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Posts posted by lemondrop825

  1. On 7/15/2017 at 7:41 PM, rising_star said:

    @lemondrop825, yes, they exist but many are "cash cow" programs used to support the PhD students. And since most of the master's programs are at PhD-granting institutions, it's unclear in many cases how much attention/experience master's students acquire during their degree program. Either way, it seems like the OP has picked schools based on their name and without considering other factors like research fit, funding, availability of lab space/mentors, coursework, etc.

    I said nothing about the quality of theses programs. All I said is that they exist. Depending on his career goals it might be better if he wants to get into industry. You are really making sweeping statements about these programs without any evidence to back up your claims. 

  2. A quick glance of google shows there are actually many masters degree programs in Biology. They are by no means rare or uncommon. There are actually a lot I have found directed towards biotechnology and industry if that is what you are looking for. However not all biology programs grant masters degree so its important to check.

  3. where does it say the student is in ECE. I have to disagree. I think there are many STEM programs where students are encouraged to drive their own research. If you would like to show me the data please do so.

    "I do not think a student-advisor relationship is so one-sided that students cannot have a say in what she/he studies. Part of a thesis is that students learn how to formulate his/her questions and topics."

    I no idea how this indicates that I think an advisor has to go along with whatever. What I'm saying is that the thesis topic should be a MUTUAL discussion.

  4. 39 minutes ago, cowgirlsdontcry said:

    Lemondrop, Paulwece first says that they agreed on a thesis topic, then writes that he "mentioned 3 possibilities."  As you know, having written a thesis, the topic must be nailed down and discussed in detail with the advisor before submitting a proposal. To simply narrow it to three possible choices is not enough, even though he has talked to the advisor about them. He also does not state what about the proposal was rejected. Was it the topic or was it more about how he was approaching the topic? Some of the things he states, he contradicts. He also does not clarify exactly why the advisor wanted him to work with her PhD student. Was it for guidance in research techniques, or ideas for topics? He doesn't say, just that he didn't want to work on that project for the reasons he gives.

    It's unclear at what stages OP is in in his master's program. We do not know if the proposal OP sent is a final proposal. We do not know if this program requires formal proposals. Not all master's programs work the same way and some advisors treat proposals more flexibly than others. It could just be an informal proposal as part of discussions to settle on a more exact topic/questions.


    43 minutes ago, cowgirlsdontcry said:

    As a TA I would get papers of undergrads to review and occasionally would get one that was so bad, there was no fixing it. I would tell the student they had to rewrite it. Of course, that didn't go over too well and invariably they would go to the professor and ask him to review the paper again, hoping to override what I had told them. Perhaps Paulwece doesn't want to deal with a PhD student. That happens. He can change advisors. That also happens, but it all depends on what his schedule for thesis looks like as to whether it's a good idea.

    I have no idea what this has to do with anything in this discussion. It's pretty clear he does not want to work with the PhD because that research is not related to the type of research he wants to do. I didn't recommend OP send a formal complaint. I didn't know grad students could even do this. In some programs students are encouraged to talk with grad program advisors if they have disagreements with their advisors to help mitigate the situation. Obviously this comes with risks, but OP will have to decide if this is worth it. This is not the same as sending a formal complaint.

  5. You are putting words into my mouth. OP said they AGREED on a topic and seems the advisor went back on their word. I didn't say the advisor is required to advise a student on a project they don't want to advise (but it sounds like they AGREED on a topic before taking them on). But at the same time, an advisor can't dictate what a student's project is. An IMPORTANT part of training grad students is allowing them to develop their own questions. Dictating projects to students is a sign of a bad advisor. OP did not say whether they are using the advisor's grant money or not.  If that is the case the student is not a student, but an employee. All we have is the OPs version of the relationship. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Also, we have no idea what the advisor's contractual work obligations are. Regardless, if an assistant professor takes a student on they should support the student. It is part of their duties to run a successful research program and that includes supporting students. I have no idea how an assistant professor expects to make tenure if they do not want to work over the summer.

  6. I have to disagree with the other posters. I think you are in the right. You said you "agreed on a thesis topic." I do not think a student-advisor relationship is so one-sided that students cannot have a say in what she/he studies. Part of a thesis is that students learn how to formulate his/her questions and topics. If you are using your advisors grant money to fund your research that is one thing. But if you are not receiving any money or stipend for this, I do not think this is right. As someone who has completed a master's based thesis, the summer is a crucial time especially if you TA during the school year so I get that you are frustrated that your advisor is not around. I know that advisors have other responsibilities, but they need to balance this with supporting their students. If you can't come to an agreement, I have known several students who have switched advisors. It's been done before. Try to speak to the graduate advisor to mitigate this situation. 

  7. You don't state if you contacted any potentials PIs before submitting your application. Making a connection with a PI is the most important thing. In a lot of ecology and evolutionary programs students are nominated by PIs and those who don't do not get admission. It's also important to stress that this is an underfunded field. A lot of times students get rejected because their potential PIs do not have funding to take them on. A lot of this is about timing and luck. Of course, if you get a fellowship like NSF this will make things a whole lot easier.

  8. I guess I need to be more specific about my background. I already have a masters and my research experience is in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology (specifically molecular ecology). I'm anxious to get back into grad school and complete a PhD because I don't want to drag out my graduate education any longer than I have to.  I'm wondering if there is anyone on this forum in a similar position and what they are doing to make their PhD applications more competitive for next year.

  9. Hello,

    I did not get into any PhD programs this year. Right now I'm applying to research technician jobs to gain more experience. However, in the interviews I've had, they have stated they want at least a two year commitment. The PIs I have talked to have stated its takes ideally a year to train a tech before they can contribute to the lab. I ideally would like to apply next year for PhD programs. Has anyone had similar experiences in applying to research tech jobs. Is this normal?

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