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Posts posted by NTNerd

  1. 14 hours ago, bonhoeffer80 said:

    Does anyone have an information about the deadline for waitlisted (in general)? I mean, at this point I got one acceptance (Phd in theology with confirmation deadline is April 1st) and still waitlisted in three others programs. Should I bother to wait and perharps push it until one day before the confirmation deadline since it's worth to try or just relieve myself from this anxiety?

    I know, it is a silly questions.

    not silly at all! @bonhoeffer80, i think it would be worth it at least to wait to accept your offer until right before the deadline if there is another school that you would rather go to. It seems to me that people often do sit on their offers until the very end, so getting in off of a waiting list march-early april seems very possible. 

  2. for those in waiting list purgatory, should we not expect updates during a school's spring break? Or do adcoms usually continue processing rejections and extending offers off the waiting list during their institution's spring break?

  3. 8 minutes ago, Anonymon1234 said:

    Hey guys, haven’t checked in a while but i noticed that some people are talking about Duke. I’ve been waitlisted and I was wondering if anyone has more information on my chances. I’ve been told that they have 1 slot per subfield so does each subfield have a waitlist?

    @Anonymon1234 are you waitlisted for GPR or DDS? They don't do things the same way. A current Duke GPR student told me that their waiting list is universal, not field-specific. 

  4. 1 hour ago, NTGal said:

    I haven't heard anything and assume that i've been rejected...I also think it's odd because it seems that in the past everyone regardless of status was notified on the same day. There is an acceptance on the results thread that I assume is legitimate because their interview (which is non-competitive) was weekend of Feb 14. I was holding out hope of being waitlisted but hope for that is slim because I met someone at an interview about  week ago who said they were wait-listed at Duke (subfield Hebrew Bible). of course there is a chance that not all subfields were notified a the same time, but i would assume they were because their waiting list is universal.

    speak of the devil, official rejection just came

  5. 1 hour ago, coffee2700 said:

    Has anyone heard anything from GPR at Duke? Been accepted/waitlisted/rejected? I'm wondering why info is so late this year

    I haven't heard anything and assume that i've been rejected...I also think it's odd because it seems that in the past everyone regardless of status was notified on the same day. There is an acceptance on the results thread that I assume is legitimate because their interview (which is non-competitive) was weekend of Feb 14. I was holding out hope of being waitlisted but hope for that is slim because I met someone at an interview about  week ago who said they were wait-listed at Duke (subfield Hebrew Bible). of course there is a chance that not all subfields were notified a the same time, but i would assume they were because their waiting list is universal.

  6. we all read into everything in this PhD app process, right? ?

    in response to my post-interview thank-you's, most emails back were neutral (e.g., it was nice to meet you too, all the best). I am waaaaay reading into one that says "best wishes for your onward study," thinking that this prof doesn't want me because it sounds like it's assuming i won't be at that institution....and that if they wanted me it might say something like "best wishes for your onward study, whether here or elsewhere"...am i reading into it? is it common perhaps to reply to everyone in that way because they don't want to give any hints about what they are thinking before the departments and committees meet? The reply was sent during the weekend and before any admissions meetings had happened yet. 

  7. as we are waiting in agony for results, i thought i'd throw out a question about interviews....do programs usually ask you detailed questions about the content of your writing sample? or would questions be more in the realm of how it connects to what you are interested in pursuing further for doctoral research? I used a paper I wrote for a class a year ago. I did read it again, but it's definitely not fresh. If it's typical for interviews to ask specific questions about it, I should probably spend some time studying it...

  8. 15 minutes ago, kenshiro said:

    People in medicine do this all the time when they're getting ready to match for residency or fellowship. A good friend of mine still has the Facebook name "Notthedroid Yourelookingfor" and is unsearchable three years after finishing his medical training.

    Yes, I've seen a lot of FB friends change their name when they're applying for school or jobs. But...I'm somewhat ubiquitous online, and I would have had to delete a lot of accounts. I didn't really want to do that. Hopefully it doesn't hurt me. 

  9. I went through something similar...two of my LOR writers submitted their letters about a week after I asked, well before my earliest deadline. My third did not respond to my reminders for about a month, and then a few days before my first deadline she finally responded. She still ended up submitting one of my letters 8 days late. But during that month when she wasn't responded, I also questioned everything....did she actually not like me? Did i offend her in some way to which she no longer wanted to do it?

    So I'm really sorry that you had to go through that stressful ordeal, but I'm so glad that you found someone else willing to write the letter. Since she had agreed to write the letter, and since you never got the impression that she had a problem with your sexual orientation, I don't think she flaked because of her church's teaching. LOR writers flaking is actually pretty normal, unfortunately (I discovered this as I was freaking about my unresponsive writer). She probably just got really busy....and then maybe she felt awkward about how to say that she couldn't do it and then just chose to not respond instead. I don't know how academics could be irresponsible in this way, but I hear that profs are actually notorious for stuff like this... 

  10. @kenshiro, prayers and best wishes for your interview!

    Do you think it's possible that the GPR changed their admissions process that drastically? I guess I'm still hoping that that post is actually for DDS. If the person who posted that reads this, please do illuminate for us and either ease the suffering of those of us freaking out, or drive the knife all the way in ?

  11. 37 minutes ago, kenshiro said:

    Looks like some more results are up, including a Skype interview @ Duke (I don't think I've ever heard of this?) and Vandy and ND results.

    I'm not sure what to make of Duke. My understanding is that Duke interviews are on-campus late in the candidate review cycle. I went in and had an hourlong chat with a potential PoI; does that count?

    @kenshiro that was odd to me as well...given that I've seen some people confuse uni with div school programs at schools that have both, I assume that that Duke skype interview posting is for DDS since they send out skype interview invitations around this time, whereas Duke GPR, as you mentioned sends out invitations for (non-competitive) on-campus interviews a bit later in the cycle. 

    Congrats on getting invited to interview! Why do you think the email you got does not bode well for PhD applicants? Also, I can't believe they sent at email at 10:32 PM! on a federal holiday, no less!

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