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Posts posted by Alexger

  1. I'm getting anxious to accept a program (MA English). I feel like it looks sort of bad on me if I wait until like the last day of the deadline? And personally, I just want to know where I will be the next two years, and I want to get started on meeting fellow students, being a part of a community, etc.

    I've been accepted into two programs (Ball State University, Purdue University) and waitlisted at one (University of Kentucky). I've told one of the accepted schools (Ball State) that I won't be attending because I have a solid offer from a better school (Purdue University) (I worded it much nicer than that, I promise), so that leaves the one accepted program (Purdue) and the one waitlisted program (UK).

    The thing is, my accepted school told me that if I receive an offer from my waitlisted school, then to tell them first, because they would be willing to counter-offer. That really surprised me, but would be awesome. So what do you think I should do? Hold out and wait for the waitlisted school to offer? Both are great programs and would be happy at either.

    Thanks for the advice ahead of time!

  2. Hey there!

    I'm currently looking at about 7-10 schools, studying for the GRE, and I'm wondering if it is important at this stage to reach out to specific professors. I understand the importance of looking at programs and the areas of research done by specific professors to determine fit, but should the professors know that I'm looking at them? Maybe if they are on the acceptance committee for example they would recognize my name and be interested in working with me. Have any of you done this/had success? Would it be weird?


    p.s. if anyone is interested, I'm looking at 19th/20th century American lit, realism/naturalism/modernism.

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