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Posts posted by hg92

  1. 24 minutes ago, reidallen said:

    For those who have directly contacted the program admissions office/POIs for application updates, do you have a generic email outline to politely ask in a way that’s not already assuming that you were rejected? 

    I wanna send my updated CV and also ask for an update while I’m at it, but I don’t know who I should directly email and which would be best. I don’t wanna leave a bad first impression with the POIs by being impatient but I don’t know if emailing the program admissions will be enough to get a response about an update. Thanks in advance! 

    Below are the templates I used and received some kind responses from not department coordinators and faculty. 

    Faculty Email Template:

    Dear Dr. xxxxxx,

    I hope the new year is treating you well.

    In applying for th “progam name” this fall, I listed you as a strong mentor fit. I understand the interview selection is considerably underway, and certain faculty already finalized their candidate list. However, because others have not yet extended all invitations, I heard from the department that it is still appropriate to share my updated CV. With this in mind, I've attached it below (”revision summary”).

    Optional: I also asked for it to share with this year’s selection committee/department. 

    Thank you for your time and best of luck with interview season.


    Your Name

    Department Coordinator Email: 

    Hi There,

    I hope you are well this week. I applied to the “program” this fall, and am hoping you might be able to update me in the status of interview selection?
    If you have more concrete info to add, add those(see below):
    I was told that faculty met  to finalize their candidate list yesterday morning. With this is mind I am wondering - have all interviews been extended for the “ clinical, etc.) area?
    Thank you so much for your time!

    Your Name




    Hope this helps! 

    Good luck ?

  2. On 1/21/2021 at 6:43 AM, EileanDonan said:

    Ugh, I was afraid of this. I get the appeal for PI's, but this gets quite close to gatekeeping territory for me. Especially with COVID, networking has become even more difficult. ?

    It's a sad reality. I've seen it in action and University of Miami. That being said that PI ended up accepting not only the student who she a network with, but a second student(who was my colleague). There's always a sliver of hope?

  3. 26 minutes ago, PsychBear92 said:

    Would you feel comfortable sharing the PI? Just curious.

    Sure, if you are referring to Cal with PI was from the cog neuro area, MW. That being said Cal Psych Department(as a whole) typically extends all invites December( in batches ); inviting an extra candidate late into the game is not  a common occurrence. Crazier things have happened though - one year an admitted student received rejections to all the school he applied(including Cal). He then received an NSF GRFP and after some consideration the department revoked the rejection and admitted him.  I have pretty good insight into  all area of their Psych admissions(clinical, social, cog neuro, developmental) b/c when I was a Cal post-bacc student the department chair shared a lot  about their admissions process with us.

    If you're referring to the friend who was admitted and didn't receive an invite late  into January/early February  the reputable program I am referring to is UT-Austin and the PI is AH. 

    May have added too much detail there...the anxiety of applications has truly brought the word vomit- LOL

    Anyway good luck!?

  4. 5 hours ago, reidallen said:

    Question since I’m an anxious mess: If a program already sent out invites, is it safe to assume I got rejected? I don’t wanna keep my hopes up, but I don’t know if it’s PI-specific? If it is, are there interviews later than February? It feels like everything should be finalized right now but I haven’t heard back from any programs :( 

    Some schools are much more PI specific and send out invites sporadically(no formal timeline). If you see a large batch of formal invitations go at once I think it's safe to assume rejection. That being said if it's only preliminary-zoom invites you have  seen I would not assume anything.

    I had a friend hear back late January/early Feb for a very reputable program and be accepted a few years back but other candidate heard back weeks prior.  One year at my previous lab at Cal the PI. added a candidate to the candidate list last minute(everyone else was invited 3 weeks prior). Funny thing is that candidate was only zoom invited while all the others had in person interviews. In the end nobody was accepted, but the zoom invitee made it the furthest into his selection process.

    Also, if you’re anxious you can always email the department. I emailed 4 last week and heard back from 3. They were also very nice). Good luck ?

  5. 14 hours ago, artist257 said:

    Anyone know if WashU/WUSTL sent out their invites formally? I had a prelim interview last week with the PI that I thought went well and she informed me that she'd let applicants know sometime this week but I never heard anything back. Just wanted an idea of whether or not to cross the school off my list. I saw a couple of posters about the school on the results page but I had a different PI than what they listed. Thanks!

    I emailed the department mid last week and Thursday was told decisions are still to be made. They did not give a definitive timeline.

    That being I know my POI informally interviewed early January and rejected some of those candidates already - so am she's also extended invites and am assuming rejection myself. In your case, unless the PI has formally told you no I wouldn't assume rejection.

    Also, you can always email PI since  passed the window give is passed or if you rather not ask directly you can email the department to confirm if formal invites are all out. The department coordinator got back to me within a day last week. 


    Good luck! Crossing my fingers for you. 


  6. In case anyone’s is freaking out about UCSD-SDSU JDP. I emailed the PI applied to work just this pasf Friday morning. I sent her an updated CV and also kind of wanted to check in on if I was rejected.

    She thanked me and she would share my updated CV with the selection committee. I took it mean that not all interviews have yet been extended...

    So if you applied to that program I wouldn’t assume rejection yet...

    That being said,  did any of you apply to work with RM there and receive an invite? 

    Also, has anyone heard from JO at Northwestern Feinberg. I know they haven’t yet extended invites, but still letting my anxiety get the best of me...


    Good luck everyone! ?


  7. Anyone heard from Boston University(PI: ACG) or Washington University in St. Louis(PI: DH)

    I emailed psych grad admissions last week. For WUSTL was told applications are still in review and  interviews have been not been extended. From BU I heard they invites will likely be extended this week for interviews on February 5th. However, have seen nothing yet posted about either program this week. 

    Also, does anyone know the chances of being invited to an interview of alternate at University of Florida of when we can expect to hear back. Seems like the chances of securing an interview are  slim to none since so many waitlist alternate emails went out ?

  8. 13 hours ago, PyschMama said:

    I feel ya, which makes it even scarier to think it's almost Friday. I will genuinely be a hot mess by next Friday if it's still radio salience by then :( anyone think about emailing programs? that's probs a big no no?

    I’ve went ahead and email three program coordinators, none of whom gave me a a negative response.

    I’ve also directly emailed PIs in past cycles  and never received any rude response. In fact, all of them were quite kind(even gentle) in their response.

    I think to some extend they understand the crippling anxiety application season can create...

    Best of luck!

  9. 8 hours ago, plantgirl96 said:

    That's what I wanna know!! does any brave soul wanna email the office of admissions to gain some insight?

    Haha I’m not a brave soul but I went for it and emailed  psych admissions last week. Just today received the below response:

    “We have a large increase in applications this cycle, so timing might be stretched. Faculty typically start contacting applicants early on and sometimes all the way into April.  However, the majority of the formal interviews are done within February.  All applicants are considered, until they receive a deny letter.”


    Good luck!

  10. 8 hours ago, psychapplicant21 said:

    Does anyone know if USC is done with interview invites? 

    I received the below email from USC I today.

    “We have a large increase in applications this cycle, so timing might be stretched. Faculty typically start contacting applicants early on and sometimes all the way into April.  However, the majority of the formal interviews are done within February.  All applicants are considered, until they receive a deny letter.”


    Good luck! 

  11. 3 hours ago, Amelia_450 said:

    Has anyone heard from USC Brain and Cognitive Science about interviews yet? 

    I applied USC brain and cognitive science as well. Haven’t heard anything yet this cycle nor did I reach out to the PI-lab beforehand because I noticed they listed they were accepting students on the lab website.

    If it is helpful I applied there two cycles ago as well and was contacted regarding a phone interview mid-late December which got scheduled for early January. Ultimately, wasn’t invited to their onsite interview, which seems to very small.


    LSS: I wouldn’t be too stressed if you haven’t hear back from them just yet.


    Good Luck and cheers to hearing from them soon. 


  12. 1 hour ago, cindyboop said:

    Another one of my programs sent all their interview invites out and I didn't get one. I feel so defeated :(

    Keep your head up!

    Everytime I'm rejected....I try to reframe things. Instead of thinking that I did not make the cut because I wasn't good enough, I trust the fact that the faculty know what they're doing. They figure out who the best fit during this application season and they're giving the opportunity to somebody else who has worked incredibly hard OR

    perhaps they realized there is room for improvement in my application and if I spent a year nurturing a specific skillset, my time as a graduate student could certainly benefit. I tell myself instead of taking me this year, they are both wise and strategic - and rather take an improved version of me next year, when I've built the skillset I was missing and could finish my PhD in 5-6 years rather than in 7-8. 

    Most of all I focus that with the rejection comes closure and mental freedom. Instead of worrying about this schooI , I  can now exert my energy towards things that matter in the present. For example, l can focus more on preparing for interviews at schools who want me, instead of mindlessly worrying about schools who may or may not want me this year :D 

    Good luck and keeping my fingers crossed that you get admitted to the right school this season :lol:

  13. 18 hours ago, applesauceboss said:

    I'm so excited for all of you guys who have gotten skype interviews and/or interview invites!! Reading about them on this thread really brightens my day :) 

    I applied to two programs at Pitt (Cognitive and Developmental) to work with two different people. A few weeks ago, I was recommended for interviews for both programs by one POI who is accepting students for either program. I ended up choosing to only attend the interview weekend for the cog program because the dev program interview overlaps with my interview at UMD (Human Dev, College of Education). My POI for the dev program recently reached out to me, informed me that I was short-listed, and invited me to a Skype interview with him, his grad students, post doc, and lab manager. 

    Has anyone been told that they are short-listed? What does this mean? Should I prepare for anything in addition to how I would prep if I were just speaking with my POI?

    First off, congrats on the interview invitations!

    Being short-listed means you are on a very short-list of candidates being considered for the position after all applications have been reviewed.... you are on step closer to being offered a spot in the program(but you are still being compared to other candidates - who will be interviewed as well.

    The PI I at Cal who I work for does this. We are interviewing four students in total for one final spot and this seems to be a trend. However, some years we take nobody and other years some PIs take more than one candidates. However, I do not believe all PIs practice this policy....some may only invite one or two people to interview. Best of luck....I'm sure you will rock the interviews! :D

  14. 7 hours ago, ZTG92 said:

    Did UC Berkeley send out rejections as well as invites? I have not heard either way from them.

    Cal sent out interview invites on Dec 20th(for all departments). You probably won't receive an official rejection until later in the game(after they give official offers to those invited to interviews. 


    Best of luck with other schools though :D



  15. I contacted two of my POIs to ask about interview updates this past Friday...I got updates from both on the status of things. They didn't seem to mind. 

    I contacted one of them prior to application season and the other I did not...however, still got responses on that status of application. 
    However, there were responses were to me were a bit different.

    I think it's overall two late in the game to introduce yourself but if you want an update about admissions, I would go ahead and contact them. Best of luck!


  16. 3 hours ago, Sushicat1221 said:

    Hi! New to this website, but thought I would add:

    School Name: UC Berkeley
    Date Interview Invite Received: January 4, 2018
    Degree: PhD
    Type: Developmental
    Notified via: Email
    From: Graduate department
    Interview Date: January 22-23rd, 2018 
    Additional Info: I also saw on the website that they sent all their interview invites in mid-December, so by late December I lost hope for this school, but as you can see, I wasn't notified until early January which came as a huge shock!! So moral of the story, don't lose hope just yet!

    OMG I love this. Congratulations. 

    I actually work at Cal in the cog. neuro area and my lab also just sent out another invitation this weekend. Also, in the past one student who was later admitted, initially was not invited to interview weekend, then received an official rejection - but after receiving an NSF Grant was able to convince the department to admit him :lol: I heard this story straight from the department chair. Moral of the story never lose hope everyone and always be your own advocate - amazing things can happen.

    Cal has some great faculty - so wishing you best of luck at interviews. 


  17. @01sonal LOL. Based on last years admissions results...this is totally what I was sensing.  I  guess the department really needs more money :rolleyes:TBH I normally wouldn't mind be shuttled into the masters if I had the money...but considering I just accumulated $45k in debt completing a post-bacc, it wouldn't even remotely be an option for me. It seems the more effective route would be to work full-time in research and gain relevant experience that way. But hey, if they wanted to offer me admissions into the masters program, my ego wouldn't mind it...it would likely soften the overall wound of the PhD rejection.:lol:


    8 hours ago, 01sonal said:

    I believe NYU often shuttles PhD applicants into their Masters programs lol. Last year when I applied I was even asked point blank by my POI how I would feel about being offered a spot in their MA program.


  18. For those waiting on NYU's social area...I received emailed confirmation from my POI that all invitations for the area have been sent for their open house. 

    However, he mentioned that students are still being considering for their masters programs. 

    Also, keep your heads up everyone....my friend got rejected from their PhD program, accepted into the masters, but ended up with offers from UCLA and Stanford. It's all about fit. :D


  19. Guys, I just couldn't take the agony of waiting any longer -  decided to email two of my POIs to inquire if they have sent out all invitations already.  

    I figure I may as well know and focus my energy on schools that I have heard from instead of wallowing in this ball of anxiety - I also may as well begin discussing with them on  how I can improve my application and be more competitive for next year's cycle if I'm not going to get in this year :) 



  20. If anybody has heard from UCLA's social neuroscience faculty can you DM me your POI.  

    I'm holding onto naïve strand of  hope that perhaps not all invitations have gone out because the department admin emailed me that interview invitations will go out exactly two weeks before interview weekend...and I believe two weeks will be tomorrow...or if you have heard from Jennifer Silvers via the developmental area could you DM me as well. 

    Also, if anybody has heard rom Jay Van Bavel's team at NYU?



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