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Posts posted by abodas

  1. On 3/12/2019 at 4:02 PM, Ternwild said:

    A woman of many words.

    Sorry- yup! Just trying to gather my thoughts and then I forgot about it! My bad. I just wanted to ask about the tips you all have gotten about doing Master's at a smaller school vs. PhD at a bigger one! My mentors have advised me to consider doing a Master's first as well so I just wanted to hear what advice other people have. I think my questions have been answered foor the most part though, Thanks!

  2. 50 minutes ago, Johnvcm said:

    It’s not just the city that makes me want to go to Chicago but that is where I would ideally end up as my home base in the long run. The other draw to UofC specifically is it is regarded as one of the best schools in the country, their anthro department is also rated very highly within the field and I know that pedigree matters if you want to enter academia. 

    But the point about scholls not generally hiring professors from their own students is a good one. I wont presume I would be able to ever get a job at UofC anyway lol, I imagine the difficulty in getting a professor position there is pretty intense. But going to UofC could make me more appealing and give me more options to choose from (presumably). 

    For now, I only have about a month left to make my decision, but I am pretty sure I am not going to go to UofC just yet. It makes me a little sad but I think it will be best for a variety of reasons. I will still keep my eyes on it as the prize for PhD purposes and try to position myself as best as possible as an applicant. I spoke to someone in the PhD program there who had a similar decision between UofC’s MAPSS program and a normal 2 year MA program and he did the two year and is happy he did and is now a PhD student at UofC. He gave me a lot of great advice. 

    So im still battling with the cost vs prestige thing between George Washington and Ga St, but I’ve come to grips with the fact the path I initially dreamed up in my head when I started the new journey is getting a little bit of a reality check and adjustment for now, but that there is a path and it will lead me to good places, whether or not that ever ends up being my dream life as a research professor somewhere in Chicago specifically lol. 


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