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Posts posted by Skipper18542

  1. 1 hour ago, KatyaU said:

    UCSD....?  Keeping my fingers crossed for the opportunity to travel there by Fall 2021 (and get my F-1 visa in time). Haha we will all meet in DC finally 

    Glad to see you are going to UCSD!! I know it was your dream so I am 100% sure you will love it. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, KatyaU said:

    Congrats!!! You have finally decided for UCLA, and this a great choice...thank you so much for your encouraging words. Wishing you all the best! Hopefully, we will meet one day :) 

    Thank you so much! Hopefully one day yes! 

    Did you decide where you will go? 

  3. On 4/10/2021 at 6:12 AM, Nicole1989__ said:

    Yes. I received an extra 25,000 to my scholarship! Harris has been the ONLY program that has shown me they are willing to invest in my dream! I am more than humbled. I will be accepting my offer! I toured the campus yesterday with my Jenny, it’s magical. I am sending everyone love and well wishes!

    Damn. Congratulations!!! I am glad that at least one person was able to get an increase in their funding. They must really want you go to there if they boosted your funding by $25,000. If you don't mind me asking, how much are they offering in total? 


    Anyways, congratulations on Harris!!! I hope that you enjoy the next two years. 

  4. Update on my end. I got an email from them regarding revised aid and they refused to even increase me a single penny!! I was expecting at least a $5000 increase given the massive cost of the program. And even if not that then at least something, but they did not give me a single cent increase in aid. I was very disappointed by that, but honestly I should have expected it given the fact that they are not that well known for being generous. Anyways, I turned them down to accept an offer from UCLA Luskin. 


    Anyone have any updates on their end? 

  5. Update on my end. They did not ever really email me back. They are really bad at emailing people back. When I asked if they would even consider raising my aid by showing a few offers they completely ghosted me and never reached back out to me. I tried to get in touch with everyone in the department and did not receive a single response from anyone. I am honestly very disappointed in Cornell given the fact that they love to brag that they are an Ivy League and all, but they end up treating us like they were some random school. 


    Anyways, I turned them down to go to UCLA. Any updates on anyone else's end? 

  6. Update on my end. I turned down UCSD to go to UCLA's program since it was a better fit for me. I got a decent financial aid offer from UCSD, so I hope that since I turned that down that means that some of you will be able to get some extra funding come April 15th. I wish you guys the absolute best of luck. I know some of you really want to go to UCSD and a lot of you in here got in. Wish you guys all the best!! 

  7. Alright. So I have my own update. They seem to be rather generous with money. For me I got $18,000 in funding when the cost of tuition is $21,000, so I don’t think you can beat them on price. They also seem very open to students taking the initiative and expanding the program into the greater area, but that seems to depend on your own contact network in the county which I think most people attending the program won’t have. Despite this, I have to say that given the other UC programs that have this (Berkeley, LA, San Diego, and Riverside) that Irvine is obviously ranked above Riverside, and depending on what you want to study I’d say even higher than San Diego.  San Diego seems to be focused mainly on international stuff so they put so much emphasis on that in their accepted students meetings as well as their website content. While they do have great programs for non-international affairs stuff, it seems to me at least that that is their bread and butter. This is not the case at UCI, which appears to be focused on a very large set of domestic factors and even allows you to make your own concentration, even letting you take classes outside the department to do so. 

    I have to say that the program is better than I thought after going to all of its events and speaking to alumni and current students. I think that it has come a long way since this first thread began. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Nickel95 said:

    I'm not sure! Other schools have told me that funding may become available when other students deny acceptances. I also got $5,000 for the summer

    Well it makes sense. Since I’ll likely turn them down the $15,000 total they are offering me will likely go to another student. So I assume if more people do that that will leave a few tens of thousands on the table for other people. 

  9. 28 minutes ago, Nickel95 said:

    I got a small scholarship of $5,000 but I'm hoping more funding will become available after April 15

    Is there a history of that being the case? I got $10,000 and a $5000 por the summer to cover the cost of the internship. But even then I got better offers elsewhere. 

  10. On 3/22/2021 at 11:33 AM, UKPolicyEnthusiast said:

    65,000 in aid plus a stipend - I’m very suprised as didn’t think they offered much by way of finance aid and I’ve already accepted another course (on this assumption). 

    Damn wow. Congrats. I know you chose not to go there but that is still amazing 

  11. On 3/23/2021 at 11:05 PM, KatyaU said:

    Nothing have been received about it by email yet. However, they have mentioned 30-31 March as Admitted Student Days...additional information may appear soon

    Did you get any good news? 

  12. On 3/24/2021 at 9:26 AM, lmappers said:

    I didn't receive any funding at first, then after sending offers from other schools got revised $7.5k. With in-state tuition and partial tuition remission for teaching assistants, seems like the most affordable option for me.

    I think TA positions is just for second years though. Not for the first. I got $7,500 as well which I think is bad compared to UCSD’s offer ($11,400). I am trying to raise my UCSD offer but UCLA seems stingy 

  13. 31 minutes ago, gl1998 said:

    No you are not alone! :')I have been trying to reach out to them regarding their decision on my financial aid package. They said they will get back to me sometime in April. So, I guess they are also reviewing the decisions that they have made already (aka. your package) sometime in April. 

    They haven’t even gotten back to me on who I have to contact for it! I emailed everyone I could find and nobody responded even that. Hopefully they do soon since I’d like a revised offer for sure 

  14. On 3/25/2021 at 11:19 AM, Kaz_KV said:

    Hey everyone, does anyone know when they will release fellowship awards? In my letter I was nominated for a certain fellowship but have since not heard anything. My decision is pretty dependent on cost so I can't really consider Luskin until I they release decisions.

    The director told me that if you don’t receive it on your letter to just email them to clear up any issues 

  15. 39 minutes ago, lmappers said:

    I didn't receive any funding at first, then after sending offers from other schools got revised $7.5k. With in-state tuition and partial tuition remission for teaching assistants, seems like the most affordable option for me.

    That’s exactly the same offer that they gave me. Issue is that from my understanding TAships are not guaranteed so it’s not certain that we will receive anything. UCSD is offering a far better deal at least for me than UCLA is. Any thoughts on their MPP program? 

  16. 7 minutes ago, wildchartermage said:

    See my signature. Yale Jackson gave me full funding. HKS full funding for the first year but still on the hook for a third semester. Will try to negotiate or explore other funding options.

    I submitted a scholarship recon form to Harris just today, leveraging my offers from other schools. I guess can't hurt to try and see how they respond.

    Those are very good offers from Harvard and Yale tbh. I don’t know if Harris will match given everything I’ve read about them but no harm in trying. Congratulations on getting accepted into all these programs. You must have a killer resume. 

  17. 4 hours ago, kat25 said:

    Has anyone heard anything about the schedule for admit days next week? 

    I haven’t heard anything. I actually looked online yesterday and through all the events emails that they have ever sent me but I didn’t see anything. Hopefully someone else here has info or can keep us updated. 

  18. 9 hours ago, lilrhody said:

    It's a bit harder than I expected, I should probably find a roommate or something first to bring costs down. Do you know of any admitted student groups or opportunities to connect with other people in the cohort?

    I don’t really know. I’m still seeing it UChicago or UCLA will raise their offers or guarantee a TA position on my end to see where I will go. Also I am still wait listed at Duke so that might change plans if they accept me within the next week or so. But I feel as though I should begin looking at housing for UCSD. Once I make my decision (by the end of this week and beginning of the next) I’ll begin to research it more thoroughly, but I figure we will keep each other updated. I suppose we will all see each other a lot anyways if we all go to the same program. Hahaha

  19. 9 hours ago, wildchartermage said:

    Ditto. Got more aid at other schools (Harvard and Yale) so not likely to go to Harris unless I don't get into Wharton/MIT/Yale for my MBA program. (Join/concurrent degree applicant)

    I didn’t apply to Harvard or Yale, but out or curiosity, is the aid they give any good? Harris is fairly stingy to me it seems despite their deep pockets so I’m curious how those other two compare. 

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