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Posts posted by M-Lin

  1. 1 hour ago, Boomer not Ok said:

    Also waiting on BU. Highly unlikely I’ll get in. Also it’s a 1 yr program which I’m ambivalent about. I really think I need more time than that, though for others I can see the attraction of completing the degree in less time. Also applied to Emerson but if that works out not sure now I’d want to relocate. But Boston is a great city...


    1 hour ago, funfettuccine said:

    I do think the one-year thing could go either way. On the one hand, I like the idea of something so intense, but I could also see it just not being enough time. I was really attracted to BU for the focus on travel/translation in addition to straight writing instruction... I did a French major in undergrad and have always been interested in translation, but never really pursued it. And I did my undergrad in MA (albeit not in Boston), so I have fond memories of the state. Anyway, we'll see!

    Agree that the 1-year duration could go either way. I'm also attracted to their translation seminar and the global fellowship at the end of the program. Plus opportunity to teach, small cohort, fully-funded & stipend, etc. Wish us all luck! 

    I don't plan to relocate to Boston from NYC. Below are some answers I got from the program before I applied: 

    1) regarding commuting from somewhere else: 

    Yes, students have lived outside of Boston before.  You can plan for your literature courses to be on the same days as your workshops so that your commute is manageable.  Courses are usually 3 hours / week.  We've had students who lived primarily in NYC or even Maine.  If you're accepted to the program, we'll work with you on your schedule.

    2) regarding translation courses:

    You need to take 4 upper-level literature courses.  You're welcome to choose any literary translation courses to be part of those courses, even all 4 if that's what you want.

    3) regarding auditing classes from other departments of BU:
    Yes.  These are on a case-by-case basis depending on the professor.

    4) regarding teaching: 

    We usually schedule experienced teachers for the first semester.  If you haven't taught before, we'll schedule you in the spring.  There are teaching orientations and you can sit in on classes to watch your classmates teach, but we don't offer extensive teaching training.

    5) regarding funding if you choose to finish in a year and a half:
    If you stay for another half year, BU will cover the continuing student fee, but you won't be registered for any courses and you won't receive any extra stipend.  The funding essentially is the same for the two timelines.

    Hope this helps fellow BU(fiction) applicants! 

  2. 1 hour ago, funfettuccine said:

    I’m waiting on five! I’m pretty sure one of them is out, and I know a couple others have started contacting people, but I don’t know if they’ve finished. Radio silence from the others though... and BU is one of my schools so I feel like I’m going to be waiting until, like, April to actually know what’s going on in my life. ?

    Same here... BU is probably my first choice (along with BK)! I would advise people against applying to BU in the future just because this wait is torture. Application advice: apply to schools that notify in January and February. LOL 

  3. 3 hours ago, susweekly said:

    I have a feeling Brooklyn College is going to notify acceptances today (or tomorrow.) thank god I have to work today otherwise I would be refreshing my inbox like I was trying to book a vaccine. 

    Josh did say it could also be early next week (which, I hope, means Monday!) And I just looked up in the results, acceptances tend to be phone calls! So no need to refresh your inbox, just make sure you're staring at your phone screen all day ?

  4. 10 hours ago, Boomer not Ok said:

    You could be right about NYU $ vs. SLC.  I think Columbia is the most expensive tuition-wise of all the programs and I don't think they give out much $. 

    Yep, another reason I regretted applying to Columbia lol. There's really no way to afford it. Who are all those people paying? (I'm sure some get scholarships and fellowships). From their website, it seems like the faculty picks their favorites to receive more money for the second year. That sounds like a recipe for fierce competition within the cohort, no? Anyway, we'll see what happens! 

  5. 1 hour ago, Boomer not Ok said:

    Looking at past results, NYU seems to keep their waitlist going until late summer... not sure how? I thought everyone has to make their choice by April 15th.

    I guess NYU expects you'll forfeit your deposit if you've gotten into another place and reserved your spot...but maybe they get some last minute late summer bails and some tuition fees they were counting on evaporate and they need to fill the hole in their balance sheet..? 

    I hear you about going for a program with a smaller class. I guess if you mesh with the cohort, it's great; if not, it could be very alienating I imagine. I applied to most NYC schools but as I have had no news (except SLC) from any of them, I am thinking best case I'm a waitlist at NYU, Hunter and Brooklyn. I don't think Columbia does interviews and not sure when they respond. OTOH, I think the odds of getting into at least 1 NY area program must be ok, considering the total amount of seats available when you add up all NY area programs in relation to the amount of applicants (ASSUMING of course the applicants are all applying to the same places, which is a big but not unreasonable assumption). 

    NYU gives half-tuition remission upon admission so I think it might end up being less expensive than SLC. I was also accepted to SLC(fiction) but the $ math might not work... please keep us posted on SLC, if you will, should you find out some interesting answers! 

    I think Columbia is possibly next week? And New School probably will notify, too, judging from the previous results. It is almost the end... 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Nervis said:

    Same! Good luck to us both!! 


    18 minutes ago, susweekly said:

    Same here!!! I interviewed Wednesday and it was short and professional — truly nothing to write home about. At least he said they would try to notify us by the end of the weekend. Here’s hoping we see each other in Brooklyn next fall! ??

    Samesies! ?

  7. 1 hour ago, goodcynara said:



    I am for sure! I erroneously uploaded while running around doing errands. My apologies. My post now includes text only. Hope this also removes the original from your Quotes. Will check when I get to my laptop - my phone is super old!

    It did ?

    I quit Draft/FB finally (after quitting once already but couldn't stand the wait and rejoined...) It was just taking too much of my time and energy. While I still have quite a few more schools to hear back from, the one offer and one interview I had put me slightly at ease. At least I'll have somewhere to go in the fall. Now I'm just trying to chill... though of course I'm still checking gradcafe every 10 minutes ?

  8. 11 minutes ago, goodcynara said:

    Hopkins applicants: this was posted on Draft a couple of hours ago: 


    Hey might be nice to crop the real name off. Draft is a private group and this is a public forum. The person might not want her/their identity exposed here. Just a thought! 

  9. 44 minutes ago, Boomer not Ok said:

    Just wondering about folk who applied to NYC area programs how much overlap there is among the applicants? If most of these programs are getting 500 plus apps for fiction, then I figure many or a decent % of these applicants are applying to the same schools. I figure the yield rates at NY, Columbia, New School etc. must be quite a lot higher than their acceptance rates. Even competitive programs like Hunter and Brooklyn must lose accepted applicants to other programs, if they're all chasing the same people. So, I wonder if these programs maintain robust waitlists...? But maybe the applicant pools to these programs are basically discrete, which would seem weird. 

    Looking at past results, NYU seems to keep their waitlist going until late summer... not sure how? I thought everyone has to make their choice by April 15th.

    But yeah, I would think people who are looking to stay in New York, like me, are probably all applying to the same programs. But after submitting all my applications, I realized that I'm really not interested in going to a big program, so probably shouldn't have applied to The New School and Columbia. 

    Hunter's website also says that once they make an offer, the applicant has one week to decide whether they accept. I don't know if it's still true but that seems a little overbearing to me... 

  10. 5 minutes ago, OldGirl said:

    Hi! Been lurking for a little while--I'm not the person who posted on the results page, but I can also confirm that I got a call from Hunter faculty at the very end of February. I think they said they have a longlist of about 12 people, but other than that, I don't really have any information. Fingers crossed for all of us!

    Thanks for letting us know! Good luck!!! 

  11. 22 minutes ago, M-Lin said:

    oh wow, that's from March 1st. Didn't even notice! Nope, have not heard. 

    Also I remember seeing someone saying that when they were accepted/contacted by Hunter that year, they were specifically told to not mention anything on social media. So maybe that is why it's completely silence... except this one weird pop up in Results 

  12. 2 hours ago, ilikepoetry said:

    okay so what do u guys think -- my impressions of poetry mfa programs I applied to as famous movie directors

    Brown - Claire Denis
    Hunter - Mike Leigh
    NYU - Martin Scorsese
    Iowa - David Fincher
    WashU - Abbas Kiarostami
    Michigan - Barry Jenkins
    Brooklyn - Abel Ferrara
    UCSD - Jacques Rivettte
    UCI - Clint Eastwood
    UCR - Kathryn Bigelow
    UNLV - Terrence Malick

    Scorsese spoke at my commencement. You're right on about NYU lol 

  13. 20 minutes ago, susweekly said:

    just landed an interview for Brooklyn College (my top choice if I ignore financial restrictions). felt auspicious because it’s bernie’s alma mater and he emailed me about Walmart in the exact same second

    Same here! Good luck to us both! 

  14. For a few peeps on here who were waiting on NYU's slow notification process - seems like the consensus in Draft is that NYU has given out all their hard yeses... but waitlist has yet to come, so don't give up hopes yet! 

    I started the applications rather late and NYU was my first deadline. I had to send in my writing sample without making edits based on the feedback/line editing of an experienced writer I trusted. So I am using this excuse as self-consolation and holding out hopes for other schools I sent a better writing sample to... ?


  15. On 2/25/2021 at 1:23 PM, DeepSyntax said:

    For my NYU peeps (I guess this is the school I'm fixating on this week), it seems there were a couple of fiction calls yesterday reported on GradCafe, but no one has listed anything on Draft. Also nothing on Twitter, though there is a poet who got a call yesterday. I wonder if they are going down the list by priority. Just wanted to vocalize this because it does seem like they are slow rolling. I'm going to assume it's not an acceptance if I don't hear anything by tomorrow. They should send waitlists and rejections next week, based on past years.

    Secretly just as fixated! I thought there was only one fiction result on Grad Cafe result yesterday? But it seems impossible that she only made one call yesterday... also with fellowship so maybe they're rolling out fellowships slowly and hopefully faster for regular admissions. Have yet to see other schools giving out acceptances like this... seriously confusing. 

    hoping for the best for every NYU applicant here. Speaking of alma maters... UGH 

  16. 1 hour ago, woweezowee said:

    I was accepted to a program via a zoom call on February 8th. At that time they said that I would get an official offer "in the coming days" -- I just received it today.

    There were a few moments of "ok so did I imagine that?" during that time, but the offer was real.

    Last week I got another acceptance by phone that was very exciting. I was told that I'll get an acceptance email "shortly," but it hasn't come yet. I did get an email on Monday evening congratulating me and reiterating that I'll get the acceptance email soon.

    I think it's normal for there to be a lag time and also normal for there not to be. There's a lot of variables at play, but I promise you that you getting accepted by mistake is not one of them. You were accepted! On purpose!


    (also btw neither of the portals for the programs I've been accepted to have been updated in any perceptible way)


    I saw you that you applied to some of the same schools as I did. I guess we're both targeting the new york area! Are the schools that accepted you, by any chance, NYU or Hunter? 

    Looking at your school list, every one of them would be an amazing place to go for MFA, so congratulations! :)

  17. 47 minutes ago, Boomer not Ok said:

    Anyone waiting on Sarah Lawrence and Emerson? Any news? I've applied to 11 schools for fiction (mostly Northeast/NY area programs) and only heard from 1 so far. Any more news on NYU for fiction about partial/non-funded acceptances?


    Same here. Waiting on both Sarah Lawrence and NYU. I applied to 7 schools and have heard from zero! ?

    Just checked results - seems like there's a reported acceptance yesterday with full fellowship, not sure if was a late report or a new one, and it didn't specify genre. I've set a notification reminder on the result page for every school I applied to (only if people bothered to click the exact major - creative writing, fiction), so I'll know as soon as there's an update. 

    This waiting game does feel like never-ending, doesn't it. 

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