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Posts posted by cpsych2021


    Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows has some information about whether applicants should or shouldn't submit a CV from McMaster's RCT program. Their website and handbook doesn't list it as a requirement but it seems hard to believe that they will just judge applicants according to a one page statement of interest and academic grades. I emailed admissions but haven't heard anything back yet so I thought that I'd try here. Thanks!!

  2. 19 minutes ago, MaryQofS said:

    I just checked the course fees for people who are not Canadian or resident in Canada, and, unfortunately, the course I checked was $2000. Since I have so many credits I need to do, I wouldn't be able to afford this. Anybody else have any suggestions about where to do credits? Perhaps there are some Americans reading this who could give advice about where to get them in the US?

    Athabasca is one of the most expensive online university options in Canada. I would try the University of Manitoba or Memorial University, they are the cheapest (but still great Universities! They just get more funding). I took classes from the University of Manitoba while I was living in Mexico. The courses were great and I had my exams invigilated at a local school. 

    Check out this link for a complete list of Canadian Universities which offer online courses: https://www.educanada.ca/programs-programmes/online-learning-enseignement-en-ligne.aspx?lang=eng

  3. On 8/20/2020 at 3:32 PM, freudianslipintogradschool said:

    how many hours per week are you guys planning to work on apps? I've already started but I am hoping to dedicate a 3-4 hour block each week starting second week of september. Is this enough time? My cv is already ready to go. Just planning to work on personal statements and funding

    I'm not sure. I'm working on my statement of interest now and it is taking more time than I had expected. I would like to get it ready for edits in the next week because I doubt that I will have much time once school starts. I'm also going to start preparing for the funding application but I doubt that I'll be done before school starts again. 

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