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Posts posted by kimmie103

  1. Hi and Thank you for reading this post. I planned to apply for clinical psych PhD programs this cycle. I know this may be too late for me to be still wondering my chances but any advice would greatly help.

    I graduated from college in 2018 with 3.78 GPA. I did a few undergrad research internships (not in clinical psych) and an independent honors thesis. My GRE is pretty low (<70%tile); english is my second language. I have good recommendation letters and solid stats/coding skills. I also gained some experience with fMRI and EEG during my undergrad internships.

    Here's the biggest problem: I didn't know I want to do clinical psych until after I graduated. I currently work as a research coordinator/ academic assistant for a liberal arts college's psychology department. I am working on some clinical psychology projects (developing new psychometric measurements and investigating college's mental health in a longitudinal study) but none has led to publications yet. The main part of my job is working on monitoring psychology and neuroscience students' academic progress and assisting in the academic program improvements of the department - which is nothing related to clinical psychology or research. 

    Do you think my lack of post-bacc research experience can be a hindrance to my chances of getting into grad school? If so, do you suggest anything I can do to increase my chances?

    P/s: I can't quit my current job because my visa is tied to this position and I will have to leave the U.S. if I leave my job.

    Thank you!


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