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Posts posted by figtree

  1. On 1/29/2021 at 9:20 AM, Beezy said:

    Hey guys I'm also applying to ischools this year six in total, Michigan, Cornell, CMU, Syracuse, IUPUI and Toronto. I've had calls with profs from all the colleges except Michigan and Cornell and haven't heard anything back. Is it normal for professors not to interview you after already discussing their research plans with you in advance and discussing collaborations and stuff. I've been working for the last five years, I have publications in journals and conferences and relatively decent grades. So I'm just wondering if anyone is in the same boat? I see a lot of people getting interview calls and honestly I'm terrified that I haven't heard anything. 

    Hi Beezy! It depends on the school. In my experience, some schools require the interview process as a standard procedure, even if you have met and discussed research with multiple potential advisers. Other schools have different procedures. I recently heard that at University of Maryland, if you have spoken with potential advisors who informally agree to be a potential advisor, you likely won’t have a formal interview. I reached out to admissions of places I hadn’t heard from too, which was helpful. 

  2. 12 hours ago, philmendez said:

    I was wondering how COVID would affect admissions processes. (Fewer staff? More applications to process? Remote procedures?) So far, I've applied just to University of Michigan for a masters in Human-Computer Interaction. 3.62 GPA from Florida State University with a degree in English (Editing, Writing, and Media). 4 years of experience teaching K-12 in Madrid. Great letters of rec, a few interesting service/experience (learning) design projects in my portfolio. 

    Looking to apply to other schools.


    I have heard that funding at some institutions will be impacted, which makes it difficult to attend for many people. I haven’t heard of any info studies programs that have done this, but I know a ton of humanities programs aren’t accepting applications for 2021 admissions this semester. Some programs are expecting a lot of applicants and less funding, but maybe that will change!

    Good luck on your Michigan app! Their program seems awesome, and they definitely have some of the best/most consistent funding in the US, and lots of student support! I heard in an info session that their PhD funding was not impacted by Covid.

    what other programs are you looking at?


  3. On 1/4/2021 at 2:49 AM, Har5hraj said:

    Hey Figtree,

    It's great to hear your interest in the field and that you are applying to a few colleges. I am also applying this year but in the masters program.
    Was wondering why do you think you won't be able to get in? Is it because of the no. of applications?

    Hi Har5hraj,


    Thanks for the reply and encouragement! And good luck to you on your master’s application. That’s very exciting!

    I’m nervous because I’ve heard at several information studies interest meetings that admissions teams were expecting more applications than usual this year, I think due to COVID and people being uncertain of their futures and able to transition to a PhD program perhaps without having to move. Apparently there has been a lot of interest, so I feel like the stakes could be higher, but you never know.


    best of luck to you!!

  4. On 12/31/2020 at 4:35 PM, capuuu said:

    Heyo! iSchool and HCI applicant checking in. I'm hoping to study the design of online communities/social media and how these tools might affect the formation of an individual's political identity. My background is in design research.

    It was a super stressful application season. I have a ton of relevant work experience and I'm not sure I mapped that well enough to my SOP's. I'm fully not expecting to get in anywhere this season. In total, I applied to 7 schools. 

    Good luck to all!

    7 seems like a good number from what I hear! I applied to 4 - University of Michigan, University of Maryland, UNC-Chapel Hill, and the University of Texas. 

    Your research sounds really interesting and important. Much luck to you!

  5. On 12/31/2020 at 1:26 AM, kineto said:

    Hey! I applied to IS programs at Michigan and Cornell, as well as a few Communication programs. I'm interested in the politics of technology design and digital infrastructures.

    The process was definitely stressful amid the pandemic, but faculty conversations were very helpful for finding a good fit and talking through my research.

    Good luck to everyone!

    That sounds so interesting---I definitely want to learn more about digital infrastructures in my future studies related to access. I also applied to Michigan....and I am not expecting to get in, but we'll see. Good luck to you!

  6. Hi everyone! I applied to information studies PhD programs for the fall 2021 semester, and I wanted to start a topic for those of us in the information studies/library science fields or other related fields. I am hoping to study archives and digital access, but I also am interested in other topics in information studies and related interdisciplinary humanities fields, like digital humanities. 

    I didn't apply to many programs this cycle, but I still have my fingers crossed! 

    I just wanted to start this topic in case anyone wants to connect. I know for me it was especially challenging to apply while dealing with the pandemic alongside my master's degree work and my jobs. I'm nervous, too, because I have heard from faculty and administration at schools I am interested in that they are expecting a large amount of applicants, and have fewer spots available.

    The application process for me was stressful, but it was a benefit being able to connect with prospective advisors over zoom.

    Has anyone else here applied for information studies phd programs? How do you feel? What was your experience like?

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