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Posts posted by LatinAmericanFootball

  1. 44 minutes ago, Avocado_town said:

    I think those results are fake. I checked last year's thread and people were dicussing the auntenticity of those early Feb results and it seems that nobody claimed them. It seems that the same thing is happening this year ?.

    BTW, people were already on page 63 of the forum last year on February 4!

    Guess we have to step up our anxiety game. Or schools need to step up their releasing game?

  2. 5 minutes ago, ballofstress said:

    Anyone have any ideas on why the timeline seems so different this year? I applied last year and received most of my decisions by now. This year I've only hear back from 1/6 of the schools I applied to. I'm guessing COVID has had an impact on this unusual timeline. 

    Did you apply to the same set of schools? These things seem to vary more between schools than  over the years within schools. IIRC last year UCSD results came out Jan 27th, which was a Wednesday, and they came out today this year. So weekdays might matter too.

  3. 5 minutes ago, probably.chris said:

    I'll also note that, according to that website, we're running late on Princeton results--anyone heard anything there?

    We discussed that a bit a few pages ago - it seems these January Princeton results are a reoccurring troll. Last year, someone posted an admit in January, but people only claimed Princeton results on the forums on the second week of February.

  4. 10 hours ago, sbidyanta said:

    Question to those who already have multiple acceptances - Have you decided which program you want to ultimately attend? When are you planning to let the programs you won't be attending know that you are declining your offer? 

    I'm very happy with my two acceptances so far but I think I'm far from a decision. I'll probably only have a clear idea by the end of the month, when most results will be out, but if I'm still between similar-ranked programs it'll probably come down to the (virtual) visits and chats with faculty and students.

  5. 39 minutes ago, CapTipps said:



    Congrats!!! Could you guys please share what is the average funding package at UT Austin? I've heard it's not very competitive, but I'm not sure what I should expect...

    They offered me a 4 year, $22k/y TAship, meaning that I would have to TA every semester and only have 4 years of guaranteed funding (though it seems everyone gets more funding after the 4th year). The package is definitely below average for T20 programs, but the department seems great and I talked to some people there and everyone is very nice.

  6. 1 hour ago, scared_phd said:

    Another Emory rejection posted today. When are they gonna send acceptances? This is inconsistently weird!

    The result says the applicant received the decision on the 26th, which is the same day the other rejections were posted. Also, some people claimed rejections here on the thread. I believe they are legit, they just might be coming by subfield. Or not hearing from them yet could mean we are on a final shortlist or something of the sorts. Hopefully we'll have some news this coming week!

  7. 1 hour ago, Lighthopes said:

    wow congrats! But damn, not receiving a short-list interview yet is disappointing. I did not think I had to worry about vanderbilt news yet ? In that email they said the committee wouldn't meet to discuss long short-lists until monday this week so I would've never thought interview emails would be going out as soon as tuesday

    RE: Vandy, a friend who was admitted there on a past cycle told me the adcomm didn't do interviews for all subfields (my friend didn't, and she's in CP). So while getting an interview is a good thing, not getting one might just mean that your subfield is not doing them.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Paul123fasd said:

    Hi everyone!

    On the gradcafe results page, some ppl list their gre scores. Does anyone know if that score is for the verbal or quant section?.. It just has one score out of 170 listed.. 

    Pretty sure it's the Quant score, I reported both when I submitted my result and the one that showed up was my Q.

  9. The forums were down for quite some time, right? Glad they are back up.

    I'm claiming an acceptance at UT Austin - email from DGS this morning followed by a very nice email from another prof in the adcomm. I'm very happy! Great school and great fit there.

    Also, I got nothing from Emory and I'm under the impression that at this point no news is good news - it seems they usually send out acceptances after rejections.

  10. 7 minutes ago, sswimky said:

    Also was just perusing Duke's grad website, and they have statistics out for 21-22 application, admission, and matriculation rates. Have they send out their decisions already? I didn't see any on here but maybe they have been notifying people?1978264608_ScreenShot2022-01-25at11_02_44AM.thumb.png.46ce21de27009ccd6b320ee3a8b3335e.png

    I did not apply to Duke but they seem to be interviewing some people (mostly theorists), so file reviews must be at an advanced stage. It's weird that they present a number of matriculated students though, they shouldn't know how many acceptances they'll have before April 15th.

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