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HSR_PhD Hopeful

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    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to MCH_Hopeful_2021 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    For anyone seeing this cycle as a “fight to the finish,” where every applicant to “your” program is a threat, let me give you a real example of why you being an asshole is the wrong move. @CommunityHealth21and I applied to some of the same schools, got waitlisted at the same place and are now accepted into the same program. Instead of seeing each other as competition, we DM’d each other with insider info (eg “how is USF really??), debriefed on interviews; and they were even kind enough to offer to connect me to someone who got in the program, (despite being waitlisted and hoping for a spot to open up). Now we’re in the same cohort and I’m pumped to work with them! 
    Being a jerk or rooting for someone’s failure  can be tempting (especially when anxiety is high and decisions trickle) but don’t forget that these folks are also your colleagues. So let’s lift each other up! You never know if a person will become an ally, a cohort member, or a collaborator on a major project.
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    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to afropuff in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Hi everyone, just wanted to update that I applied to 3 DrPH programs and 1 PhD. So far 1 rejection at UNC, interviewed at Indiana University still waiting to hear, and just got accepted to USF after interviewing 2 weeks ago. The PhD program I applied to Maastricht Univ, Netherlands. Has a pretty good reputation and also a part-time program tailored for working professionals. I was also accepted there. I am incredibly lucky to have been accepted in at least 2 schools given that I cannot stop working full-time nor did I want to retake the GREs. With most schools dropping GRE requirement I felt this was my one chance! 
    Though I'm still waiting for Indiana, I have already decided I will go with Maastricht because I work in Africa and it's easier and cheaper to fly to Europe for classes than the USA.
    I wish everyone that is still waiting the best! I am a working mom with 2 small kids so my plate is already overflowing but I didn't give up and I hope you won't either. I also encourage everyone who did not gain acceptance to broaden their net when reapplying. 
  3. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to CommunityHealth21 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Just got accepted to the USF Community and Family Health program. I was waitlisted before. 
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    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to EJ_PhD in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    As we go through the waiting process in solidarity, let's remember these roots once we become PIs, health officials, leaders, etc.. and remind ourselves that students' time is VALUABLE and that it is in our best interest to respond to them in a timely matter, just like we will to our eventual colleagues and supervisors. I really really hope they extend the acceptance for funding deadlines beyond April 15th just because there are so many (like myself) still waiting to hear back and it doesn't seem fair to not even let us know if we are on an informal waitlist at least, while only giving us a few days to a week to make arguably one of the biggest decisions of our lives.
    Good luck to anyone else still waiting and for those deciding, no pressure but there are many anxious folks waiting to take a spot for offers you defer!
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    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to LuluDrPH77 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Just found out yesterday evening that I've been accepted into the TAMU School of Public Health for DrPH in Public Health Sciences with a concentration in Environmental Health degree program! Crossing my fingers for those that are still waiting! ?
  6. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to Scallionboi in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    After stalking this thread the whole application season, I thought I should finally join in with my own question--for those who have options, what is pushing you in a particular direction for your final decision? Is it an exceptional research fit + mentor match? Finances? Location? Course quality? Reputation of program?
    Not being able to visit has definitely thrown me for a loop. I thought there would be one clear choice at the end of it all, but I keep going back and forth in my mind as every option has its pros, cons, and unique stressors and pulls.
    Current status for reference (all PhDs):
    BU Epi (4 years guaranteed funding) UW Epi (nothing guaranteed but have an RAship lined up for several years + some extra departmental money) NYU GPH Epi (5 years guaranteed funding, bit low for NYC CoL) UCSF Epi (1 year guaranteed funding) NYU Med's Vilceck Institute Epi or Pop. Health (5 years guaranteed, highest stipend I've seen from a program. Obviously balanced with living in one of the most expensive cities) Waitlisted:
    Brown Behavioral and Social Science Feeling crazy lucky and privileged and trying to make my decisions ASAP to not hold up other people's options. I've been running around getting people's thoughts on their own academic journeys after making a chaotic spreadsheet which lists various pros/cons.
  7. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to GlobalDrPH in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Thank you! The admission did come with an offer of some funding- about half of tuition.
  8. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to GlobalDrPH in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Hi everyone. I've been lurking for quite awhile, but just posting for the first time. Thanks to everyone who has been posting along the way- it's been extremely helpful to know that other people are having the same feelings of anxiety, excitement and everything in between! I've heard back from most of the schools I applied to and it has certainly been a rollercoaster.
    Current status:
    Accepted: BU DrPH
    Waitlisted: Harvard DrPH
    Rejected: UC Berkeley DrPH, GW DrPH
    Still waiting: Rutgers DrPH, Drexel DrPH
    Harvard's waitlist letter wasn't very encouraging so not holding my breath, but exciting to make it that far nonetheless. Will likely go with BU as I have no desire to go through this application cycle again, but will wait until all decisions are made to finalize.
  9. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to MNCH Hopeful in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    After a sea of rejections, I can finally say, WE DID IT JOE!!! ???? Just  received my first ever PhD acceptance courtesy of UMD. Wow wow wow! 
  10. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to DrPH or Bust in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I just got accepted into the DrPH in Community Health Practice program at UT-Houston!! ❤️
  11. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to DrPH21_Jhu in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I just got accepted to the DrPH program at JHSPH, Implementation Science track. Anyone else? Good luck to everyone waiting to hear back. 
  12. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to Rka in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Hi friends. I got accepted to CUNY phd in Community health and health policy. I am international student. Would really appreciate insights about the school and program. Though I did my research before applying, but it's always good to know from the domestic students or those who have been associated with the School. Would like to know about their funding mechanism as well. 
  13. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to EnviroDrPH-PhD in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Accepted into GW DrPH today, and accepted to Colorado Environmental Health DrPH yesterday.
  14. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to IAAJ in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I emailed GW today and received my rejection a few hours later lol. BUT! That's okay... 2 more schools to hear from - Rutgers and BU.
    Accepted: Tulane
    Waitlisted: JHU
    Rejected: GWU
    Glad to be closer to figuring out my final decision!
  15. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to FDawg in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Just got my official letter of acceptance to Tulane Epi. My only acceptance/13 applications. So excited and relieved. Full funding and stipend email package followed. Accepting the offer now. Other Tulane epis, let's connect!
  16. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to EpiNYC in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Just got my last decision back (UCLA ID EPI)! 4/4 rejections. Time to start prepping for the next application cycle.. lol
    As much as it stings, I'm allowing myself just 5 minutes to feel down. To those who are in the same boat, as much as we hate to hear it, it's a pretty random process. On paper, I would have a pretty competitive application (20 peer reviewed articles, several first author publications, 5+ years of professional experience, led some workgroups in collab. with CDC, great LORs, decent grades), but alas it all comes down to right time, right place. ?
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    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to HopeFaithandDrPH in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Congrats!! I will be in that concentration as well!!
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    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to skb29 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    found out this morning that I got accepted into JHU DrPH in HESJ!! super excited
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    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to EHS_7812 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Was admitted to Drexel's Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences PhD program last night. However I will be accepting an offer at another school. 
    Is it common to email PI's that you interviewed with to let them know that you have accepted another school's offer? I thought we had a great conversation and research fit, and wanted to let them know that it was a difficult decision and that I still hope to work with them in the future. 
  20. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to ASA15 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    From experience- I applied two years ago and reapplied this year. This year, I was admitted to 2 programs that rejected me 2 years ago. One of those programs interviewed me both times. So yes, reapply!! And keep in touch with the faculty members you spoke to and would like to work with.
    In my case, getting more experience and being more specific in my interests and why those schools helped a lot. But especially this year, it might also totally just be luck! There are so many more applicants, and not necessarily more spots. Obviously you were well-qualified since you went through two rounds of interviews! Don’t give up
  21. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to XXXXXXphd2021 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    There are too many factors weighing in, e.g. other faculty has higher priority this cycle in taking on students, one specific student with similar interests and very strong connections is also applying, etc. etc. etc. If you really want to work with the POIs and do not plan to commit to other programs this cycle, why not? 
    I will def reapply next cycle, if my international status isn't a concern I wish I could even try a third year, because it is really hard for me to find a matched program. But next cycle I'm expanding my selections, I'm waitlisted by my top program this cycle (more like an 'honorable mention' type of waitlist), but I wouldn't even count to get an interview next yr. 
  22. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to brightbluebirds in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Finally heard back and got in at UNC Epi!! So excited and will definitely be going there.
  23. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to JoeBlow in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Admitted to Columbia epi. I was told that total number of applicants for the epi program this year was in excess of 300, for ~10 positions. Even more than in a typical year, a lot of tough decisions had to be made. 
  24. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to FDawg in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Folks, I wanted to share my experience this application cycle so people really know how difficult it was to apply this year. I applied to mostly epi PhDs. Here goes:
    Stats: Undergrad GPA 3.8 (well-known foreign school), MPH epidemiology and biostatistics from top 5 PH program (GPA 3.93), GRE: 170V 165Q, 2 years full-time research experience at top 5 PH school, 2 co-author publications, 1 first-author publication. Worked on my personal statement for months and got a lot of feedback. Looking at it now, I still think it was a good one and checked all the boxes you're supposed to check for a statement.
    I did all my due diligence with contacting PIs before applying. I must have done 20 meetings. In each meeting, I'd specifically ask the PI if they are accepting PhD students next year, and if they'd feel comfortable with my including their name in my application. I always asked if they had any questions for me, and usually got interview-type questions. I had incredibly positive meetings with almost all the PIs I met with. 2 PIs at Harvard told me they highly anticipate my being accepted into the epi program. One PI at Hopkins who's on the admissions committee said she'd be very surprised if I didn't get at least an interview to the program.
    Results season comes around - my first rejection was from Hopkins. What followed was a stream of rejections from "safety" schools and everything in between. My anxiety was through the roof as getting a PhD offer was literally the only way I could stay in the US. I applied to 13 programs in total and finally got one acceptance. The irony was that I hadn't spoken with the PI at all before, and his research has nothing at all to do with my research interests or experience. Don't get me wrong, I'm super grateful to have the offer and will definitely take it. Just wanted to illustrate how odd/difficult of a cycle this was to apply.
    Anyway, hope this helps a bit. Congrats to all the folks with acceptances and for the folks with none, you'll come back fucking stronger next year. 
  25. Like
    HSR_PhD Hopeful reacted to DrPH20xy in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Hi friends, I too got admission to JHU DrPH (Quality & Safety). Really excited and bit beyond belief since I dont have public health background. 
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