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Posts posted by madamoiselle

  1. @Saltshaker SWEET! Are you a feminism theorist?! If so, that's my speciality as well! I was really close to applying to Penn State, but didn't at the last minute (nothing bad on their part, just administrative/money issues on my end). That program looks outstanding, I wish the best for you!

  2. @Green.Mango thank you so much! I'm sure you'll be hearing news very, very soon :)

    I was also beginning to think that it could be a troll, actually... but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt for now and say that they are just an incredible applicant!

    If they're out there, reading this, I really wanna know what this person's speciality is because I'm curious as to how all of the schools they applied to fit in with their research; they're all really diverse!  

  3. @Saltshaker ayy congrats on Penn State!! It's such an awesome program! 

    On the note of your recommendations, I believe that because their deadline is relatively late and recommendation forms are sent out after submission, they may give writers quite a bit of time and start the interview process without all of the app components. Either way, congrats again! 

  4. 20 minutes ago, Carly Rae Jepsen said:

    Oh my God. It hasn't even been 15 minutes since I last posted but UNC Chapel Hill just sent me an email saying I've been recommended for admission. This is so kjhkjnkjn

    CONGRATULATIONS! It's such an outstanding feeling, I'm so happy for you!!

  5. @awhiterussian WHAT?! That's incredible! I almost preferred that over Paris, how are you finding it? It must be so exciting and different over there, I'm jealous!

    @Saltshaker Interesting that you mention how encouraging your mentors and advisors were, mine were the same way! I feel like French may be one of the last fields where professors are still actively encouraging students to go to grad school haha



  6. @frenchlover that's such an interesting comment from your advisor, I've never heard that one before! Most out-of-BA candidates seem to be pretty 50/50 on whether they took time off or not. Many successful applicants apply during their senior year (I even know one girl who successfully deferred her admissions post-acceptance to do TAPIF). How many programs are you applying to, if you don't mind me asking? Either way, it seems like you've got it figured out and are diversifying your options, which is really smart! 

  7. @Saltshaker Funny enough, I actually know about Laon because of the Cathedral. I have a friend in Amiens who went and took photos, haha :) I'm at one lycée working with 2nde, 1ere and terminale! I'm very happy where I am -- I'm in a ZEP so their English proficiency is a bit lower, but I adore my kids and my colleagues rock (such also means that I also get to work on my French more!) 

  8. @Saltshaker I don't think there's anything odd with doing a second gap! I'm in TAPIF right now in the Paris region and many of my friends are renewing for year 2 before they apply to graduate school. I also have first and second-year grad school friends who took 2-3 years off. TAPIF/Americorps are awesome gap year programs! Which académie were you in? :)

    Huge congrats on the Columbia interview! 

  9. Thank you so, so much you guys! I'm excited, and have had quite an emotionally exhausting day. I emailed some of my old professors letting them know, and they say that this is definitely the time decisions start rolling out and the whole process kicks into gear. Best of luck for everybody going into this week! 

  10. @frenchlover Dr. Young! His work is outstanding and right up my alley. I spoke to him this past fall and he was so eager and excited to help, it really spoke well on behalf of the school. The staff is so lovely and kind as a whole, you can definitely tell they love their community!

    I was worried because I had heard that funding was iffy in prior years, so the fact that I get a funding package honestly drove me to a complete emotional breakdown. I'm stoked! It's going to be a tough choice if I get any more acceptances, Berkeley has been one of my best fits and top choices for years now.

  11. @awhiterussian oh never mind! You just shared your update at the same time somebody updated the results page. You still rock though for getting your interviews! :) if you google "gradcafe results" and then type "french" into the search bar, it'll show you people who are updating admissions/rejections and such.

    Ahh, so you applied to Penn as well? (Sorry if you already mentioned, I'm on mobile otherwise I would check!) I was actually thinking about how large their last incoming class was -- 6 or 7 just for French, if I remember correctly, which is huge! I imagine funding is getting pretty tight, then, so they probably only accepted 2-4 off the bat. Oh well, on we go! Hopefully some good news in the forthcoming weeks ?

  12. @awhiterussian it looks like Penn waits to see if their top candidates take a position or not, everybody else is just on a quiet waitlist for the time being. Rejections don't seem to come in writing until late February or March, so those who have heard back are likely top candidates. I applied to Penn, it's an awesome program, but the fit isn't as amazing as it could be so I'm not expecting a whole lot :( 

    Also if that is you on the results board, you rock so hard!! Félicitations on all of the good news, keep us updated :D 

  13. I'm also on high anxiety about Penn -- they tend to send out acceptances on the same day (judging from the results page), so I'm bracing myself for a rejection at this point. Oh well, what happens happens, all we can do is hope for the best; that we get put in a program that likes us and is a good fit! 


    Funding also wouldn't hurt lol ;) 

  14. I was also a due date submission - I turned one in yesterday. I too spend a lot of time re-reading my essays since I made a mistake in one of them before, and I also didn't get paid until this weekend. 

  15. @frenchlover I don't think so. From what I could tell during applying/emailing departments, I think they only run when graduate officers are in office, which seems to be normal school hours (M-F 8-5). That being said, we can probably relax for the weekend! :)

  16. ^^Yeah, it's definitely much more convoluted when you consider a Romance Languages department versus a completely French department. My alma mater (UT) publishes stats and they get ~18 a year, and Yale published stats back in 2016 getting 27, I believe. As for NYU, I know they say that they get 100+, but I agree that they factor in their multiple masters programs and the multiple PhDs as well, so proportionally (3 masters, the history interdiscp. and 2 PhD tracks), that would make sense. 

    I've been getting reminder emails from schools where I've opened apps and haven't completed them; they're coming from the departments themselves and not just graduate services, so that's definitely shocking (pleasantly, as it's very personal and feel-good!) It's also telling as to the smaller, incredibly intimate applicant pool. I've also heard that with such smaller pools, things like GPA and GRE decrease in importance. Where as they are cutoffs for really large programs (History, English) the selection becomes much, much more holistic for French and everything balances out. Essentially, it's too complex to tell! And as @Carly Rae Jepsen said, nobody puts their stats on the results page, and there's quite a bit of variety (lower stats getting in over higher stats, etc.) 

    I also applied to Northwestern!  Do you know how the applicant count is looking @frenchlover?


  17. @Carly Rae Jepsen awesome, so glad to hear that your interview went well!

    I truly have no idea where I stand with most of my schools... I know the French PhD process is more holistic because most programs receive so few applications compared to other humanities, but even so, I'm still incredibly nervous. I'm feeling pretty pessimistic about 2 as well, and have been detaching myself from hoping  for an acceptance lol. However, the others still have hope, I'm just trying not to get too confident!

    My first result should be within the next week or so, and I am petrified. Oh well, all we can do is hope for the best! :)

  18.  @frenchlover I wouldn't fret about being an undergrad whatsoever; in fact, a number of my friends got into PhD programs before the culmination of their undergraduate studies. 

    As for emailing, I emailed a few professors earlier on in the semester, but not all of them. I asked my undergraduate advisor what he thought about emailing, as he is a professor who advises dissertations, and he said to only email if you had an actual question about their research or the program. The general "are you taking students?" is really only reserved for STEM majors, it seems. The professors I spoke to encouraged me to apply, so it was relatively nice! However, not emailing won't hurt you as it might in STEM. 

    I didn't even think about speaking to graduate students! I may speak to them if I get accepted to any program. 

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