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Posts posted by petit-chou

  1. On 9/12/2019 at 5:50 PM, Sigaba said:

    The objective of this thread is to serve as a catch all for aspiring historians seeking graduate degrees.

    IME/IMO, these annual threads work better when interested parties pose their questions in a single catch all thread rather than starting individual threads across multiple fora for each question, concern, complaint, and gripe.  YMMV.

    For this year's thread, I am going to recommend two changes of pace. First, when you write your introductory post, focus on your areas of interest/fields of study, and language skills rather than your numbers.If you've written a senior thesis and/or honors thesis, share your findings either generally or specifically. Articulate what you want to do as a professional academic historian beyond where you want to work. That is, spend time writing about what kind of historian you want to be. (A way to accomplish this task is to write about the work or historians who have greatly influenced you.) If you've already identified historiographical trajectories you want to alter slightly, redirect, or shatter, let us know. 

    The second recommendation is for those members of the BB who attend top schools and typically lurk throughout the season until after receiving notification of getting into all of one's programs of choice. Please consider the value of sharing the information you're receiving in person during office hours from professors and graduate students at your current institution. Do not violate any confidences. However, if you get a nugget on how to tackle a SOP or writing sample, you can do others a solid by passing that information along. (And you can be highly confident that sharing such tips isn't going to diminish your chances of going seven for seven.)

    Howdy folks! I just graduated with my M.A. over the summer and am now beginning the process of sending out emails to potential advisers for Ph.D. programs for Fall 2020. I forgot how soul-sucking and stressful this process can be. I wrote my thesis on Witchcraft in early modern France and Colonial Southeast Asia. I am looking to study early modern France (open to Global and Atlantic World as well) but more focused on religion, gender/sexuality. I am still very interested in magic and witches but they are not at the top of my must haves in a mentor.   

    I speak, write, and read french at an intermediate to advanced level (have studied it since high school). My MA thesis did use early french archival sources and I am confident I can eventually pick up Latin as well. I plan on spending an hour or two a day on it when I am not teaching.

    Speaking what I want to focus on - research- I want to be able to research as much as I can as an academic historian. I enjoy teaching, but not as much as I enjoy research. I am very much inspired by historians such as Keith Thomas, Howard Zinn, Margaret Jacobs (all very different from one another). I also am very interested in public history and I've done quite a few PH projects over my M.A. including a historical marker. That being said, It would be plus to find programs that incorporated PH or Digital Humanities. 

    I know older members have advised against anything less than a top 20 but I am a trailing spouse...my husband will be finishing his PhD in the sciences this year and is applying to the job market right now as well. Still trying to aim for great schools but not saying no to smaller names as well. 

    Very nice to meet you all and good luck to everyone this application season!!


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