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Posts posted by psyo77

  1. On 2018-03-15 at 1:44 PM, Sephix said:

    Hey sorry,

    They said they had already picked their top 12-15 students in all tracks (they had 4 child students) and their open house (Last Friday) was only for those that got in.

    I am under the impression that if you had no interview then you will be rejected UNLESS, the current 12-15 reject (some will reject from what I heard) and then wait-list and if wait-list rejects then 2nd round of interviews.

    I know this is not what you wanted to hear but that's the info I was given. 

    If you have other questions, let me know and I can find out for you ASAP

    Thanks @Sephix for the update! 

  2. On 2018-02-28 at 6:03 PM, Sephix said:


    Hey sorry guys, one of my friends received their informal offer earlier in the month and their official offer around the 12th...they told me their open house is next Friday the 9th.

    If you are waiting, the chances are, they are trying to see which students will accept and whatnot before sending waitlist or rejection offers.

    I will talk to my friend after the 9th and let you guys know!

    Hey @Sephix, any update from your friend on Windsor (child track)? Still no update on my online portal nor an email back from the secretary! 

  3. 1 hour ago, Sephix said:


    Hey sorry guys, one of my friends received their informal offer earlier in the month and their official offer around the 12th...they told me their open house is next Friday the 9th.

    If you are waiting, the chances are, they are trying to see which students will accept and whatnot before sending waitlist or rejection offers.

    I will talk to my friend after the 9th and let you guys know!

    Thank you for the info! 

  4. 1 hour ago, Psych.kitty said:

    Still waiting to hear back from windsor child clinical... was told I would hear back mid-feb and have since sent an email to the graduate secretary and my POI and have not received any info. Wondering if I should send another as it has been a couple of weeks, and maybe my e-mails were lost among clutter :S anyone have any info?


    1 hour ago, Zipp said:

    Same here! I e-mailed the graduate secretary on Feb 16th and still have not heard anything back...I'm assuming it means those who weren't contacted yet are on the waitlist? I heard that some people were accepted the week of Feb 12th. 

    Same! I emailed the secretary yesterday and did not get a reply. Wish they could tell us something already!

  5. 4 hours ago, RemainingHopeful said:

    Regarding Calgary, I know of one person who got accepted. They did go to the open house around the 9th and heard back early last week in the form of an official letter from the university. 

    Personally, I haven't heard anything, rejection or otherwise. I'm not entirely sure what that means but I'm waiting! 

    And, about York, I haven't heard anything yet, however a friend of mine noticed at least a couple weeks back that their account said Not Successful and only just got the official rejection email today. 

    So I don't really have much information other than that things are happening, just at a very unclear pace. 

    Thanks for the update about Calgary. Have been waiting for some sort of email (rejection or otherwise!- though I'm assuming a rejection at this point). I'm also waiting for a rejection from Windsor (child track) as my online account was last updated December 6th. Just wish rejections came out already so you can decide on what to do for another full year!

  6. On 2018-01-25 at 10:33 PM, Sephix said:

    Hey Everyone,

    Windsor said they will have all interviews done by 11:30a Tues Jan 30th so if you don't hear back before then, then you are unlikely to get an interview there :(

    Has anyone heard back from/or know when Ryerson and Queens will be sending out their interview invites?


    Thanks for this info about Windsor!! Starting to feel like its a rejection at this point :( 

  7. 13 hours ago, roman000 said:

    I have had interviews from Ryerson and Calgary so far. The POI from Calgary already let me know that she chose someone else in a very nice e-mail, still waiting to hear back about Ryerson interview. Also applied to UTSC, Ottawa, McGill, Manitoba, Windsor, and UVic. 

    Going completely bonkers.

    Do you mind sharing your POI from calgary? Haven't heard anything yet and have been anxiously waiting!

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