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    AncientAnnie567 got a reaction from ClassicsApp21 in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    Heard back from JHU, but not officially. And got an interview for NYU
  2. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to ClassicsCandidate in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    Congrats on your NYU interview!!! ?
  3. Upvote
    AncientAnnie567 got a reaction from ClassicsCandidate in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    Heard back from JHU, but not officially. And got an interview for NYU
  4. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to Lucius Ambulus Caelo in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    Has it been everyone experiences that most interview requests for any given program are usually all sent out on the same day? So i.e. for Toronto, Harvard, & Cincinnati, if I haven't heard anything yet, I unlikely to receive an interview request?
  5. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to Pierre de Olivi in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    Is anyone else applying to NYU's ISAW or similar Classics-adjacent interdisciplinary programs? Does anyone have any news about them?
    Either way, good luck all!
  6. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to ClassicsCandidate in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    I've heard nothing from any of the other schools I've applied to, which includes Yale and NYU (ISAW).
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    AncientAnnie567 reacted to PeppermintTea in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    I've gotten into Toronto!! I am so so so happy!! Soooo happy!! I hope I'd get to meet some of you there next year! 
  8. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to kthp in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    Thanks! I’m a mishmash, that’s why I haven’t many options ? Mostly LBA/IA Anatolia and Levant, between history, archaeology, languages. And you, should i guess Assyriology?
  9. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to kthp in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    Ah, I see, strange that they haven't posted the information anywhere... But yes, I also got an interview! Haven't really made any other application in the US, especially considering that there's not really any other place offering any position for my interests.
    Good luck to both then!
  10. Like
    AncientAnnie567 got a reaction from ClassicsCandidate in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    100%. There's the usual application process, which is stressful. But this year, there is a whole other circumstantial issue. When I heard from JHU, they told me that my app was strong, but there was simply no funding for someone in my area. 
    They took 5 last year, so I assume they are also accommodating for having such a strong cycle last year. Most programs are giving funding that would go to new students to the 3/4th years who are now guaranteed an extra year of funding after being screwed by Covid with research/libs being shut down 
  11. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to Chaplin in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    Congratulations and good luck on the interview! It is shitty that JHU didn't announce that they weren't taking applicants in your subfield before you applied! That's such a waste of time and effort. I was planning to apply to Stanford, but they announced they weren't taking applicants in archaeology. Sucks but at least they announced it. 
  12. Like
    AncientAnnie567 got a reaction from Chaplin in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    I have been lurking, but I am so excited to have received an interview with NYU ISAW!! Rejected from JHU though, they aren't taking anyone in my subfield 
  13. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to Chaplin in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    It's certainly a rough year and I have been telling myself that if I don't get in this year, it's just not my fault (maybe it's not 100% true,  but makes me feel better). I think many qualified candidates might be rejected this year just because departments are not taking their usual cohorts. Good to remember the shittiness of this application season is not on us and is beyond our control. 
  14. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to ClassicsCandidate in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    I didn't realize they were taking only 2 people this year either, wow. Originally Columbia and Brown were also on my list and Rutgers wasn't but I added Rutgers when I found out Columbia, UPenn, and Brown weren't taking anyone. Definitely a difficult year to be applying!!
  15. Like
    AncientAnnie567 got a reaction from ClassicsCandidate in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    I feel ya. It's tough with some schools closing apps entirely, but most American schools are also going to prioritize American students (so intl's are extra struggling). I didn't apply to UT/UC system schools because I was told that they wouldn't be considering intl's as public system schools
  16. Like
    AncientAnnie567 got a reaction from ClassicsCandidate in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    It's super stressful -- I'm international, and I only applied to 3 programs. I know ISAW is only taking two this year, so it'll be really tight! This whole process is so stressful, I really hope this is the only time I'll be applying lol
  17. Like
    AncientAnnie567 got a reaction from peploskore in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    It's super stressful -- I'm international, and I only applied to 3 programs. I know ISAW is only taking two this year, so it'll be really tight! This whole process is so stressful, I really hope this is the only time I'll be applying lol
  18. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to peploskore in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    Oh wow, everyone is taking so few people! Good to know though. I did apply, and haven’t heard anything yet. Honestly this process has been more discouraging than I anticipated - not really wanting to go through it again either! 
  19. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to ClassicsCandidate in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    I applied to ISAW as well, haven't heard from them yet, myself. Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!
  20. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to peploskore in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    Congrats, that’s absolutely amazing re: ISAW!! If you don’t mind me asking - when did they send interview invites, was it this week? 
  21. Like
    AncientAnnie567 got a reaction from ClassicsCandidate in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    I have been lurking, but I am so excited to have received an interview with NYU ISAW!! Rejected from JHU though, they aren't taking anyone in my subfield 
  22. Like
    AncientAnnie567 reacted to ClassicsCandidate in Fall 2021 Applicants   
    I applied to ISAW as well. If I remember correctly, most people heard back around February last year? Like, mid-month. I haven't seen anything change on mine, yet. Buy, as @Catalystica said, the SCS/AIA taking place means no one will really be making decisions until they're done with the conference.
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