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Posts posted by BearcatPA

  1. Of course work would take priority over wardrobe, but I don't think anyone here was suggesting a wardrobe improvement as some kind of shortcut to success-- some "blind them with your clothing so they won't notice you slacking off" sort of thing. We're talking about how to dress in certain situations to meet the expectations of social and professional roles that are very new to the majority of us.

    Who mentioned Prada and Armani? Who can AFFORD Prada and Armani? I can barely afford to buy shit at Target, let alone a nice store, let alone anything designer.

    I seriously hope your post was meant with less condescension or---god, whatever that was-- than it appears.

    That was a joke, but I'm happy you decided to take it as if it was a personal attack on you. Personally I don't know how non-chem programs work but provided you're safely dressed everyone couldn't care less what you are wearing in lab. Most of the people you're working with will be from out of the country and will not be anywhere close to "recent" or "fashionable" in terms of how they dress.

    What I said is what you would hear if you had asked a prof in the field. Just don't be a total slob when you're TA'ing a lab and you'll be fine. Even then, there are some great people in my group that dress...less than ideally as far as tidiness goes that would get away with it due to the quality of their work. There's a good tradeoff really between how good you are at the field and how much your already asinine TA duties can be kind of turned away from.

  2. Arrived in town today. Very humid.

    I was just there this weekend....coming from PA it's totally fine. It's really not humid imo. Plus every building I was in was rigorously air conditioned to the point where I took a buttondown with me inside the newer chem building as it was that cold.

    Speaking of moving to town, I just got an offer from a professor for paid summer research so I'll be there by next week :) So we'll see just how hot this summer gets haha.

  3. ---I will NOT miss a long 40+ hour work week on my feet. While I know grad school will be a TON of work, it is the kind of work I enjoy--- a steady, comforting work, not a job that requires me to kiss peoples' asses on a regular basis.

    I can't help but laugh at this. You know damn well that's not going to happen and we're going to keep having to kiss ass.

  4. PITTSBURGH!!!!! I did my undergraduate at the University of Pittsburgh and I miss it SO MUCH! Oh Pittsburgh, you shall always hold a special place in my heart. Miss me some Oakland.

    I too love oakland - lots of nights spent there at the O or at my friend's apartment after drunken stumbling walks back from the south side :P

  5. Hey everybody, looks like I'm coming to A&M for English too :) I'm sending my acceptance tomorrow. Pumped to see you all there! I'm from Philly, so Texas weather is going to be a bit of a shock. What do you mean, no snow!?

    I'll be coming from Pittsburgh, so I feel your pain :P

  6. I have some professors in mind...specially in the organometallic chem division. The tests they make us take are only to decide whether we are eligible to take grad level courses in those fields and doesnt matter if you fail them. it just means u wont be allowed to take a grad course in that

    Very nice chandra, who in particular? I was looking at doing Gladysz as he does some really cool nanotech oriented things. Organometallic is definitely something I am looking into as well so we're sure to end up close to each other.

    Did you take a visit to campus at all? I am trying to get ahold of someone to arrange a visit but so far noone has responded.

  7. I am also going to chemistry department for a PhD!!

    Do you have someone in mind you would like to work with already?

    Also, to anyone in Chem. already at TAMU - I see that we have to take ACS tests as an entrance exam. The website claims you must score over 50% on these - what happens if you don't do this? Do they just make you take that class again with the undergrads and pass it?

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