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Mel Rose

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  1. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from Strelka in Playwriting MFAs   
    Hey I didn't apply to Columbia so I know nothing of their process, but I saw last night on twitter that a friend of a friend just received an offer. Not sure if they all go out at the same time, just figured I'd relay the information, for those waiting!
  2. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to handsacrossthesky in Playwriting MFAs   
    Hi all, just in case it's helpful to anyone, I just got an offer from UCSD! 
  3. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to Starpants in Playwriting MFAs   
    Yeah I can definitely give some insight into the agenting world! And I didn't mean to denigrate anyone choosing to go to one of these amazing MFA programs by taking out loans. Being one of like 3 people to get into these places is extremely difficult and each institution has a whole list of alumni working in the field, so if you choose to take money out to go there because you want to be a working playwright, I totally get it. 
    But at the agency I would see playwrights have what I would say is a dream season where they would have one play produced at Lincoln Center and another produced in Chicago at the Goodman. That's like, the dream to me. But financially they only made 3-4k on each of those productions? And spent 1-2 months in rehearsals for those shows. So at the end of the year after your best year as a playwright you only make like 8k tops. 
    Now of course there are some people who will have a play come out that explodes and gets produced all over America and will get a publication advance for 100k. But That's a once in a lifetime thing that you can never count on. And I've only seen that once. You might as play the lotto. 
    The playwrights I've seen that make the most consistent money are people who have been in the game for a loooong time. Who have built up connections and working relationships with many theaters across the country so that once they have a new play they send it out to all their friends and then boom, there's 7 productions next year. 
    That's why you're right, TV is the only real sustainable way to make money in this field. Which, I've seen first hand how TV and Film people obsess over playwrights. They see playwrights as wild unicorns who can create magical stories that TV writers simply can't. I've seen playwrights jump the hierarchy in TV world and become show creators / show runners without ever having staffed. So there's definitely a leg up in TV if you're coming at it from the playwriting world. 
    My original point though was just to be aware what you're getting in to if you take loans out. Because it's not like a production at Playwrights Horizons is going to make any dent in them. 
  4. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to Starpants in Playwriting MFAs   
    Yo, just my 2 cents here, but I do not think taking out loans to go to graduate school for playwriting is worth it. Like, financially? You're never going to make enough money from playwriting to pay that shit off. I used to work at a talent agency representing playwrights, and the best year that anyone ever had was making maybe 50k, and that was after having the most produced play in America. No other year ever came close to that for them. Or anyone else.
  5. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from thefates in Playwriting MFAs   
    Also waitlisted at NYU...didn't get an email, strangely, but checked the portal because I had feeling we'd get answers today. Kinda bummed as I really felt my application was exponentially stronger this year. The play I submitted has opened a lot of doors for me this year, just strangely not as many MFA programs ?‍♀️
    Still keeping my name on the list at NYU just in case, but (barring any major plot twists) I'm leaning toward accepting my offer at CMU. I've been pleased with the program so far... ZOOMing with some current students/alumni and members of my cohort this weekend, and may take a road trip to scope out Pittsburgh next weekend just to be sure (if I can scrounge together the insane gas money right now lol). Still waiting on the final word from a few schools, but whatever happens, I trust I'll end up where I'm meant to. 
  6. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to Strelka in Playwriting MFAs   
    I was also waitlisted at NYU! Glad to be in good company with all y'all. :) 
  7. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from Strelka in Playwriting MFAs   
    Also waitlisted at NYU...didn't get an email, strangely, but checked the portal because I had feeling we'd get answers today. Kinda bummed as I really felt my application was exponentially stronger this year. The play I submitted has opened a lot of doors for me this year, just strangely not as many MFA programs ?‍♀️
    Still keeping my name on the list at NYU just in case, but (barring any major plot twists) I'm leaning toward accepting my offer at CMU. I've been pleased with the program so far... ZOOMing with some current students/alumni and members of my cohort this weekend, and may take a road trip to scope out Pittsburgh next weekend just to be sure (if I can scrounge together the insane gas money right now lol). Still waiting on the final word from a few schools, but whatever happens, I trust I'll end up where I'm meant to. 
  8. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to seasickmermaid in Playwriting MFAs   
    Waitlisted at NYU! They say it's not very long so I've got my fingers crossed!
    On another note, I got into The New School, but they don't seem to be giving me any aid, only loans. I have basically no money so I was surprised at this and am now terrified about having to pay over 200K overall to go there. Has anyone else experienced this struggle or does anyone have any advice on financing grad school or convincing schools to give you financial aid? I am still waiting to hear from BU, which would be amazing because they cover tuition but obviously because of that they are going to be more competitive and idk I'm just freaking out about money guys! Anyways, fuck capitalism and thanks for listening ?
  9. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to broccolini in Playwriting MFAs   
    Hey y'all! Remember me from last year! It's Broccolini! I'm here to tell a tale about why you should never give up.
    Sooo, last year I had interviews with NYU and Northwestern and was then placed on the waitlist for both schools. Eventually, I was released from the waitlist. I was a semifinalist at Hunter and was rejected from both Brooklyn and Brown. I was totally devastated after not getting in anywhere. I had gotten it in my head that my life couldn't start until I got into grad school (which is just some capitalistic bullshit). Plus, how the hell was I going to go through this grueling application process again? How was I going to write another whole ass play? HOW? But I kept pushing through. I see many others have as well. HELL YES. I got a job at a grocery store and wrote a play about that very grocery store and applied again. This year, I switched things up a little. Like some of you, I decided to focus on the schools that had shown some interest in me. I narrowed my list to NYU, Northwestern, and Hunter. I added one new school: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. I had visited some friends in the city over the summer and found out about SAIC's MFA in Writing program. I realized I could pursue both playwriting and my other passion, which is comics. I thought why not give it a go!
    After all the rejection and heartbreak my first round, I can now finally see the silver lining. I'm in at SAIC! It's the perfect program for me and I never would have discovered that if I had gotten in last year. And boy oh boy am I glad I decided to throw SAIC into the mix because...CRICKETS FROM EVERY OTHER SCHOOL. I now know more than ever how much of a crap shoot this whole process really is. I felt my interviews went so well last year. Though I was proud of my first application, it was nothing compared to the work I put into this round. My new play is leaps and bounds better than the one I submitted last year. I slayed that personal statement! I was sure I'd get interviews to NYU and Northwestern again. I thought maybe I'd move up in the ranks with Hunter. But NOPE. No interviews. Nothing.
    Why do I tell you all this? To show that there are many avenues to pursue playwriting. I was convinced it was MFA IN PLAYWRITING OR THE HIGHWAY. I wanted in at the tip top school. I wanted to be that NYU bad bitch. I thought it was the only possible way to be a playwright. But then I actually found a program that better suited my interests and will allow me to pursue both of my passions. 
    I feel your discouragement. IT SUCKS SO FUCKING BAD TO FEEL SO REJECTED. But please know, just because you didn't get an interview or didn't get in somewhere doesn't mean you aren't talented as hell. It just might mean you haven't found the place for you yet. Keep searching and keep dreaming. Life has a funny way of working itself out. 
  10. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to thefates in Playwriting MFAs   
    Thanks @Mel Rose!!  The program's a great fit for me.
    Suspect you're right about Hunter, that ship has maybe sailed unless they're staggering the interviews, which could be the case. Yep, we'll see.
    Good thoughts to all who are in the waiting and/or decision-making phases. Stress is real!!
  11. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from Strelka in Playwriting MFAs   
    I cast a wide net this year, but ultimately tried to hone in more on the programs where I was waitlisted/finalist-ed last year (Iowa, NYU, CMU, Hunter, Northwestern) in my apps. I based my list on the faculty, and the kind of writers that graduate from the program. I only applied at places where I love the work of the teachers and alumni, and my favored programs are those that emphasize character driven work & story (more so than experimental theatre...not my thing).  I also factored in funding or funding options (I wanted a fully funded program or program where there is at least a possibility of significant partial funding or major grants/commissions).
    I've been seeking a career-minded program that prepares you for both playwriting and film/tv writing, so that was also important. I hear a lot that my plays should be films, so I almost applied to screenwriting programs this year, but couldn't imagine abandoning playwriting for all of grad school, so focused on places that have both to some extent. A lot to consider, but yeah I ended up with a pretty varied list of schools.
  12. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from MischiefNotManaged in Playwriting MFAs   
    Congrats @thefates! That’s awesome!
    I haven’t heard from Hunter either, which I’m pretty bummed about. I saw on Draft that someone got an interview request early last week, so I wonder if it is over :( disappointed for sure…We’ll see. Did anyone here interview at Hunter yet?
  13. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from tomlette in Playwriting MFAs   
    Congrats @thefates! That’s awesome!
    I haven’t heard from Hunter either, which I’m pretty bummed about. I saw on Draft that someone got an interview request early last week, so I wonder if it is over :( disappointed for sure…We’ll see. Did anyone here interview at Hunter yet?
  14. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from tomlette in Playwriting MFAs   
    I cast a wide net this year, but ultimately tried to hone in more on the programs where I was waitlisted/finalist-ed last year (Iowa, NYU, CMU, Hunter, Northwestern) in my apps. I based my list on the faculty, and the kind of writers that graduate from the program. I only applied at places where I love the work of the teachers and alumni, and my favored programs are those that emphasize character driven work & story (more so than experimental theatre...not my thing).  I also factored in funding or funding options (I wanted a fully funded program or program where there is at least a possibility of significant partial funding or major grants/commissions).
    I've been seeking a career-minded program that prepares you for both playwriting and film/tv writing, so that was also important. I hear a lot that my plays should be films, so I almost applied to screenwriting programs this year, but couldn't imagine abandoning playwriting for all of grad school, so focused on places that have both to some extent. A lot to consider, but yeah I ended up with a pretty varied list of schools.
  15. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to machinations in Playwriting MFAs   
    Hi y'all! (hoping I'm posting on here correctly...) I just wanted to pop in and say thank you for sharing your experiences on this forum. I received my rejection from Brown earlier today, which, you knows, sucks, but reading through your posts and the tenacity y'all have has been very comforting and inspiring. I'm expecting rejections from Columbia and Tufts (for a PhD) since interviews have been sent out or completed by those programs, and I'm waiting to hear from BU and Edinburgh. This was my first year applying, and I was feeling very demoralized the past couple of weeks hearing from acquaintances receiving interviews and finalist decisions, but knowing that this isn't the end-all, be-all makes me feel a whole lot better.
  16. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from thefates in Playwriting MFAs   
    Congrats @thefates! That’s awesome!
    I haven’t heard from Hunter either, which I’m pretty bummed about. I saw on Draft that someone got an interview request early last week, so I wonder if it is over :( disappointed for sure…We’ll see. Did anyone here interview at Hunter yet?
  17. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to thefates in Playwriting MFAs   
    In at Brooklyn woot woot! Got the email this morning. Excited and relieved...
    Has anybody heard from Hunter?? 
  18. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from thefates in Playwriting MFAs   
    I cast a wide net this year, but ultimately tried to hone in more on the programs where I was waitlisted/finalist-ed last year (Iowa, NYU, CMU, Hunter, Northwestern) in my apps. I based my list on the faculty, and the kind of writers that graduate from the program. I only applied at places where I love the work of the teachers and alumni, and my favored programs are those that emphasize character driven work & story (more so than experimental theatre...not my thing).  I also factored in funding or funding options (I wanted a fully funded program or program where there is at least a possibility of significant partial funding or major grants/commissions).
    I've been seeking a career-minded program that prepares you for both playwriting and film/tv writing, so that was also important. I hear a lot that my plays should be films, so I almost applied to screenwriting programs this year, but couldn't imagine abandoning playwriting for all of grad school, so focused on places that have both to some extent. A lot to consider, but yeah I ended up with a pretty varied list of schools.
  19. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from MischiefNotManaged in Playwriting MFAs   
    I also spaced on that, but in previous years it has been consistently the week before spring break, which for NYU I believe is next week, so I'm kinda hoping we hear back this week !
  20. Like
    Mel Rose got a reaction from Strelka in Playwriting MFAs   
    I also spaced on that, but in previous years it has been consistently the week before spring break, which for NYU I believe is next week, so I'm kinda hoping we hear back this week !
  21. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to Strelka in Playwriting MFAs   
    Also got a Columbia interview! Stoked!!
    For NYU peeps who interviewed—do you remember what was said about when decisions might come out? I totally spaced on writing that info down!
  22. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to MischiefNotManaged in Playwriting MFAs   
    Got mine! ❤️ 
  23. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to tomlette in Playwriting MFAs   
    just got a columbia interview request... screaming, crying, throwing up etc 
  24. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to thecleanhouseruhl in Playwriting MFAs   
    hey y’all! I’ve been lurking on this page this whole application cycle, as I’m sure many others might be doing lmao. I received a rejection from USC’s program this morning, but the director of the program sent me a personal note saying how much he enjoyed my writing. He also encouraged me to apply again in the future. 
    Maybe I should feel bad about that, but I feel intense gratitude to him for taking that time.
    so I just wanted to jump on here and commend all of you for doing the hard thing putting yourselves out there. However it turns out, someone will see you and your work. That’s everything. Best of luck with the future and hope we all get to collaborate down the line as professional writers x
  25. Like
    Mel Rose reacted to kangturtle in Playwriting MFAs   
    Hi everyone! Have been stalking this post since forever and finally decided to make an account! So on Feb 28 I received an email from Iowa's Lisa saying that I'm a finalist and asking me for a phone interview. Did my interview on Mar 1 evening and now I'm waiting for the result.:) During the interview Lisa gave an intro to the Iowa Playwrights Workshop program and I asked questions accordingly. Then there came the "Why Iowa" question. We also talked about my past theatrical experiences, and what plays I plan to write in the future. Also talked about my general experiences and the full-length script I submitted. It was a pleasant talk and I really think Iowa is a perfect fit for my interests and I hope they think so too. Wish everyone best of luck!!! 
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