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Posts posted by xyzxyz123

  1. 2 minutes ago, CoraKoala said:

    Oh noooo... Thanks for your sharing!

    Can we also imply that they received an unexpectedly large number of applications this year?

    Not necessarily. I believe that admissions staff are all working remotely so this may require the committee to take more time to review our applications.

  2. 16 minutes ago, caxiatec said:

    I think I will just chill and not check at all till Saturday morning. The tension is actually getting too much. That way, if it was sent out on Friday, I will see it, and if not, I will continue living. 

    It has been a daily situation that “I can’t breathe”... the waiting game as well as the anxiety is killing me... all I have thought about during these months is the decision of my application....

  3. 38 minutes ago, chaiandsushi said:

    Hello everyone! 
    What a diverse group of people! Felt quite relieved seeing how y’all are also panicking haha. I’ve applied for the EPA program and was quite surprised to see that not too many peeps have opted for it (at least who’re here). 

    I wanted to know if everyone’s application still displayed “submitted” and not “under consideration”. Will be quite bummed if it’s the latter ?

    Fellow EPA applicant here. Do you mind sharing your basic stats? GPA, GRE if submitted, schools went to for undergrad, etc. thanks!

  4. 7 minutes ago, LJ13 said:

    Its more about what specific area you desire to achieve.

    I was interested in both of these two programs. However, my friends at HGSE said that the ELOE is more like a combination of the School Leadership Program and the Education Policy Management Program as they showed me the chart of how the newly designed programs were structured based on the original programs. So that’s why I didn’t choose to apply as they and myself believed this program may need more leadership and education-related experiences.

  5. 3 minutes ago, CaitlynM said:

    I think that they will! Honestly the whole admissions process is half luck. I’ll be super excited to see who gets in this year! Everyone is super amazing ? 

    I am glad that I didn’t apply to ELOE????this thread seems like full of ELOE applicants?

  6. 3 minutes ago, CaitlynM said:

    Sorry I misspoke! I meant that I talked about it in my personal statement and I know one of my professors for my LOR talked about it too! 

    I got a C in stats, but that was during community college! My cumulative GPA with CC is a 3.79! 

    Ohh that’s what I received haha that’s why my sophomore year’s gpa was so low and I honestly didn’t know what was I doing at that time during the entire academic year. I hope the last two year’s gpa would compensate that... I also forgot to mention that I also took a course at a cc and received 4.0/4.0 on it. If calculate the entire 4 years of undergrad + current master’s program, the cumulative gpa is 3.4-3.5 ish... but I really hope the last two years of undergrad could weigh more...

  7. 8 hours ago, CaitlynM said:

    Yeah of course, I’m happy to share! 

    School: San Francisco State University

    3.9 GPA, International Relations major and History minor. 

    I transferred to SFSU from a community college in California so my stats are only what I did while at my main university.   

    While at SFSU, I chaired the Academic Committee for the International Education Exchange Council, was a Presidents Leadership Fellow, and was a part of Sigma Iota Rho and the International Relations journal. My undergraduate thesis paper was 45 pages long and talked about how the US history education system is a form of propaganda and needs deep reform to resolve the cultural conflicts in the US. I submitted a piece of it for my writing sample. 

    I worked on campus in the student government office and tutored multiple subjects, as well. I had an internship with the World Trade Organization, a research start up based out of London, volunteered at an art education non-profit, and am currently serving an Americorps position. 

    I didn’t submit a GRE score to any schools. The timing was lucky for me and I didn’t ever have to take it.  

    My LOR’s came from 2 professors (one IR and one History) and another professor who was also the supervisor for my student government job. 

    I feel like my personal statement is fairly strong! Not 100% sure though ? I second guessed it a million times. Outside of school, I have a book published on Amazon and am an avid writer, I also have an blog where I write fiction stories!

    Wow this post is long!!! Sorry about that ? what about you?? 

    Also, wait, what do you mean by writing sample? HGSE doesn’t have a requirement for writing sample... did you submit it as additional file???

  8. 8 hours ago, CaitlynM said:

    Yeah of course, I’m happy to share! 

    School: San Francisco State University

    3.9 GPA, International Relations major and History minor. 

    I transferred to SFSU from a community college in California so my stats are only what I did while at my main university.   

    While at SFSU, I chaired the Academic Committee for the International Education Exchange Council, was a Presidents Leadership Fellow, and was a part of Sigma Iota Rho and the International Relations journal. My undergraduate thesis paper was 45 pages long and talked about how the US history education system is a form of propaganda and needs deep reform to resolve the cultural conflicts in the US. I submitted a piece of it for my writing sample. 

    I worked on campus in the student government office and tutored multiple subjects, as well. I had an internship with the World Trade Organization, a research start up based out of London, volunteered at an art education non-profit, and am currently serving an Americorps position. 

    I didn’t submit a GRE score to any schools. The timing was lucky for me and I didn’t ever have to take it.  

    My LOR’s came from 2 professors (one IR and one History) and another professor who was also the supervisor for my student government job. 

    I feel like my personal statement is fairly strong! Not 100% sure though ? I second guessed it a million times. Outside of school, I have a book published on Amazon and am an avid writer, I also have an blog where I write fiction stories!

    Wow this post is long!!! Sorry about that ? what about you?? 

    Your gpa is terrific so I assume the worst grade (math) you meant was also like a B or B+ something like that (this is better than mine). My stats were actually posted on page 2 or 3 of this thread. Basic stats: freshman year 3.412, sophomore year: 2.839 (idk what was I doing), last two years transferred to a top 30 private university and gpa was 3.65 (junior year 3.8, senior year 3.5). Now a master’s at an ivy (took three classes last semester and gpa 3.5). For internships, I have taken two internships at top-tier consulting firms, one technology internship, and one finance internship. LOR: all from my professors. There’s one graduated Harvard MBA. I also think my sop was great but I believe there are many people who can write good sops....

  9. 6 minutes ago, CaitlynM said:

    I definitely agree! From what I was looking at, the program didn’t seem very math heavy, but I wasn’t sure how they would weigh that when looking at applications! My worst grades were in math, I didn’t take anything but what was required ?

    From watching videos and reading texts from the program’s websites, I think the program focuses more on analytics in education policy not like studying economics and math in the typical policy programs. So that’s why I think they would prefer students with critical thinking and analysis capabilities.... that’s my thoughts regarding their expectations.... I hope my consulting experiences may be helpful as for this program many graduates will go to become policy consultants....

  10. 2 minutes ago, CaitlynM said:

    I definitely agree! From what I was looking at, the program didn’t seem very math heavy, but I wasn’t sure how they would weigh that when looking at applications! My worst grades were in math, I didn’t take anything but what was required ?

    ???this aligns with my experience too...... do you mind sharing your stats? GPA, school went to, GRE/GMAT if you submitted, professional experiences....

  11. 2 minutes ago, CaitlynM said:

    I also applied to EPA! Super nervous because I don’t have a heavy math background and I know that a lot of schools look for that when candidates apply for policy. Good luck!!!! I was also surprised to see not many people seemed to have applied for it! 

    me neither regarding math backgrounds and I’m actually not good at it.... I have consulted with several of my friends who studied policy either at HGSE or other education schools. They said that the policy programs at education schools are different from the MPP or MPA at policy schools such as at Harvard Kennedy School, and the education schools’ policy programs don’t involve much math.... I don’t know if it was true but I believe the policy programs at education schools would rely math much less than the ones that policy schools. What’s your thoughts?

  12. 1 minute ago, hales1013 said:

    I have had technology-related educational experiences but almost all of my professional experiences are during my summer internships. Not sure if that would count as much as a full time job, but I guess it's better than nothing. Fingers crossed! 

    We don’t need full-time experiences in order to be competitive candidates. Summer internships certainly count as professional experiences and there are actually a lot of people who don’t have any full-time jobs. I believe the ELOE program may want people who have had many full-time experiences, but for other programs, if candidates have had some internship experiences, I believe that would be sufficient. 

  13. 1 minute ago, hales1013 said:

    I applied to the Learning Design, Innovation, and Technology program!

    For lacking in professional experiences, did you mean by lack in education-related experiences or professional experiences at large? For education-related experiences, I believe students don’t need that many education-related experiences but I have a friend who is applying to this program and my friend has abundant amount of education-related experiences. I believe it would be beneficial if you had some technology-related experiences. 

  14. 17 minutes ago, hales1013 said:

    Hey everyone, I was wondering how many people in this thread applied to the master's program without much experience directly from undergrad? I have decent academic background but I am a bit afraid that my lack of professional and full time experience might earn me a rejection :(

    There are actually a lot of people who didn’t have much professional experiences. However, I think it depends on specific programs. Which program did you apply to? 

  15. 2 minutes ago, hmj598 said:

    Thank you! I applied to the specialized studies program when they opened admissions in the summer, but I think ELOE is actually a better fit (fingers crossed). What program did you end up applying to? 

    I mentioned this on an earlier page - I applied to the Education Policy & Analysis (EPA) program. I thought the program I applied to would also be very popular, but it seems like no one in this thread has applied to the program so far. 

  16. 1 minute ago, hmj598 said:

    I applied to ELOE with a concentration in global, international, and comparative education. 
    Undergrad school: high ranking public 

    Undergrad GPA: 3.6

    Undergrad activities: student government president, Honors college, original research 

    LORs: University president, nonprofit CEO, current boss 


    Wow! There are so many ELOE applicants according to the people participated in this thread! I’m wondering that is ELOE a program more appropriate for the people who have had some sort of entrepreneurial/leadership roles? I was afraid of this so that I ended up applying for another program. 

    Your stats is amazing, especially for the LOR!

  17. @hmj598i believe a late deadline may be the reason for a record breaking number of applications to happen, and to be honest, an early January (HGSE) deadline might be too early for many people (many of us submitted the application until the very last minute including myself haha). I am thinking about one advantage of the restructuring of programs at HGSE for us might be that now there are only four programs instead of a dozens of programs so that each program may be able to accept more people... btw, do you mind sharing what program did you apply to, and your stats (e.g. GPA, what kind of undergrad school did you go to, etc.”)? Thanks! 

    Additionally, I have some friends who initially wanted to apply for HGSE’s programs but they didn’t end up apply because of different reasons such as they think the program will still be conducted online in reality, United States is now the epicenter of the pandemic, etc. I believe there are people who are encouraged to apply given the situations caused by the pandemic, and there are people discouraged by certain reasons caused by the pandemic as well. 

  18. @hmj598the tricky thing about Harvard is that people have the mindset that it is harvard so they may even be afraid that they are definitely not getting in and they ended up not applying for this reason. Additionally, may I ask what’s the deadline for the program you applied at Penn? Is it as early as HGSE? Thanks!

  19. Hey guys, I just would like to gather your thoughts regarding the number of the applicants for this year’s admission cycle. Would you guys think the number of the Ed.M. programs has increased or decreased or remained the same comparing to the previous years? From my personal perspectives, although the number of many grad schools including business schools along with law schools have increased, I don’t think the Ed school would have had more applicants comparing to other previous seasons. The first reason is that education isn’t that popular or competitive compare to business or law - many people would like to get a business or law degree during a recession to enrich their academic achievements, and I don’t personally think they would pay the money for an Ed.M. just because they don’t have anything to do during a recession. The second reason is that at least for HGSE, license isn’t a thing anymore during this pandemic and I believe many people who wanted to apply for HGSE would want to get a license upon graduation. Additionally, some people say that since HGSE doesn’t accept doctoral program applications for this season so there might be an increase for the Ed.M. I don’t think it is valid because many people who wanted to apply for a doctoral degree may have already had a master’s in education, and some other prospective applicants may not value the Ed.M. as much as a doctoral degree, especially because they need to pay for an Ed.M. while completing a doctoral degree is completely free. Therefore, my guess is that the number of applicants may have remained the same or slightly lowered comparing to the previous years. I understand that GRE isn’t a hard requirement anymore so it may encourage more applicants to apply, but I think the value of the program as well as its costs may play into a more significant role when a person decides whether or not to apply for a program.

    Please let me know what you think, and please pray for the best regarding the results!

  20. @CaitlynM the decisions for doctoral degree programs at HGSE had always been released in February but not March as you described (however, the admissions for doctoral degree programs at HGSE has been suspended for Fall 2021). The Friday of the first day of March has always been the day for Ed.M. decisions to be released. I am not certain if this year would be the same as I’m not an HGSE admission officer but I am positive that it should still be the same. 

  21. @PENNYLIUPPPPPi understand it’s a late reply but I think I should answer this question for other people to know although I’m also an applicant and I’m applying for Fall 2021 admissions. 4% should be either for the Ed.D. program or the Ed.L.D. program. Accordingly to Peterson.com and HGSE alums, HGSE has an acceptance rate of 50% or above (Peterson indicates that as 53% for Ed.M.). 4% should mostly never be a thing for master’s in education. If it was the case, it makes HGSE even much harder to get in than Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School?? but the 50% rate should be an overall acceptance rate, and the real one should be varied by different programs.

  22. Guys, in addition to my previous post and comments, just curious that do you believe that the Ed.M programs at HGSE really have an average acceptance rate of 50%+? It seems pretty odd to me, but a lot of people including several HGSE alums that I know, people online, as well as Peterson all mentioned that HGSE Ed.M has an average acceptance rate of 50%+. However, even if it is true, I understand it is going to be varied depending on different specific programs. Thanks for your clarification!

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