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Posts posted by IdiotAlert

  1. I was cocky my first quarter at UCLA because I thought that I can not attend class and still get perfect grades. I've heard of people doing this at Caltech and at other schools, and I thought that I was similar to them in intellect. I got a burning grade of a C in multivariable calculus 1 and a B in a basic astronomy course and a passing grade in physics 1 (barely passed). This bummed me out since I thought that I was one of the best and now I had to face the stupid consequences for my actions. You know, I was utterly depressed over not getting accepted into any of my reaches as a high school senior last year and I'm still depressed about it. I wanted to transfer to Caltech or Princeton when I'm an undergraduate sophomore but those hopes are possibly dashed because of the poor grades. Most people on Quora are telling me to stay at UCLA and apply for graduate school, but I feel inferior to the people who got into the top-tier schools (Harvard, Yale, Caltech, MIT). One person even told me that the coursework at Caltech would be too hard for me, but I doubt that is true. So I got a 2.5 GPA at the end of first quarter, and I'm probably struggling to get good grades in my second quarter classes (Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, an Astronomy course intended for sophomores). I don't know what my grades will be in those classes but I hope that they will be all A's. I'll take 5-6 courses next quarter to make up for those bad grades and get my GPA to possibly a 3.5 and I'll take a few summer classes this summer to get that GPA up to a 3.75. Am I screwed for the graduate school admissions? What about transfer admissions? If my writing is unclear, I am sorry. I am in a depressed and hopeless mood right now. 

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