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Posts posted by gypsyblues

  1. I am having some issues with the word limit too. How long should the statement be if there is no specified word limit? Is there an unspoken word limit that I am unaware of? Currently, my statement is 1500 for a school with no word limit. Is that too much?

  2. That really sucks. You might want to call them. The other thing to try is an alternative email address. I thought I had only given them my yahoo email id but it turned out that they also had my hotmail email as a secondary email account. When i used hotmail as my email id, it worked. But i totally agree, people are having way too many problems and they're ripping us off.

  3. wow weird, the same thing happened to me. I got a 710 on the verbal and a 5 on the AWA. I was expecting at least a 5.5. While a 5 is not appalling, it is something to worry about given I am applying to social sciences. I really thought I'd jump this GRE hoop successfully....and now this...grrrr!

    I also wonder if ets is telling the markers to be more difficult with the assessment. The reason i say this is because I wrote the GRE last year but I retook it recently because I totally bombed the math last year. The point being, last year I got 5.5 on the AWA and i didn't even have time to finish! This year, I made sure time management was not a problem by practicing. I just don't get it. I know my writing was better this time around.

    Anyway, what can you do? A re-score is out of question at this point. I just hope it wont be a huge deal.

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