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Posts posted by Tazo11

  1. Wasn't me. It has been strangely quiet in the African American studies front so sooner or later someone has to tell us something. I'm still in limbo at NU with no status change on the web site. I checked my Harvard online application and nothing has changed.

    Same here, I haven't anything for Af Am yet at NU, which is weird. Do you think that they have informed all of their admits already?

  2. On 2/14/2011 at 5:54 PM, ksgrad said:

    I saw a wait list notification for Minnesota on the results board. I haven't heard anything from the program yet, which probably does not bode well, especially since it's weeks later than they notified last year. Anyone else hearing anything? This board is awfully quiet!

    I am waiting to hear from Yale, USC, and WUSTL for American Studies. No word yet. And yes, its extremely quiet.

  3. Thanks! I'm haven't decided whether I'm surprised about UT or not but you know how it goes. I see you suffered a set back at Maryland as well...sorry about that. What program did you apply to at College Park? Good luck, as soon as I hear something I will let you know.


    Haha, those were my thoughts with Maryland, too. I couldn't decide how I really felt. Nevertheless, I applied to American Studies. My POI called and expressed his thoughts and informed me of why such decision was made, and for that I am only grateful and appreciative.

    Yes, good luck to you, its crazy...so many people are applying to grad schools this year, yikes!


  4. I didn't hear anything either and nothing has changed with respect to my status on the admissions page so...maybe we will hear something tomorrow. I think, judging from the results board, that she was given a phone call. If you get any details, PM them to me. Good luck to all...

    Of course, and you the same. I am not giving up hope until I hear back. Also, didn't know you were not admitted into UT-Austin, sorry to hear that.

    Best of luck to everyone, we're all in this together, there aren't that many of us, lol!


  5. I agree. I have a lot of friends in that department (USC ASE) and from what I hear the decisions sometimes do go out at "unexpected" times.

    Very true, I agree. The only thing we can do it wait to hear for ourselves and try not to speculate based off what as posted, be it legit or illegitimate. Hopefully we will all be hearing soon from our respective schools.

  6. For some reason I have been viewing the results page with a healthy dose of skepticism because I read somewhere in the forum last year there were some erroneous posts....I'm having a weird feeling this is one of them....Although there is obviously the chance that someone was super special to hear back weeks ahead of what I was told by someone in the office admissions would be out...also I checked the results from last year and there were definitely no results posted that early....My desire to not have it be true that they are letting folks know this early when i haven't heard anything is definitely driving my suspicions....

    Yes, I agree! I was looking at the trend and the date this person got accepted. I am wondering why he/she waited to post the results now if its legit. Did they (office) say when they will be sending out decisions? Nevertheless, I, too, am very skeptical about the post on the results page.

    Anyway, did you get rejected from Maryland's program, too? The funny thing is I did as well, but the co-director of the program will be on my campus this weekend to give a lecture for Black History Month. Do you think I should talk to her? If so, what should I say, lol?

  7. I received my first rejection today by University of Maryland-CP for American Studies. I applied to 8 schools, rejected by 1, 7 more to go. I really hope my next letters are acceptance letters.

    Also, my potential advisor from Maryland informed me that I made the admission's shortlist; however, I got cut when it came down to funding. In addition, he told me how competitive and strong my application was and that even though I won't be a student there he would to continue to work with me no matter where I end up, for that, I am utterly grateful. In fact, most schools don't tell you why you are rejected so I was fortunate.

    This is to say, don't give up hope, stay strong and steadfast! I, will take that same advice and remain humbled (to be in a privilege position to even apply for programs), steadfast, and faithful. Its just a matter of time, there is a spot for me.

    Stay strong and positive!

  8. Hey Saluki88 - Sorry to see the rejection from Maryland. Hopefully there is good news to come for you (and all of us!) from other schools. It seems MD is one of the first American Studies programs to release a decision, or at least as posted on the site. I hope that means the waiting game is coming to an end soon :)

    Thanks. The good thing is that my potential advisor/friend there called and informed of why I was rejected. Usually schools do not tell you why they reject you; however, you did--and for that, I am grateful. He informed that my application was extremely strong, a couple of faculty members wanted me to be admitted. I made it through the application process, according to him and I was put on the admission's shortlist. However, when it was time to discuss funding, that was where my application got cut. In other words, he informed that "You application by no means was weak, it was extremely strong, we loved it" that meant a lot. Then, he said, "Besides, just because you are not here does not mean I can't be your advisor/mentor", so for that ,I am utterly grateful and humbled.

    This is to say, rejection is a part of life, and sometimes you will never know why you were rejected. Schools are extremely competitive and often times have to reject some of their best applicants, but remember, never give up hope!

    I have 7 more schools to hear from, I am sure one of those 7 will see the potential and resiliency in me and my work. I will remain faithful and steadfast, my spot is out there.

    Peace and good luck to all!

  9. Hey,

    For all those who applied to American Studies at Maryland, they are sending out decisions. Unfortunately, I got rejected, I don't know why--I had a solid application. Maybe God has something better. I can only hope and pray.

    Anyway, For some reason I was to fond of being in NY, especially the city. However, in retrospect, I wish I had applied.

    Good luck all!

    Hi, Saluki88,

    Why did you not apply to NYU? Is there a specific reason or did you just not think they were a good fit for you? I'm asking because your interests seem really in line with their faculty.

    Best of luck!

  10. I applied to 8 schools, a mix of AmStudies and Communication programs. I did my MA in AmStudies but my focus is visual culture, cultural theory and popular music.

    AmStudies programs: William and Mary, USC, Kansas, Brown, NYU; Communication: UCSD, and UNC; Cultural Studies, SUNY-Stony Brook (or SBU, whatever they're calling it now).

    What are your areas of interest?

    I also applied to 8 schools, a mixture of American Studies, Communication, and African American Studies. My areas of interests are: Gender & Sexuality; performance of identity; Black masculinity; critical ethnography; and Intersectionality

  11. @abolitionista Thanks! But, I enjoyed the experience of being able to sit in on some of the classes in the AfAm/Comm Studies department there, the professor was dynamic and the students were very engaged. Several of my very close friends have received their PhD from Northwestern (either Comm studies and/or AfAm), and having interacted with them on many occasions, I have heard nothing but amazing things. Also, some of the graduate students who are still in the program have nothing but positive things to say about the program. It is important to note that each department has politics of which we all must or will have to negotiate. With that said, the overall consensus is that the graduate students enjoy the department.

    The faculty I am interested in working with is cross-listed in the AfAm and Comm Studies program; I was able to be a strong relationship with him intellectually and personally--as I have invited him to my campus to speak/performance and have met him on several occasions at national conferences, NCA.

    What are your research interests, if you don't mind me asking? You can PM if you'd prefer.

  12. For political and personal reasons I chose not to apply to Brown. I am not sure of others who have applied there. Although, there are a couple of great professors there. However, in terms of how they treat graduate students, especially students of color, the feedback isn't always the best. Again, this is not first hand experience, so take it with a grain of salt. Also, if you really interested in mostly focusing on African Studies than I think Brown might be best for you.

    Political science is cool, my mentor/friend Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry is a African American political scientist, she is amazing! So are you currently a student in Chicago now?

    What are your research interests?

  13. I, too, applied to Northwestern for their African American Studies program. I am grateful to have had the privilege to have set in on some of the courses there and the opportunity to build relationships with some of the faculty. Given that I am a resident of Chicago, I was able to spend some time there over breaks. In addition to Northwestern, I applied to Yale (American Studies & AfAm), UC Berkeley (AfAm), USC (American Studies & Ethnicity), Univ of Maryland-CP (American Studies), UNC-CH (Comm Studies)--I was a visiting scholar there this past summer for 3 months, made incredible networks, Emory (American Studies--Institute of Liberal Arts), and Southern Illinois Univ-Carbondale (Comm Studies). I hope to hear back from schools soon.

    Good luck

  14. I am currently an undergraduate student in Speech Communication. I am applying for PhD programs for Fall 2011, very nervous. I have been very active on campus, doing various things. I am hoping to get into some really great programs (not because or name of school, but because of the program), as an undergraduate I believe I have done a lot. However, my GRE scores were extremely and horrendously low, so low I'd rather not say them. Nevertheless, here is my otherwise pretty decent profile:

    1) Again, I did very low on the GRE...I scored a 4.0 on my analytical writing

    2) Currently have a 3.2 cumulative GPA and 3.6 major GPA

    3) Ronald E. McNair Scholar; In addition, I was a visting researcher at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill for a summer research program (8 weeks); I applied to SR-EIP (http://www.theleadershipalliance.org/), got into Howard University and Cornell University for their summer research program, I declined and attended UNC instead,

    4) I have done several research projects, recently presented at a major conference in my field; I have also been interviewed by National conferences;

    I received a grant to complete my own research project and I am also a research assistant for my mentor/advisor/professor here on campus; My work has been accepted at several conferences

    5) I have been very active on campus in extra-curricular activities

    6) Have a very strong personal statement and great letters of recommendations lined up

    7) I am applying to African American Studies, American Studies, and Communication Studies programs

    8) I have a publication in review for a Journal

    What are my chances of getting into very good programs with my current profile? I would truly appreciate any feedback.


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