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Posts posted by LML2021

  1. Hello @Sagittarius! I am a BSSW student that graduated in May 2021 and did a TON of research to find a macro focused school, With a specialization in policy. I’m lucky that my undergraduate BSSW is rooted in disability studies, so i understand the importance of A program with that perspective.

    I’m from NYC so my initial research had me looking at Fordham Univeristy, UPenn, Rutgers, Columbia and SUNY Stonybrook. I applied to all but Rutgers & was accepted to all.  My overall cumulative GPA was less than yours(3.29), but my major GPA was a perfect 4.0 & my mid-year field evaluation was excellent. I also had very strong letters of recommendations. I lucked out that I was also doing macro level work during my Undergrad field Placement . I know it seems overwhelming, but I promise that applying as a social Work student as advanced placement does give you an edge! ?

    I have committed to Fordham as an Advanced Placement MSW student who will have a macro/ policy focus. 

    hope this helps! You’re also welcome to message me if you would like to discuss further!

  2. On 3/4/2021 at 1:51 PM, cp98 said:

    Did anyone waiting for Columbia put down a deposit anywhere else? I am concerned about getting a good field placement if I wait to put a deposit and end up not even getting into Columbia.

    I put down a deposit and have already submitted my field application documents. I’m advanced standing and start in the specialist year. Field placement opportunities has been my my upmost concern. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, gradschoolsocialwork said:

    where can i find more info on this? i had not heard about this until now!

    The professor spoke out against CSSW on all of their social media (iHartEricka), specially on Twitter & wrote an article on medium as well. 





    they also called out this professor who still teaches at the school and is open about their heroin use https://www.wnyc.org/story/professor-drug-use-addiction-students/

  4. Question for anyone applying/ waiting for Columbia. Does the news today of the black, queer non-binary school of social work professor being fired for speaking out against a racist- transphobic student change your mind about the school? 

    I’m from NYC & have had friends, work colleagues and even school personnel while getting my BSSW warn me of the school’s very privileged, condescending environment. I’m struggling with finding anything about the program ~good enough to support an institution that perpetuates the systemic inequities and stigmas we are hoping to change. 

    “it’s Columbia...” just doesn’t feel like a good enough reason anymore 

    would just love to know anyone else’s opinions on this. 

  5. On 2/16/2021 at 6:34 PM, gradschoolsocialwork said:

    did anyone who applied to columbia MSW advanced standing have to postpone their field supervision paperwork? I had to postpone mine since I am doing field in the summer & am wondering if that is why there is a delay in my decision. I applied on 12/1 and haven't heard anything back :( 

    I couldn’t apply till my mid- semester evaluation was complete, which wasn’t until mid/late December so i missed the December 1st priority deadline. your application isn’t complete until all letters and the field evaluation is in. 

    A friend of mine told me as an advanced standing student, not to worry. as long as you’ve done well we should be okay. 

  6. On 2/4/2021 at 9:48 AM, bkcase said:

    I heard back about Fordham, too! I'm not advanced standing, but mine was 3K/yearly as well.

    And that's a great question, but honestly I don't think I have a good answer. NYU seems like it may have the strongest clinical program, which is an obvious draw, but I'm also really impressed by Columbia's DBT curriculum and interested in this minor https://socialwork.columbia.edu/news/launch-of-new-social-work-minor-emerging-technology-media-and-society-ems/ (is anyone familiar with it?). BUT THEY'RE SO MUCH MONEY. You truly can't beat the value of Hunter, which is also a great program. What is your #1?

    Fordham is my #1. I appreciate their social justice focus and the theoretical perspective that their program teaches through. The classes also seem truly focused on policy. Also, every interaction I’ve had with the school has been quick, easy and nice. 
    I received my BSSW at a CUNY school (not hunter) and it sometimes was difficult to navigate the various offices to get the right answer or any answer for that matter. You kind of felt like no one cared. But, I also fully understand the respectable reputation Hunter has and the price is impeccable compared to other schools. It is the best decision economically & professionally. 

  7. 15 hours ago, bkcase said:

    Columbia and Hunter (heard back from Fordham + NYU). What about you?

    Just heard back from Fordham and received the merit scholarship today. $3K which is standard for Advanced Standing 

    I’m waiting on Columbia and Stony Brook for the Manhattan extension site. The nerves are killing me! 

    Congratulations on Fordham and NYU! Are you leaning towards any school in particular? A director told me you always have a #1 in your heart. 

  8. 3 hours ago, EJM said:

    I'm with you on moving/commuting during the pandemic and there really are so many good programs right here!

    A fellowship app personal offer from Columbia sounds like a formal acceptance must be coming soon. If I remember my app with them correctly got a response before I was emailed to check the system. If you haven't checked lately, maybe you already have it waiting for you? (granted their system probably has changed in the last 10 years)

    Congrats on Fordham!

    Thanks for asking, its going really well. I am doing a bunch of data work right now myself -let me know if you want to do some extra credit data work before your school starts- and have found myself on some really cool research projects. Thankfully everyone in my close family has so far made it though the pandemic. Strangely one of the biggest changes is how many people are in school and can't go into class. We have all felt very privileged to have that be the thing we complain about. I hope you are your family are safe and healthy as well. And glad you are staying in NYC, the city is going to need a lot of support when we come out of covid-land (no pressure).

    I am a NY girl through and through. I am sure I will be sticking it out long past this pandemic. Plus, I’ve had a lot of work this year with emergency management/ covid-19. Kind of excited how that will set me apart when the job search comes.  Thank you for the data-entry offer. I’ve applied for summer internships with the comptroller, UN & Doctors Without Borders. (Hopeful, but not holding my breath) still looking for more. 

    I agree wholeheartedly about the privilege to have health, home and access to WiFi/computers to learn especially in a city that has been so disproportionately affected in so many ways, to so many people. But, I’m glad that everything has been well and you’ve had some cool research experience! 

    I will check the Columba portal. Theyre not my top choice, but a fellowship could change that .??

    Good luck with your research and all/any published papers in your future! 

  9. On 2/1/2021 at 8:03 PM, bkcase said:

    Did anyone else hear back from Fordham tonight? I was shocked because I just applied a few weeks ago, and judging from reading previous years' threads, they seem to usually send out decisions much later. (Unfortunately, financial package still to come...)

    I heard from Fordham as well. Their response was very quick. Still no financial package, but based on the “open house” they said most merit scholarships are $2-7K, $3K for advanced standing.  We shall see. 

    what other schools are you waiting for? 

  10. 5 hours ago, EJM said:

    Glad you brought this back, I checked a few days ago wondering how everyone was doing and if you were hearing back yet. 

    I don't think I will ever forget waiting to get into my masters program. the constant checking my email and excitement the day the I actually started getting responses 

    Did you end up sticking with Columbia, Fordham and Stonybrook?

    Yes! Those are the three schools that I applied to. Just didn't feel comfortable in a COVID-19 world applying to UPenn or any school that isn't easy to get to. I live in NYC and there are enough schools here with a great macro/policy program.  So far there is an acceptance from Fordham and a personal offer from Columbia to apply for a fellowship ( so i guess that means a formal acceptance is soon!?) 

    I had looked into the NYU program you suggested and it is very research based, I have been doing a lot of quantifying data and research during this pandemic for community programs. I am a little researched out so decided to stick with the 3. haha 

    Waiting for financial aid and *hopefully* the rest of the acceptances to make my final decision. Since I am advanced standing, it does make the financial burden a little easier. 

    Thank you for asking though! How is your Doctorate programming going ? 

    Hope you and your loved ones have been safe and well during this crazy year! 

  11. Bringing this thread back

    would love to know if anyone had any insight on if acceptance rates of macro specializations may be higher since most programs are normally smaller.

    finished applications for 3 schools as an advanced standing student and the pressure waiting for the acceptance is killing me. 

  12. 12 hours ago, itslizab said:

    The program's too small for my liking, and the professors are hit or miss, but then again, that's with every program, so take that with a grain of salt.

    Thank you @itslizab ! I’m looking for a smaller more supportive program. I’m applying as Advanced Standing and choosing a macro specialization which already limits my choices. Fordham’s programs, ideals and theoretical perspective lines up with my beliefs. I appreciate your opinion! 

  13. On 11/2/2020 at 3:56 PM, itslizab said:

    Hey! Just decided to transfer MSW programs - so I'm applying for fall 2021; I'm applying to NYU, Columbia, Boston University, Boston College, University of Denver, and UPenn. Currently I'm at Fordham, so if anyone has any questions, hit me up. 

    Hey @itslizab may I ask why you’re transferring from Fordham? That may be my lead choice.


  14. @EJM I appreciate your input and opinion having gone through the program.  I don’t need the foundation year as I have my BSW, so I start with the specialization year and I am confident in wanting the macro route, specifically in policy and advocacy.  But, I’m open to strong programs  that do have excellent fieldwork opportunities.  Which is most of the specialization year with 21 hours a week spent in field.  I also value having a supportive program and advisor with good communication.  Like your professor’s recommendation for the DSW program. (Congrats & good luck by the way!)

    I will reach out to NYU and see if they have any specific information. Even when I found the webpage for Macro it was barely a paragraph.  It might be a smaller program than clinical , but that could be In my best interest too.

    right now I’m applying to Columbia, Fordham, Stonybrook-Manhattan campus (they just started taking macro students at that campus) and I’m looking for a fourth school just to give myself the best opportunity and make the best fiscal decision. So NYU could very well be a contender. 

    Thank you again! And good luck finishing your DSW! 

  15. @EJM What is the macro track at NYU? In my research I haven’t seen anything indicating they even had one.. NYU is significantly closer than Columbia if I needed to travel as I’m applying as advanced standing for fall 2021.  
    what were your thoughts on the program ? 

    Edit : thank you for commenting. You’ve piqued my interest! I’d love another /closer option! 

  16. @MSWKelly @maxwellk I’m applying to about 3-4 schools. Obviously a reach school, a safe school and then one or two schools that I love the programs. Living in the world we are currently living in, I wanted to stay local and in person education would be my preference if it’s plausible. I’m also applying as advanced standing so I needed to find a grad school program that had the speciality I want to focus in.   
    but applying to more schools gives you a chance to find the program you get most $$ from and even use those offers to ask for reconsideration of aid from a program you prefer more! 
    Good Luck! 

  17. Hii @Paisley123 !! I was just thinking about you because I went to start my own applications and nothing for fall 2021 is even available yet & was wondering if you were still waiting or had heard your decision!

    im sorry that it has taken soo long to hear back from Fordham, I’m sure everything just seem sooo delayed with the start of the fall semester and the uncertainty of COVID. But, it’s still crazy that you’re only just in review! 
    Like your friend, I believe you are just waiting for your acceptance. And if she appreciated the program and says your application is strong.. Just keep that faith and positivity. We should be graduating together in 2021! ?

    During COVID, They haven’t seen the increase in school admissions that they had hoped. So I genuinely think that it will be fine. It is great that there is good communication with the faculty at Fordham too. Like we mentioned before, coming from CUNY that is such a benefit that is paramount in decision making. That support and communication feels so important.  

    Monmouth University is a great school, one of my professors I took during my BSSW   graduated with her LMSW from there, she even worked in Guatemala and at the UN. They have a great relationship with the UN which could open a lot of opportunities for you. It was definitely a school I was looking at originally. But If I needed to go to campus For any reason it’s a 90 min+ drive on a good day, longer with shore traffic. But knowing that they have an established online program should also give you more confidence in their program. If the UN is a goal for you, I genuinely support that decision. 
    it’s always good to have options!  Looking ahead at what the school offers is possible connections for fieldwork is super important. That was another issue my classmates & I experienced during my BSW. 

     i know last time we spoke you decided not to pursue Rutgers. I recently came to the same decision after finding out that Stony Brook has a Manhattan campus and just this past semester they decided to accept students from their policy specialization. So it may be Fordham, Columbia & Stony brook. I’m anxious to start And finish my applications but nothing is available yet! 

    Thank you again for letting me know! I hope they get back ASAP and you get some excellent financial/merit aid!  ??

  18. @meld42 every information session I attended said that your essay and your letters of recommendation make the most effective case for how you are as a person/social worker. If you will have your BSW, you are probably applying as an advanced standing student. Most schools require your field evaluation.  

    Every school has said that they look at a student holistically, especially with advanced standing having a letter of recommendation from an LMSW/LCSW , a professor and or an employer will make the most difference.


  19. @MSWKelly @monavocado so I live in NYC and especially living in an uncertain COVID-19 world I wanted to stay local, I also felt that fieldwork opportunities in NYC would be excellent.  The furthest school I am contemplating is UPenn. 

    Since I would be applying for advanced standing, I start my MSW with the specialization year and I’ve been adamant about a macro concentration with a specialization in policy. That has dramatically limited school options, Almost immediately. There aren’t many schools that have a macro concentration.. most are clinical focused and then specialized in children & families,, mental health, forensic etc.

    The information sessions have been great because you learn about the different programs, specific areas of specialization .. their financial aid options, the cost etc. Acceptance rate. I’ve also been interested in their theoretical perspective, class size, how they schedule their classes, fieldwork opportunities and how diverse their staff and student body are. This is all important for me since I’m only going to be there for one year and things need to get rolling fast in terms of placement. Another bonus I learned about was alumni boards and meetings for job postings. Especially since I want to take the macro route, that’s An excellent opportunity for networking jobs. And it ended up being important after I learned about it. 

    I planned on starting all of my applications early September and asking For my letters of recommendation early October. The earliest priority deadline of the schools I planned on applying to has been December 1st. But,  I need to wait for mid-year fieldwork review which won’t happen until late December/ early January anyway. I’m guessing the school understands that. And like @MSWKelly mentioned other People have mentioned contacting you if something is missing.  All together I wanna be done applying by January... and then make the best decision. 

    i have a first choice school but I’m open to see what happens with the other ones. 
    I would advise reading through some other posts, I’ve learned about asking for a Financial aid reconsideration and getting an extension if they want you to put down $$ to reserve your seat but you’re waiting for acceptance from other schools before you make a decision.  It’s been super informative! 

    edit: I also have asked about the breakdown of their program/ classes. I didn’t want a research focused program since I’ve already done enough research. and learning if they do a capstone project or not. 

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