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Posts posted by gvjcb1000000

  1. Hi,

    This was a bit of a blow and knock in confidence, but telling myself it's ok because it was important to try anyway. I wish you all an amazing future and journey. I hope that it will work out brilliantly and maybe even more so as a result of a rejection.   

    Will most likely not check gradcafe after this but just to say appreciate you all, take care ❤️ 

  2. Just now, ngdt said:

    I conflated this message and the results board posting that it would be today. 

    welp, despite the roller coaster for what it's worth I am grateful to this forum, you are all magnificently supportive 

  3. 4 minutes ago, PhD-ICE Applicant said:

    Just got this from one of my three POIs that I contacted:

    "Dear XXXX:

    You should be hearing from our colleagues in GSE Admissions very soon. 
    Best regards,

    what is very soon :D 

    Subjective no? could mean Monday 

  4. Just now, flowerpower07 said:

    For the best. I do not blame anyone for reaching out to get any extra info (though I'd not be to obnoxious). It just seemed that the advisors either have to be tight-lipped about information or maybe they don't all hear back at the same time?

    too scared to ask incase it ends up being a no ?

  5. 16 minutes ago, flowerpower07 said:

    So I'll be honest. I was a low key wreck yesterday and the day before after seeing acceptances and rejections start rolling onto the results page. Someone in results said they reached out to their POI to get an update because they felt GSE was taking too long? So I gathered up the courage to email my POIs to see if there was any sort of update I'd missed out on (or if they could at least tell me I'd been rejected so I could rip the bandaid off). 

    The reply was along the lines of advisors/department have done their part, it's now in the deans office, "results go out late Feb-early March". We'll update you if anything changes.

    [insert manic laughing and internal screaming]

    So I thought I was done for. I decided to reply back to at least thank them for letting me know what the situation was today, but I've recently gotten a reply back saying they received an update from the admissions office and I'll get an official notice that I've been accepted.

    I've been accepted. ?

    So lots of things are happening in lots of different ways. Don't give up. Even if it doesn't happen this year don't give up.

    Congratulations and well done for being brave enough to ask! 

  6. 26 minutes ago, mkkenny13 said:

    I was reading back to previous years and looks like people got portal updates on their decisions as late as 8-10PM EST so it might be another few hours until we find out. My intuition is saying to me if you haven't been contacted by POI yet then it's not looking good. Expecting a rejection at this point.

    Only 1:16pm PT now :(

  7. 1 minute ago, iamsoscared96 said:

    happy to answer questions if there are any! my POI was surprised that I hadn't received a letter already, so I'm guessing they're going out soon?

    Did your POI interview you or was it a 'hi there I'm offering you a place' 

  8. Just now, Jeanne A. said:

    Well guys it became so quiet in here...may be you received your emails?

    It's 1.10 night here...So, I think it's very obvious that the results will be out within few hours and we all finally get our results...

    Just wanted to say good night...and to admit and to acknowledge that I am very much scared to receive my admission decision.


    Nothing on my end. Don't think we'll hear anything until 3pm maybe, so another 4 hours.  

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