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    reluctanthuman reacted to snorkles in 2019 Acceptances   
    In at Chicago..........
  3. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to havemybloodchild in 2019 Acceptances   
  4. Like
    reluctanthuman got a reaction from illcounsel in 2019 Acceptances   
    It's me, just got an e-mail from the Graduate Studies Coordinator 
  5. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to havemybloodchild in 2019 Applicants   
    I’ve 100% been isolating myself because I’m avoiding the “of course you’ll get in” and “stopping stressing about this” commentary. Also so I can sit in front of GC and my email and refresh portals continuously...
  6. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to FiguresIII in 2019 Acceptances   
    Can confirm that Chicago has probably made most of its decisions. I just got an informal email from a POI telling me about this fellowship they're offering me and I confusedly asked whether that meant I was accepted! She said yes and added that she was surprised that the administrative gears were turning so slowly.
    Anyway, I'm beyond excited and hope everyone will be released from this agony soon!!
  7. Like
    reluctanthuman got a reaction from trytostay in 2019 Applicants   
    @trytostay you have the best attitude I've seen here on gradcafe, I think. I hope you'll get an acceptance soon, fingers crossed for you!
  8. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to trytostay in 2019 Applicants   
    I just finished my Columbia interview. My interviewer basically told me that at this point they want to accept everyone they're interviewing (for my specialty, which is eighteenth-century British), but funding won't allow for that, hence the interviews. It'll likely be one, or potentially even none, of us from c18 that gets selected. In retrospect, I wish I'd spoken a bit more intelligently, made a stronger case for myself, and explained what set me apart from others. I think I'm a solid candidate, but not necessarily worthy of Columbia when I'm put up directly against others, and I'm definitely not good at interviews or first impressions. I do feel like I somewhat blew a chance at that school but I'm trying, trying, trying to remain positive and not shroud myself in negativity. I'm just happy to know I was seriously considered.
    I think you guys will find this information useful: He told me I'd hear back before the 22nd, but no sooner than the 15th, since that's when the admissions committee is meeting. Hopefully that gives all of you a date to keep in mind for Columbia.
    To speak to what @pdh12 said above, yes. If I get shut out this year, which is a strong possibility in all of my wide-eyed naïveté applying to ridiculously hard schools, I'll be re-applying next year. I want this badly and I feel like getting shut out will only make me a stronger applicant next year. I'm trying to remain realistic, but not pessimistic. It's a hard process.
  9. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to illcounsel in 2019 Acceptances   
    In at Urbana-Champaign for their MA/PhD Program!!!!!!!!!!!! It isn't the best fit in the world, but Tim Dean is one of the most incredible queer theory scholars in the country and I am very excited!
  10. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to snorkles in 2019 Acceptances   
    In at Indiana.
  11. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to AlmaZ in 2019 Acceptances   
    Long time lurker here:) Just writing to claim the UChicago Comparative Literature acceptance on the board. Received an email from the head of the Admission Committee a couple of hours ago welcoming me to the program.
    Excited as this is one of my top choices!
  12. Like
    reluctanthuman got a reaction from vondafkossum in 2019 Applicants   
    We have the same look in our eyes now:

  13. Like
    reluctanthuman got a reaction from illcounsel in 2019 Applicants   
    We have the same look in our eyes now:

  14. Like
    reluctanthuman got a reaction from placeinspace in 2019 Applicants   
    I was thinking that once all the applications were done, things would be so very easy but I can't even begin to describe how wrong this thought was...  Before going into this process of waiting to hear from schools I was *naively* contemplating about how only one acceptance is enough, and nothing else really matters (lol to my past self, I guess). But you are completely right and I'll just give myself some time and watch some funny cat videos on youtube to heal  
  15. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to placeinspace in 2019 Applicants   
    This is how I felt about Chicago and it took me a couple weeks to really process and accept the feeling of rejection. I completely understand where you're coming from, and it's definitely okay to take some time and not immediately just accept it. This process is really hard because it's not just a small thing- a program is a total life change, and all the factors that go into that can be really hard to accept when you think you've found the perfect place and it doesn't work out. So don't be too hard on yourself or rush to get over it- take some time to process and know you did everything you could!
  16. Like
    reluctanthuman got a reaction from illcounsel in 2019 Applicants   
    awww come on, too adorable <3 *can't* *stay* *sad*
  17. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to illcounsel in 2019 Applicants   
    Posting a picture of my newly adopted puppy since today is tough for some of us (and to congratulate today's acceptances):

  18. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to trytostay in 2019 Applicants   
    Don't cry, even if it is too early. If they didn't accept you, it is not a reflection on you as a person or the quality of your work. It simply means that you were not a good fit for the school for a thousand different variables. Just breathe. It'll really be okay!
  19. Like
    reluctanthuman got a reaction from trytostay in 2019 Applicants   
    Can I start crying about Northwestern or is it too early? 
  20. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to dilby in 2019 Applicants   
    Good luck this week, everyone  
  21. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to Bopie5 in 2019 Applicants   
    Does anyone else kinda feel like waiting to hear back is sorta like a middle school dance? Like, slowly everyone you know has someone to go to the dance with, and you're stuck not knowing what's gonna happen to you ?
  22. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to fortschritt22 in 2019 Applicants   
    Monique Allewaert's "Ariel's Ecology," or at least the introduction, is a resource for an ecocrit reading of The Tempest.
  23. Like
    reluctanthuman reacted to barshmie in 2019 Applicants   
    So did mine. She also said I should only check once per day. I said, "get real ?". 
  24. Upvote
    reluctanthuman got a reaction from arbie in 2019 Applicants   
    Northwestern is also closed up until Friday. Farewell thee any application news...
  25. Upvote
    reluctanthuman got a reaction from jadeisokay in 2019 Applicants   
    Northwestern is also closed up until Friday. Farewell thee any application news...
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