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Posts posted by snooze

  1. Hi guys ~

    I was wondering if any one here is currently enrolled in a dual MFA/MA program (for Fine Arts/ Art History) or thinking of applying to one. I am an abstract painter and art historian browsing through programs. My goal is to become an art historian, but I want to push my painting further. There appear to be some MFA/MA programs listed online, but I haven't been able to find many. Most of them are on the west coast. Does anyone know where I could find a comprehensive list of programs? Any outside the west coast? Or ... is is this an uncommon route to take? Anyone have strong views on the topic?

    Thanks in advance!

    (ps. I posted this in the art forum as well)

    I think the School of the Art Institute of Chicago might let you do both... Otherwise, that's pretty unheard of. I was debating doing the same thing a few years ago and it just seems like you have to make a decision. You can always do both, but I think one will eventually have to become more of a priority. I think some MFA programs let you minor in Art History or take a lot of coursework in it, and I'm sure some MA Art History programs let you take studio courses.

    What's your ultimate goal? If you want to be an artist, I would find an MFA program that offers access to Art History, and focus on your work. You can teach studio with an MFA (if that's what you wanted to do) and I'm sure some schools would let you teach theory-based studio courses if that was your interest (if it is...).

  2. Like, beaucoup.

    ^ Awesome.

    So, I haven't taken a language placement test yet, but over the summer and in my free time I plan to just read everyday texts in French. Currently, I have my homepage set to Yahoo! Italia so I can keep up with my Italian by skimming easy news articles. I'll probably change it to a French site soon. Anyway, I would just read some various texts in French, like maybe a magazine or some short stories or a French cooking site (bonus: French recipes).

    Or, this totally hip(ster) music site: http://www.blogotheque.net/

  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm very new to this process, and I was wondering about the writing sample. In undergrad, I was an English major and an art history minor, so the majority of my writing has focused on literature. For art history, it was mainly just short papers and presentations and tests. Is it okay to submit a writing sample that's not on art history? And if not, should I just write something specifically for this application?

    Thanks for your help!

    I would definitely try to make sure it was about art history, and better yet, about something somewhat related to the subfield you want to study (if you want to focus on abstract expressionism, don't submit a paper about byzantine mosaics - unless it's truly exceptional). I would expand on one of your old shorter papers (aim for 15 pages-ish). A lot of people say "they just want to see how you write," which is true, but with admissions being as competitive as they are, you're probably better off demonstrating your skills in your intended field of study.

    For what it's worth, during this past application cycle I've learned that you really want to make sure you're putting your best and strongest foot forward. Make sure your writing sample is as strong as possible, that way you won't have any regrets. I submitted a writing sample that was "pretty okay" in my book, and now I'm left wondering if my app would have been stronger had I submitted something better.

    Are you applying for MAs or PhDs? I would think that for PhDs you'd want a paper very tailored to what you want to ultimately focus on, but for MAs I'm sure something a little outside of that area (if you even have a chosen area at this point) would be fine.

  4. I'm trying to decide between two MA programs-- the Art Museum Studies program at Georgetown and the Museum Studies program at Syracuse University. I've talked to a couple people at each program and I've received mixed reviews from both. I'm really interested in Exhibitions research and Curatorial work, specially related to working in an art museum, and both programs have about equal pros and cons. I was wondering if anyone who attended either program, knows someone who has, could give me their opinion since it's coming down to the wire and I have no idea how to make this choice!! Thank you!!

    If you're really torn, I would have to say Georgetown seems like a better choice. The museums in DC cannot be beat, and hopefully you'd be able to make more connections there and have some more opportunities to intern throughout the year.

    For what it's worth, I have heard (directly from major curators) that you will definitely need a PhD in Art History to work in most art museums. (You can also see the MA vs. PhD tangent in the big MA/PhD 2011 thread.) Anyway, networking in DC would probably be helpful.

    Do the programs have equal funding?

  5. If you haven't heard from Williams yet, I recommend emailing the DGS. I wasn't officially rejected, but he basically said it's a rolling admissions process and it is not looking good.

  6. I don't know how much I'm allowed to be angry. Does this seem rude to anyone else?

    I meant for me!! My rejection letter!!!!

    I'm so sorry I should have clarified that! I'm not a jerk, I swear! I meant mine. Oh man. I feel awful.

  7. snooze, were you able to get in touch with them??? I'm desperate for an update besides my empty mailbox. I doubt my chances at this point but I really just want to know by April.

    Nope, no response yet. :(

    Maybe that rejection letter will arrive today.

  8. At this point I just don't know what to do with Williams. Are we on some second-tier waitlist they just won't tell you about? It seems like this is a new way of doing it since they sent out all the decisions earlier in years past. I've been coming home expecting a rejection letter for the past couple of weeks but it hasn't come yet.

    sigh....i hate waiting

    I know. I've been calling them all week hoping to talk to someone, but for some reason I'm not getting through. I just sent an email to them, but I'm worried I won't get a response until next week and by then I will have received a nice rejection letter. Either way, if we get accepted this late in the game I doubt any funding will materialize...

  9. Email from the program director, both times.

    Congrats! Was that for this year...? Did you happen to post that on the results board?

    I'm still waiting on them too. I spoke with them on Monday and they said they had sent some letters out (rejections, presumably) but of course I'm on spring break and won't be able to check my mail until Sunday night.

  10. this question is irrelevant for most of you, but i thought someone might know the answer...

    are phd students who have completed a year in their program ineligible to apply? especially those who do not have a master's to begin with?

    the information on the website seems somewhat contradictory. it says students need to have completed less than full year, but the application only becomes available in august, meaning that anyone currenty enrolled who missed the fall deadline will already have accrued one year's worth of credits. also, assuming on is in fact ineligible after completing the first year, then what happens if one changes programs and starts over as a "first year" in a new program, does that change eligibility status?

    just trying to figure out how this all works.


    I think that if you are already in grad school, you can only apply within the first semester of your first year. If that makes sense. So really you can only apply during your senior year of undergrad, your gap year(s) before you start, or after being in grad school for like a month.

  11. I too am waiting on UW. I'm surprised the results board shows that someone was contacted on a Sunday??

    I heard from UW today. My POI called me earlier this afternoon. I was definitely caught off guard but really glad to hear the news.

    I'm sure the other admits will hear sometime this week. I think she said they figured it all out Friday and that she personally likes to call her students, which is why she contacted me. I believe they are sending out official letters soon.

  12. There was a different recording when I called earlier today - at least I'm pretty sure it's different. And I think the voice said that successful applicants would be notified by late March...??? I am so confused.

  13. How fun!!!! I wanted to get to Madrid but didn't have time. You'll have a blast and I bet you won't even worry with grad school because you'll be living an art historical dream! ;)laugh.gif Yay!

    I've come to that realization, too, but chin up - there is still hope. We aren't rejected 'til we're rejected! I bet they're all just overloaded and they're just taking their good ol' time sending out those acceptances.

    Maybe part of the delay was the EPIC Centennial CAA conference in NYC this year. That shaved off a week. I wanted to go to that so bad. Epic!

    It was a pretty great CAA. I managed to go Thursday - Saturday. It made me want to get into all these schools even more! If that were possible.

  14. OK, a question to waste 3 more minutes of my time worrying about this today! For those obsessively checking grad cafe, what are the chances that nobody will post here (or that none of the successful applicants use the site)? I realize it will just be a best guest, but I'm shocked by how few people have reported javits results in the past--when I applied to grad school, people posted their acceptances within minutes of my receiving them!

    It seemed like in last year's Javits thread a few people did report back their results, so hopefully people do the same here. Either way, what firstene told us today was super helpful and if I don't hear back tomorrow or Monday I'll be pretty positive I didn't get it and will call them Wednesday or something to confirm...

  15. all my fingers are crossed.

    I called yesterday and spoke with Carmen Gordon and she said that Sara, the other woman in charge of notifying applicants, was out sick. Also, the DOE didn't authorize a release of funds until late in the day on March 1st. So, that means that they were not able to make the calls on the first, but they planned to start yesterday and will likely finish by the end of the week. She also said that if you do not hear by the middle of next week, you can call and get confirmation either way. She said they were also behind on calling people yesterday because of the huge amount of calls they were getting from nervous applicants like myself who just wanted to know what the deal was. But I couldn't help myself!

    So, if you haven't heard yet, there is still hope. If you have heard, CONGRATULATIONS! (and plz post and let the rest of us know! :) )

    hope this is helpful. Good luck!

    This was so helpful! Thanks, firstene.

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