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Posts posted by kalixxxx

  1. On 31/1/2018 at 3:36 AM, eevee said:

    Hi @kalixxxx! It was a really chill interview visit. I talked to 4 PIs (the first one was surprisingly formal in that she had printed out a list of questions and took notes on my responses, but the rest were very casual conversations). Dress code was what I'd consider to be "business casual" -- I wore a dress and a cardigan for interview day and jeans + sweater for other events, and that seemed about middle-of-the-road formality-wise. They have a good range of events to connect interviewees with current students and faculty (including departmental dinners and "cultural events" including off-broadway shows and opera). Also, they got back to us SUPER fast: I got my acceptance letter exactly a week after the interview. PM me if you have any other specific questions! What program are you going for? 

    Thanks for the response and congratulations on your offer! That's amazing (: Is Cornell your top choice or would you rather wait and see how the rest of your interviews go? I really hope they respond quickly after the interview since I am desperately trying to extend some of the offers I got from universities in the UK ;p Good to know they respond quickly (: I am applying for dev bio but since some of the faculty I wanted to interview with are unavailable, I will be interviewing with 2 PIs from cell and cancer biology. Did the PIs expect you to know a lot about their research or was it more of a generic interview? 

  2. 2 minutes ago, strugglebus2k17 said:

    You applied to the BCMB allied program? Do you know when the Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis program will send out invites/if they already have?

    I applied to the BCMB. Hah sorry I am not omniscient, no idea when the invites for other programs are being send but hope you get a positive response soon! 

  3. 1 hour ago, dude3d30 said:

    Guess Weill Cornell has sent out all their invites for interviews? I applied for the BCMB program but didn't get any reply :(

    In the email inviting us for interviews they asked us to accept the invitation by Jan 5th. I don't want to give you false hopes but they might be sending a 2nd round after today - but it's just my speculation. 

  4. 12 hours ago, eevee said:

    Update: just got an email from Weill Cornell's travel people :)

    I saw the email earlier. I was curious to check how many people the email has been forwarded - it's almost 250. If Weill Cornell is inviting a total of 250 people to the PhD interview session then the competition is really tough ;s 


  5. 13 hours ago, shmal96 said:

    This waiting game is brutal. I've gotten a few PhD interview invites so far and i'm super excited, but those who haven't responded yet are my top choices so this whole week has been me compulsively checking my email haha 

    Still waiting to hear from UCSF's Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, NYU/Sackler's Biomedical Sciences, Stanford's Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, Columbia's Cellular Molecular and Biomedical Sciences, and Boston University (though they sent an email before Christmas saying they're overwhelmed with applications and will be continuing to review them throughout January. 

    For UCSF's program - check your application portal and click on admission decisions, the results should be out. I received a generic rejection and they didn't even bother sending me an email to tell me to check the portal. 

  6. 17 hours ago, JacquelineY said:

    Has anyone going to the interview for BCMB program at Weill Cornell been contacted by the travel agency? Since the interview is in two weeks I'm wondering if I should send them an email. 

    I also haven't heard from the travel agency. I will probably contact them by the end of the week since I am residing overseas and I want to buy the flight as early as possible - interviewing 2nd week (Feb7th-Feb9th). 

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