am glad they found my research outline appealing, as I was nervous about this a month ago.
  13. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from PHILOKEV in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to Simon Fraser, including full funding, travel funds, and the special graduate entrance scholarship. I am surprised: my writing sample was extremely niche, disallowing me to gauge how the committee would view it. Whatever the case, I am glad they found my research outline appealing, as I was nervous about this a month ago.
  14. Like
    coreaffect reacted to PolPhil in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Congrats. Simon Fraser is a first-class MA program
  15. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from ARISTZSCHE in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to Simon Fraser, including full funding, travel funds, and the special graduate entrance scholarship. I am surprised: my writing sample was extremely niche, disallowing me to gauge how the committee would view it. Whatever the case, I am glad they found my research outline appealing, as I was nervous about this a month ago.
  16. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from eleatics in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to Simon Fraser, including full funding, travel funds, and the special graduate entrance scholarship. I am surprised: my writing sample was extremely niche, disallowing me to gauge how the committee would view it. Whatever the case, I am glad they found my research outline appealing, as I was nervous about this a month ago.
  17. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from BabyFarmer in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to Simon Fraser, including full funding, travel funds, and the special graduate entrance scholarship. I am surprised: my writing sample was extremely niche, disallowing me to gauge how the committee would view it. Whatever the case, I am glad they found my research outline appealing, as I was nervous about this a month ago.
  18. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from semiotic_mess in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to Simon Fraser, including full funding, travel funds, and the special graduate entrance scholarship. I am surprised: my writing sample was extremely niche, disallowing me to gauge how the committee would view it. Whatever the case, I am glad they found my research outline appealing, as I was nervous about this a month ago.
  19. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from Marcus_Aurelius in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to the MA at UofT w/ full funding. Extremely comforting as I grew up in TO. ?
  20. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from ShadyCarnot in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to the MA at UofT w/ full funding. Extremely comforting as I grew up in TO. ?
  21. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from PolPhil in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to the MA at UofT w/ full funding. Extremely comforting as I grew up in TO. ?
  22. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from ConcreteBalloon in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to the MA at UofT w/ full funding. Extremely comforting as I grew up in TO. ?
  23. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from eleatics in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to the MA at UofT w/ full funding. Extremely comforting as I grew up in TO. ?
  24. Like
    coreaffect got a reaction from BabyFarmer in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    Accepted to the MA at UofT w/ full funding. Extremely comforting as I grew up in TO. ?
  25. Like
    coreaffect reacted to emilydickinson in 2021 Acceptance Thread   
    I got accepted at DePaul 2/5!!! 
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