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Posts posted by fauxmystic

  1. I was offered the NSF GRFP! I feel like I'm gonna vomit! Congratulations to the other recipients. I'm celebrating in spirit with you all! 

    (Undergraduate at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, starting at Penn State (MCIBS PhD program) this fall!)

  2. Hey again GC community,

    I need some advice. I've been offered two really solid packages from two programs/labs that are truly tied for me. Both have costs and benefits in terms of the PI/research paradigm/facilities/atmosphere which are intangible and that make the decision process somewhat difficult. A few tangible differences between A and B:

    A.) Stipend is lower, but cost of living is much lower (but somewhat boring, being in the midwest), less course requirements, in driving distance from family/SO. Offered 1 year fellowship and nominated for additional 3 year fellowship.

    B.) Stipend is higher, but cost of living is much higher (but there's more to do *outdoors*, this mythical place that graduate students dream about), more course requirements, would require flights to see family/SO. Offered a 1 year fellowship and additional fellowship for length tbd.

    Caveats: I won't know about the 3 year fellowship from A for 3-4 weeks, and I won't receive the finalized package from B until at least one week from now. I know I'm getting ahead of myself here and should just hold my breath until the final numbers come through, but from these few variables, what advice might you have?

  3. I found the environment in B very comfortable (and familiar, being from the midwest). Saving money/paying off debts and possibly having a house to make rental income would be really nice. The folks at A and I *really* got along and continue to speak regularly; right now I think I'll feel obligated/guilty for turning them down if I do.

  4. Two acceptances so far at my top 2! Really tied in terms of research interests/funding/facilities/academic atmosphere/etc. (PI at one actually studied under PI at the other!)

    Main differences that I'm having trouble sorting out:
    Tech at A specific to my project ideas would need to be set up initially (by me), whereas is already set up and being piloted at B.
    Cost of living is high at A (almost making a studio apartment unaffordable), and (VERY) low at B (to the point of making a mortgage a no-brainer).
    A is prettier, topographically much more diverse than where I've lived all my life (I could actually hike and camp without driving 8 hours!). B is still in the midwest (hurray, flatland.)
    A has offered special sign-on bonuses and training-grant funding in addition to tuition and stipend. B is a lower stipend concomitant with the lower cost of living.
    PI at A is around to teach/discuss ideas with regularly. PI at B is also around to discuss ideas with, but is a bit difficult to meet with as they direct an institute (and thus have a lab manager run the show while still advising on projects.)


  5. As an undergraduate, I became ineligible for federal aid due to maxing out my cumulative attempted credit hours (who knew starting college as a directionless 18 year old might be messy?) I'm thankful that my first graduate program acceptance letter came today, and that the program has offered full funding and stipend for the duration of my studies...but I will need to find a bit of extra aid to cover/refinance/push into deferment some higher interest debts that, while I can manage, will make my budget ultra-tight otherwise. My question is, does satisfactory academic progress (SAP - what the Fed uses to determine aid eligibility) reset as a graduate student/not carry over from undergrad?

  6. I just had my first day of (informal, off the books) interviews with some faculty during a recruitment weekend - one question I was asked by all of them in different ways toward the end of our discussion was “what questions are you *specifically* interested in asking?” Is it possible that I’m not coming across as focused in my research ideas/interests? Or is this a general question to expect?

  7. There didn’t really seem to be a thread to discuss interviews, so if I should move this lmk. 

    For interview/recruitment weekends, is there anything that you wish you could go back and do different? There’s loads of advice out there regarding what to wear/questions to ask/how to put your best foot forward/etc., but maybe something happened during your visit that you didn’t expect? Any advice is helpful.

  8. Egads! I've forgotten to submit a transcript with an application. I notified the graduate admissions office at the university that I had my university express mail an official transcript two days after the deadline (12/1) when I realized my mistake. I'm not freaked out or anything, but has anyone had experience dealing with a related mishap/what was the outcome?

  9. Hello fellow applicants, I'm looking for examples of rejected NSF GRFP proposals from previous years. I submitted my application yesterday, and am winding down, looking for things to read to keep my mind at ease (ha!). If you have or have found an example of a rejected NSF GRFP proposal, and would be willing to link to it or PM me, I'd appreciate it. (Mulling over all the things I could have done better or may not realize I did poorly.)

  10. Posted earlier in the year; updating as I submit my applications.

    Undergraduate Institution: University of Nebraska at Omaha

    Major(s): Biology, Neuroscience
    Minor(s): Philosophy
    GPA in Major: 3.56/4.0
    Overall GPA: 3.35/4.0
    Position in class: ?

    Supplementary education: bioinformatics courses through UCSD-Extension
    Type of Student: domestic white male

    GRE Scores (revised)
    Q: 160 (74%)
    V: 160 (86%)
    W: 5.5 (98%)
    B: N/A

    Research Experience:
    - Summer REU (via NSF)
    - 2&1/2 years molecular neuro/genetics research (assisting in NIH projects; conducting my own, below)
    (6 months of the above experience have been a paid tech position)
    - 1 grant for project started 1/1/2018, manuscript in progress (primary author)
    - 1 year computational biology research, paid position, project manager, manuscript in progress (senior? author)
    - 3 months (ongoing) molecular ecology research, PI, directing team of 3 undergraduates

    - University philosophy honors scholarship
    - Deans list
    - Nu Rho Psi honors society
    - Professional memberships (AAAS, ASBMB, SfN)

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs:
    - Started undergraduate late (2015), began paid research positions mid 2017.
    Prior to 2017, held several unrelated jobs, worked full time while enrolled.
    - Founder of science communication campus organization (active 1&1/2 year, ongoing)
    - Founder and director of 501(c)(3) scientific research organization (active 3 months, ongoing)

    Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:
    - Organized/hosted several public outreach events through founded organizations

    Special Bonus Points:
    - Graduate course in ecology/genetics
    - NSF GRF applicant (2019)
    - Three very solid LORs (plus LOR from prospective PI for NSF)
    - Additional tertiary author on two publications (projects in progress for next year or so)

    Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:
    - Enrolled/Dropped classes at different University after high school. Transcript and GPA is a train-wreck leading up to enrollment at current institution (8/2016), but show upward trend.

    Applying to:

    2019 NSF GRFP (target: Princeton)
    Princeton - QCB
    ASU - Animal Behavior
    Penn State - MCIBS
    UCLA - EcoEvoBio
    UIUC - Neuroscience
    UVM - Biology (QUeST Program)
    Iowa State - IGG

  11. Question related to the personal statement:

    How much historical monologue is too much monologue? I'm approaching my application with that "NSF funds the person, not the project" mantra, in that about 3/4 of the first page is written more as a reflection on my intellectual development leading up to my first research experience. Intellectual Merit then takes up the next 1&1/2 pages, and the final sections are covering Broader Impacts (generally speaking). I've read dozens of winning essays from previous years, and I'm seeing a variety of approaches. Recognizing that no line should be wasted, and so even the reflective sections ought to be building momentum to the project proposal itself, does anyone have any advice to give?

  12. On 7/29/2018 at 7:55 AM, BabyScientist said:

    Don't worry about the C+, I had 2 of those in science courses and still got in. Those publications will definitely help, as well as the fact that you had a grant proposal awarded. If the publications haven't been submitted yet, you can still put them on your CV as "manuscript in progress". Pretty solid applicant for most of the schools on your list. Focus on writing a strong SOP that really explains why you want to join these programs, and you may even have a shot at the higher tier schools. 

    Retook the GRE today. Quant: 155 (59%), Verbal: 159 (82%). I'll assume my writing scores will be the same (=>5/6). Is my low quant score going to be a major rejection factor, or with my CV should I take the score and save $300 on a third attempt?

  13. I assume I have somewhat of an average applicant profile. Applying primarily to molecular/cellular biology programs. Any advice/criticisms are greatly appreciated.

    Undergraduate Institution: University of Nebraska at Omaha (for a public, midwestern U, has surprisingly solid reputation for bio research.)
    Major(s): Biology, Neuroscience
    Minor(s): Philosophy
    GPA in Major: 3.6
    Overall GPA: 3.4
    Position in class: unsure

    Supplementary education: applied bioinformatics certificate program through USCD-Extension School (GPA: 3.8)
    Type of Student: domestic white male

    GRE Scores (revised)
    Q: 150
    V: 162
    W: 5.5
    B: N/A
    - I'm retaking in two weeks. Practice tests have my Q between 156-160.

    Research Experience:
    - Summer REU (via NSF) [designed, carried out experiment, implemented new tech/protocols in home lab (below) - presented at UNMC (medical school affiliated with campus) research conference
    - 2 years molecular neuro/genetics research (assisting in NIH projects and conducting my own, below) regular presentations at lab meetings
    - 6 months of the above experience have been a paid tech position
    - 1 grant proposal and award for project started 1/1/2018, manuscript in progress (primary author)
    - 1 year computational biology research, paid position, project manager, manuscript in process (tertiary author)
    - 6 months molecular ecology research, assisting in ongoing project as volunteer

    - University philosophy honors scholarship (1 semester)
    - Deans list (3 semesters)
    - Nu Rho Psi honors society

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: primarily listed in research experience, but
    - Started undergraduate late (2015), began paid research positions mid 2017. Prior to this, held several unrelated jobs, worked full time (see penultimate section)

    Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:
    - Started/direct campus-organization-turned-501(c)3 nonprofit organization for science communication and public engagement. Two faculty on board of directors, hosted several public events 2017/2018 academic year. This year, plan to host micro-conference.

    Special Bonus Points:
    - Graduate course in ecological genetics
    - Three very solid LORs (and additional good LOR if needed)
    - Projects I've assisted in are including me as tertiary author, though these won't be published for a couple of years

    Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:
    - Not sure if I'll need to mention it, but I have one C+ in a major course (biochemistry)
    - Also, I've dealt with financial strain the majority of my education due to going through divorce (finalized late 2017), so I've had to spend more time working unrelated jobs (not many positions in Omaha for lab tech work without a BS degree) and less time studying than I would have enjoyed.

    Applying to Where:image.png.e853706e1f79d43c39c0479d1c567f96.png
    Ignore the EEB programs. I'll be applying to cell/molecular biology oriented programs only.


  14. The individuals I'm very interested in working with for PhD research all accept new students under a variety of programs. I'm torn between a few general categories, primarily because I'm concerned about differences in competitiveness and qualifications for these programs. The options are something like ecology/evolutionary biology, and more biomedical science programs like molecular/cellular biology. My background is more molecular intensive, but I haven't taken as many chemistry courses as I'm sure others applying to those programs will. Do you think this would be an issue, or am I overthinking it?

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