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    orchidnora got a reaction from whiterabbit in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    Congrats to all who got accepted to Stanford! I still haven't heard anything from them. 
    However, I woke up to an email this morning from UC Berkeley! I've been accepted!! I'm beyond ecstatic, considering that Berkeley was my top choice school. 
  2. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from theduckster in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    Congrats to all who got accepted to Stanford! I still haven't heard anything from them. 
    However, I woke up to an email this morning from UC Berkeley! I've been accepted!! I'm beyond ecstatic, considering that Berkeley was my top choice school. 
  3. Upvote
    orchidnora got a reaction from insert_name_here in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    Congrats to all who got accepted to Stanford! I still haven't heard anything from them. 
    However, I woke up to an email this morning from UC Berkeley! I've been accepted!! I'm beyond ecstatic, considering that Berkeley was my top choice school. 
  4. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from pareto in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    Congrats to all who got accepted to Stanford! I still haven't heard anything from them. 
    However, I woke up to an email this morning from UC Berkeley! I've been accepted!! I'm beyond ecstatic, considering that Berkeley was my top choice school. 
  5. Upvote
    orchidnora got a reaction from GoPackGo89 in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    Congrats to all who got accepted to Stanford! I still haven't heard anything from them. 
    However, I woke up to an email this morning from UC Berkeley! I've been accepted!! I'm beyond ecstatic, considering that Berkeley was my top choice school. 
  6. Upvote
    orchidnora got a reaction from Cavalerius in Does it matter what degree a potential Ph.D. advisor holds?   
    I'm looking for potential Ph.D. advisors at various schools. However, some schools (like Duke) have many professors with joint appointments. These people are listed as professors of Statistics, but when I go to their websites, I discover that the Ph.D. was in a different field, such as Electrical Engineering, Machine Learning, or CS. Other than the actual degree, they appear to do statistical research that I'm interested in. Does it matter for statistics if I am advised by somebody with a Ph.D. that's technically in a different field? I would love to hear anybody's thoughts on this matter. Thanks!
  7. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from _theSCHOLAR_ in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I’ll be turning down NC State today because of my offer from Duke, so hopefully the spot will go towards one of ya’all on the waitlist. Good luck! Also congrats to everyone who was recently admitted to other schools! 
  8. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from pareto in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I’ll be turning down NC State today because of my offer from Duke, so hopefully the spot will go towards one of ya’all on the waitlist. Good luck! Also congrats to everyone who was recently admitted to other schools! 
  9. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from Geococcyx in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I’ll be turning down NC State today because of my offer from Duke, so hopefully the spot will go towards one of ya’all on the waitlist. Good luck! Also congrats to everyone who was recently admitted to other schools! 
  10. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from Geococcyx in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I literally just got emailed by Duke to check the application portal, and it was an acceptance letter from the department!!! I am beyond ecstatic, after checking my email almost constantly since last week. This is the first correspondence I've had from Duke (there was no request for an interview or anything like that). 
  11. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from Haael in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    Thank you!! I almost had a heart attack when I got an email from Duke, and I immediately assumed I was rejected (since it only said to check the application portal, plus I also thought they do interviews). But I guess this time they're only interviewing some applicants. 
  12. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from theduckster in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I literally just got emailed by Duke to check the application portal, and it was an acceptance letter from the department!!! I am beyond ecstatic, after checking my email almost constantly since last week. This is the first correspondence I've had from Duke (there was no request for an interview or anything like that). 
  13. Like
    orchidnora reacted to blehperson in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    accepted to duke as well just now (no interview)!
  14. Like
    orchidnora reacted to galois in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    Congrats @orchidnora! That's awesome. It seems they must be doing something differently, I was under the impression they interviewed everyone first. Very cool! Can't pretend I'm not insanely jealous, but very happy for you regardless!
    I see in the results someone said Interview notified by Postal Service? Strange, if true. Gotta start obsessively checking my mailbox in addition to email?
  15. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from Monte Carlo in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I literally just got emailed by Duke to check the application portal, and it was an acceptance letter from the department!!! I am beyond ecstatic, after checking my email almost constantly since last week. This is the first correspondence I've had from Duke (there was no request for an interview or anything like that). 
  16. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from Haael in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I literally just got emailed by Duke to check the application portal, and it was an acceptance letter from the department!!! I am beyond ecstatic, after checking my email almost constantly since last week. This is the first correspondence I've had from Duke (there was no request for an interview or anything like that). 
  17. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from galois in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I literally just got emailed by Duke to check the application portal, and it was an acceptance letter from the department!!! I am beyond ecstatic, after checking my email almost constantly since last week. This is the first correspondence I've had from Duke (there was no request for an interview or anything like that). 
  18. Upvote
    orchidnora reacted to Cavalerius in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    All right, thanks for the info, bigdata and orchidnora, and congrats on your acceptances! I guess I missed out on the fellowship nomination, then. Although I am thrilled to have received other offers, I was very much hoping to get into Texas A&M.
  19. Upvote
    orchidnora got a reaction from Cavalerius in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I haven't been informed of a visit day yet. My hunch is that I was admitted earlier than some applicants, because of my fellowship nomination (I have to fill out an application for it that is due next week). In that case, maybe the other admits haven't even been decided or notified yet. 
  20. Like
    orchidnora reacted to Geococcyx in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    @Monte Carlo Guess they're really setting us up for the ole' "This year's batch of applicants was the most qualified in department history, and we had to make some very tough decisions" email.  I wish we heard the second wave of NC State admissions too, but I guess all the application envelopes in the research triangle got put in the wrong P.O. box or something.
    Also, just had a professor reference my statement of purpose in an interview, so either I'm a weirder candidate than I thought or that's more of a thing now.
  21. Like
    orchidnora reacted to galois in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    Seems like a strategic move by Duke to up the yield rate. Making us sweat. And even putting out some word-of-mouth "we finalized things yesterday" ?
  22. Like
    orchidnora reacted to galois in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    When accepted to a program (via a generic acceptance email), am I expected to respond with enthusiasm? It didn't strike me as the type of email I should reply to, so I simply closed it and plan on attending the Visit Day once more info becomes available. Is this acceptable?
  23. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from Geococcyx in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I got an email from NCSU offering unofficial acceptance from the department for the Stats Ph.D. program! Departmental funding was also offered. I also posted this on the results page. Congrats to those of you already admitted, and good luck to everyone still waiting! 
  24. Upvote
    orchidnora got a reaction from MathStat in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    In my current department, the specified hours for a TA position are really an upper bound for the amount of time it could take (my teaching duties only take me half the specified time). Hopefully it's the same at NCSU. Somebody else on here probably knows better than I do though 
  25. Like
    orchidnora got a reaction from data_scrub in Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread   
    I got an email from NCSU offering unofficial acceptance from the department for the Stats Ph.D. program! Departmental funding was also offered. I also posted this on the results page. Congrats to those of you already admitted, and good luck to everyone still waiting! 
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