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Posts posted by missnomer

  1. I'm an older student preparing to apply to graduate schools in statistics and biostatistics for Fall 2019.  

    I have attended a total of 6 schools (3 community colleges (CCs) and 3 separate universities, where I earned my BS, my MA, and then did PhD coursework for a year) from 1993 to present (I'm taking classes at a community college. It's fun.).  I'm afraid my transcripts are kind of a mess: 

    • CC1, 1993: Cs. (in theater.  I was 13 years old.)
    • CC2, 2005: ~3.82?  (earned my AA)
    • BS, 2008: 3.4? (I failed a class unrelated to my major the first semester. I was suffering from severe homesickness (I went to school across the country, leaving old, sick parents), weather shock and culture shock (Southern California to NY). But got As in my major and a couple Bs otherwise)
    • MA, 2010: 3.5 
    • PhD coursework, 2011: 3.6 or 7? I focused on applying for jobs the second semester, and I honestly never looked.  
    • CC3, present: 4.0 (Science & Business classes (and some PE)) 

    I'm considering schools in the US and abroad, including the UK.  I think the calculation of a GPA in this kind of situation is somewhat subjective. 

    Does anyone have any feedback about how these GPAs might be used to calculate an overall GPA to translate my academic experience to other systems? 

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