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    samsam99 reacted to asingh25 in Canada MSW 2020   
    hi there, first i just want to say, good for you for getting through things and being able to turn your gpa around, that's awesome! your gpa and experience sound great. in regards to your questions:
    1. programs tend to focus on your final year or last 2 years, as opposed to your overall gpa.
    2. in terms of how common, i don't think its super common or uncommon but is something that would change each year with each round of applicants but to my knowledge, schools don't really care if you've just graduated or have been out for a few years, unless stated otherwise. that being said, i do know people who have gotten in right out of school and people who got in after being out of school for a bit. i personally got in after being out for a year but also i didn't have much experience straight out of undergrad.
    3. your anxiety is totally fair and valid and i (along with probably every other applicant) can completely relate. try not to be too hard on yourself about your first few years of uni, it sounds like you put in a lot of hard work to get really good experience and to turn your grades around and schools will notice this! i would be happy to chat further about applications if you have any other questions. in terms of who you can talk to, check the contact section under the schools youre interested in, there should be a program director or someone who can answer any school-specific questions you may have.
    4. i did add a little bit about my own lived experience in my statements but i didn't go into details, i framed it to show the schools how my lived experience led me to pursue an msw. i don't think it hurts to add a bit about your lived experience. 
    best of luck!! you're going to do great
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    samsam99 reacted to K_J in Canada MSW 2020   
    Hello :)
    1) I specifically applied to the 2 year MSW program at UofT, Laurier, and UBCO, and was surprised I got into all. The programs do care about gpa, BUT they care about other stuff as well. I had a few W (withdrawn) standings on my transcript because I was also dealing with a lot of things mentally at the beginning of my degree. But most programs that I have researched mostly just calculate gpa based on your last year or your last two years. I had some low grades as well due to my mental health before my last year of studies, but I really tried to go above and beyond for my final year. The way I saw it - maybe they would notice how I improved myself over the years and finished strong. I completed my last year with grades mostly in the A range. So if you keep up within the A range, I think you will be fine. And having experience in crisis work (as you do) is great too. 
    2) I graduated with my undergrad in 2019, and applied for the September 2020 start for my MSW, so I kind of had a year off in-between. I wanted to apply right away, but I was recovering from a physical illness. So i'm not too sure about how common it is to get in straight after undergrad, but I do know lots of people who have! 
    3) Your anxiety and feelings are valid. It can definitely be very scary to mentally navigate all of this. I think if you keep your application strong (statement and references), have solid experience in the field (work/volunteer), and finish off strong in your courses, you will get in. Rooting for you! 
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