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Posts posted by jazzz

  1. I'm considering declining the fulbright if my girlfriend can't get a residence permit. Would this be stupid? I was accepted to a top flight MA program which would put me in a good position to get into a top PhD program...

    I guess it depends on your priorities and what works for you as a couple. As someone who's already in a long distance relationship (California - France, yeah... LONG distance, haha), I can tell you it's definitely not easy. Mainly because there is no end in sight to the distance in the near future... there are also residency issues for the both of us, which is a huge obstacle. Not easy for an American to just go get a job in France. However, for the moment it's manageable because we manage to see each other often enough (been to France twice already this year, haha) and we both have different things going on career-wise so we're aware it could last like this for a few more years and neither of us are in a rush to get married. Education/career is our priority right now. Obviously, these are all things you need to discuss as a couple, because I'm sure everyone on this message board will tell you to take the Fulbright haha.

    In the case you received the Fulbright, would you be able to defer your acceptance to the MA program for a year? Personally I would take the Fulbright and defer. The distance is hard at first but you get used to it, and it's only 10 months (thus there is an end in sight to the distance).

    Anyway, this isn't a relationship thread so I'll try and make this post somewhat relevant by saying I cannot stand waiting anymore! Every day I go through an emotional roller coaster... happiness to go to bed and excited to wake up in the morning to check the mail. Then I freak out because there's no large manila envelope, so I fear all that's left is the alternate/rejection letter. But there's never anything, so I'm just disappointed for the rest of the day, and the cycle continues every day! Anyone else been having dreams about getting packages in the mail? I've had dreams 3 nights in a row. In one, I got a fat manila envelope addressed from Fulbright but it had my bank statements in it. I had another dream I was an alternate, I woke up horrified but was so relieved when I realized it was a dream! See...? I'm going crazy...

  2. Thanks for the update Ranita. I'm worried about what's happening in Lybia and what effect it could have on the entire region in the case of a NATO intervention or in case everything just ends up imploding (more so than it already has, I mean).

    So far for Morocco tout va bien, apart from a few small protests that never ended up snowballing into anything big... And the king said he'd hold a constitutional referendum, so that's a good sign, right? Right? Inshallah...

    Hi all, to those who applied to the Middle East, I got another update from Jermaine Jones regarding Egypt (I would assume the situation may be similar in other countries). He said the Egyptian Fulbright Commission has moved on in the selection process, sort of business as usual -- BUT, the government still has to approve the finalists, and no one has any idea when that might happen. So I'm guessing ETAs to middle eastern countries will probably find out in a normal time frame, since you guys don't need government clearance? But for those of us who applied for research grants, my advisor at school said we might even wait until July or later.

    i very honestly don't think I can survive the wait. I hope a lot of you start finding out soon so I can live vicariously through you!

  3. Finalist for Morocco ETA here! I haven't heard anything yet about a final decision, but I'm not OBSESSED with those spreadsheets.... :)

    Ahh I'm a Morocco ETA finalist too, and I'm dying waiting!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us!!!

  4. Ranita,

    Thanks for posting- that helps put me at ease! He's right, a lot can happen in a short amount of time. Let's keep our fingers crossed! Good luck :)

    I can't stand waiting anymore. I have absolutely no backup plan so I'm super anxious about it. I also graduated in December so I have nothing to keep me occupied once I finish traveling in two weeks, haha! Although thankfully up until now time has passed super fast. I hope we find out this month!

    <br />Hi Jazzz,<br /><br />I am a finalist to Egypt (research grant) and I have the exact same worry. Back at the beginning of February  I emailed Jermaine Jones and he told me for the moment, everything was going ahead as scheduled, but if the situation were to change, the grant wouldn't just be cancelled -- we could either go later, or be offered a place in a different country, etc. I copied his response below. I would say go ahead and email your questions, the IIE people have been so nice and helpful so far. I'll probably check in with him again next month or so to see if the Fulbright for next year is still going as planned in Egypt....<br /><br />Here's what Jermaine said. Hpe this helps!!<br /><br />&quot;Clearly a lot can happen between now and when the 2011/2012 year would start this coming fall.If you were to be offered a grant, and the situation in Egypt were to reach a level where it was deemed unsafe for you to either begin or continue your research there,  you’d be given full and clear guidance on how to proceed from the Egyptian Fulbright Commission, U.S. Department of State, and IIE. Going into the various possibilities—e.g., waiting or coming back to the U.S. before heading [back] to Egypt to start or resume your grant, transfer to a different country in the region, etc., —now might be a bit overwhelming, so I’ll just reiterate that should you be offered a grant, you’d certainly be kept up to date on any safety/security concerns that would impinge upon it.&quot;<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />
  5. Hello everyone! I read a lot but try not to post too much so I don't become addicted to this board, hehe. :)

    I'm an ETA finalist for Morocco. I'm kind of worried given the political situation in pretty much all of North Africa (sauf Morocco for the moment, fingers crossed, banking on the fact Morocco is the most politically stable country in North Africa). Anyone have any idea about the potential implications for Fulbrighters in this region? I feel like it would be a bit premature to e-mail IIE and ask, but I'm so worried about it!

    Also, I noticed from last year's spreadsheet Morocco Fulbright grantees (research) were notified on the 10th of March. Unfortunately the only ETA person on the spreadsheet was an alternate and was notified sometime in May. Now I'm dying to know whether that person was notified they were an alternate in May or whether they got the award in May! Does anyone know if research and ETA grantees are usually notified around the same time? I'm assuming choosing ETA grantees would take a lot less time/thought/effort, so I'm hoping I'll find out sometime in March...

    I graduated in December, and I've been traveling up until now trying to keep myself occupied and take advantage of the fact I have to wait until April to find out. Up until now time has passed really fast, but I'm out of funds so have to go home within the next week or two! No! Hopefully we don't have to wait too much longer :)

    Also to people who wondered about the transcripts, I e-mailed asking if they wanted all my transcripts (I have a bunch) or only from the school I graduated from, and he e-mailed back saying they only want the one from the school I graduated from, and also that they received my transcript, so I suppose normally we shouldn't expect to receive a notification they got our trasncripts.

    P.S. congrats to all the finalists :)

  6. Well, it would most likely be an ngo, but if a government agency then a turkish one...so either way, I would be working in turkey and not the states.

    Hmm, that's tricky... I don't know... if I were you, I'd drop the stuff about hopefully one day being able to live/work in Turkey as a definitive goal. They already know you want to live and work in Turkey, that's why you're applying for the Fulbright, right?

    Maybe you could word it in a different way. Remember, the FSOs at the American embassy in Turkey will have a big say in your final decision. Maybe you could go along the lines of saying how you'd like to get involved in public diplomacy or something... something that will involve improving U.S.-Turkish relations (not just on a national level, but if you're working for an NGO on the grassroots level) they eat that stuff up. I talked to a lot of FSOs when I worked at the State department and they told me all this stuff.

    That's the kind of method I used when writing my application, luckily I actually do want to work in public diplomacy, so the Fulbright is perfect for me! Good luck!

  7. Hi guys. Glad I found this board. I'm applying for an eta this application cycle and I'm at large, so my app isn't due for another two weeks. I was wondering if I could ask some advice about one of the points that we are supposed to address in our essays. One of the main goals of the program is for scholars to promote cross-cultural interaction and mutual understanding, both in the country where they are based and upon return to the us. My career plans after fulbright are, at least for several years, to work with an ngo or government agency in the country to which I'm applying - in other words, I won't be returning to the us immediately after the fulbright except for short periods of time. So I'm kind of at a loss as for how to address my contribution in the us. Is anyone in a similar situation or have any tips?

    Thanks, and best of luck to all.

    U.S. government agency? or a government agency in the host country? If it's a U.S. government agency, well then the answer is easy... you'll bring back your newfound cultural understanding and apply it to your U.S. government work!

  8. I had this problem, as well as my advisor when she tried submitting my letter! She got through and so did I. She just kept at it. I refreshed. I think it'd be better to do edits at strange times, ie midnight or early morning. I was working on it at 5 am PST, since I'm an early riser and had no problems. That's what I'd suggest! Especially if you're uploading things.

    Hope that helps!

    Good luck everyone!

    Oh my god...

    Hopefully this doesn't mean I'll be up all night, desperately trying to refresh hoping my information saves in time for tomorrow! Haha!

    I think a lot of universities have September 17 as the campus deadline, so maybe that's why the app keeps timing out.

    Wish me luck mellow.gif

  9. Is anyone else having a problem with the Embark Online Application?

    I'm currently trying to put the final touches on my ETA Morocco app to turn into my University tomorrow. However, every time I click "save" it takes me to a blank white page that says in big black letters "Service Unavailable"

    Is anyone else having this problem? Starting to get worried the app will flake out on me tonight and I won't be able to print it out for tomorrow...

    (P.S. I've tried using both Safari and Firefox... doesn't make a difference...)

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