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Posts posted by IamWitten

  1. I have two options for a summer internship. One is a reading project with a professor at my university and who has a good impression of me, even though I didn't take any of his courses. I am very confident that he'll write good LOR. Other option is an internship at one of the top research institutes in my country, with a professor I don't know. I did some research and found that the second prof is very chilled and also might write a good recommendation. But the subject in which I am doing an internship (at the top institute) is not really my strongest but I'll have an amazing thing to put on my CV, if I did. 


    What should I do ?

  2. I am a second year undergraduate in Pure Math and Theoretical Physics. I have decided to study applied mathematics or applied physics in grad school.  Does anyone have a similar experience? 

    In particular, I would like to know 

    1.I have not taken any applied science/mathematics courses till now. I am planning to take them next sem onwards. Is it a bad thing on my application?

    2. Does having a theoretical background, put me in a "This guy can't succeed in applied stuff" position ?

    3. When someone shifts subjects, what exactly does the grad school expect in the application, other than relevant coursework and grades ?

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