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    Praying18Crim got a reaction from lm3481 in SUNY Albany   
    Hey guys and gals! I just got accepted into Albany's MA program and will be moving up there either this summer/fall. I'm looking for either someone who can recommend an apt. complex/property manager or if you are looking for a roommate shoot me a message. 
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    Praying18Crim got a reaction from __Anonymous__ in SUNY Albany   
    Hey guys and gals! I just got accepted into Albany's MA program and will be moving up there either this summer/fall. I'm looking for either someone who can recommend an apt. complex/property manager or if you are looking for a roommate shoot me a message. 
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    Praying18Crim got a reaction from Plzacceptme in 2018 App Cycle   
    Hey guys and gals! Just wanted to give an update on what i've heard from MSU. They are expecting to have emails out early next week. Hopefully they will be out Monday or Tuesday. Does anybody know if Albany has officially sent out all of their invites? I know a few people had posted earlier with acceptances, just wondering if that was only for a select few or for everybody, since I haven't gotten a response back from them.
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    Praying18Crim got a reaction from Jinxstar in 2018 App Cycle   
    How's everybody doing? I know my nerves are almost shot and I'm checking my email about 3 times an hour lol.
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    Praying18Crim got a reaction from __Anonymous__ in 2018 App Cycle   
    How's everybody doing? I know my nerves are almost shot and I'm checking my email about 3 times an hour lol.
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    Praying18Crim got a reaction from Luckyb in 2018 App Cycle   
    Congrats LuckyB and Jinx! I got an email from MSU today. The committee handed in it's recommendations and decisions should be going out by the end of the week via email
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