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Anastasia Beaverhausen

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Posts posted by Anastasia Beaverhausen

  1. I think they are.  I've heard that full-res people who applied earlier have heard back, as well as the Writing/Publishing program and the Poetry program.  But their app dates were sooner than WYCA's.  Sooooo I'm still waiting on pins and needles, haha.

  2. Hi, y'all!

    I'm waiting to hear back from VCFA for the Summer Res for Writing for Children and Young Adults.  Has anyone else heard back from them yet? 

    OR has anyone heard back from any schools?

  3. So!  I've gotten into an MFA before, and I can tell you what I used.

    I'm fiction, so I sent in the first 25pgs of my novel.  However, if you're doing poetry, there tends to be specific guidelines for materials ie "10-15 poems."  This should be your best, most polished work, something you would feel comfortable submitting professionally.  

    Hope this helps!

  4. On 9/23/2018 at 11:14 AM, CulturalCriminal said:

    I know this is an older thread, but it seemed relevant to my own question:

    Do low-res MFA grads get jobs teaching? 

    I already have an MA in Lit and am currently lucky enough to have a full load as a lecturer, but I like the idea of getting an MFA so I can sharpen my creative writing skills and get to work with certain faculty (low-res). However, I also feel that getting another degree needs to eventually help me at least get the bump to Senior Lecturer. 

    So, would adding a lowres MFA actually help at all with the details we all wish we could not deal with—getting better job stability and pay?

    An MFA is a terminal degree, so you could become a tenured professor w your MFA.  If that helps!

  5. Hey, y'all!

    Sooo I applied to VCFA for their Summer Res--back in November.  Has anyone else who's applied heard back from them??  I specifically applied to the Writing for Children and Young Adults program.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Anastasia Beaverhausen said:

    Hey, y'all!

    Only applied to VCFA so far--but if they don't get back to me by the end of the week, I'll have to also throw my hat in elsewhere.  I applied back in Nov--and still haven't heard from them!  Has anyone heard anything??  I applied to Summer Res 2019, for Writing for Children and Young Adults.

    I apologize--in the wrong thread!  Carry on.

  7. Hey, y'all!

    Only applied to VCFA so far--but if they don't get back to me by the end of the week, I'll have to also throw my hat in elsewhere.  I applied back in Nov--and still haven't heard from them!  Has anyone heard anything??  I applied to Summer Res 2019, for Writing for Children and Young Adults.

  8. Hi, all!

    I applied to VCFA (Vermont College of Fine Arts) back in November--and STILL have not heard back, even though they say they review apps on a rolling basis, and you should hear back in 4-6 weeks.  Has anyone out there heard back??  I applied to Summer Residency 2019, for an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults.


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