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  1. Upvote
    waddle reacted to baja318 in Want to know your school's acceptance rate? Sort of?   
    CORNELL= 6%
    PENN DESIGN = 11%
    WVU = 72%
    CLAREMONT = unavailable
    RIT = unavailable
    MILLS = 13%
    PRATT = 35%
    CCA = unavailable
    USC = 40%
    MASSART = 24%
    SMFA = unavailable
  2. Upvote
    waddle reacted to baja318 in Want to know your school's acceptance rate? Sort of?   
    So, after being rejected from 2 schools, accepted to 1, and still waiting on 3 more to reply - I've figured a nice way to pass the time...

    I have this handy, dandy CAA (College Arts Association) catalogue, and figured I'd come up with a rough estimate of my actual chances of getting into each program. I had some ideas going into this process, of how the schools ranked, and I was realistic with my choices. But having some numbers puts it in a new perspective.

    The catalogue has stats from all MFA programs from 2007 - it's a few years old, but not that far off from current stats, I'm sure.

    By dividing the number of accepted students by the number of applicants, I've come up with the following:

    YALE = 5% (rejected)
    TYLER = 18% (rejected)
    PAFA = 61% (accepted)
    SYRACUSE U. = 36% (fingers crossed)
    INDIANA U. (BLOOMINGTON) = 17% (fingers crossed)
    SUNY ALBANY = 22% (fingers crossed)

    I know this doesn't take into account your chosen medium, genre, department, etc..and it's no scientific study, but - what the hell - it's fun/nerve wracking nonetheless.

    If you want me to look up your school - let me know.
  3. Downvote
    waddle reacted to livingthedream in U-M School of Natural Resources - Admitted Students   
    This forum is for students admitted to the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and Environment for Fall 2011. No need to share stats, but mine are below:

    Graduate Program: M.S. Environmental Policy and Planning

    Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
    Undergraduate Major(s): Philosophy; Political Science
    Undergraduate GPA: 3.66

    GRE Combined Score: 1150
    GRE Writing Score: 4.5

    Years out of Undergrad: 2 years
    Work Experience: (1) Law firm for one year. (2) Two years teaching philosophy overseas with the University of Notre Dame.

    LOR: All three recommendations came from philosophy and political science professors at the University of Michigan.
  4. Upvote
    waddle reacted to MoJingly in What on earth does 'POI' stand for?   
    We recently had a pretty wild and crazy discussion regarding this
  5. Upvote
    waddle reacted to StrangeLight in What do you do outside of school/research?   
    i'm looking to start an expensive cocaine-smoking habit that i will subsidize with compulsive gambling. there's a casino in town so i'm halfway there.
  6. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from habanero in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  7. Upvote
    waddle reacted to tolstoy in Things not to say to someone who has just been rejected by their dream school   
    I did, however, have a good friend who suggested that when I go running, I imagine myself stomping on the faces of the people in the admissions committee. Somewhat more helpful.
  8. Upvote
    waddle reacted to Lolita in Things not to say to someone who has just been rejected by their dream school   
    You know, when I was rejected, no one offered me a drink, and I work at a bar.
  9. Upvote
    waddle reacted to squaresquared in Cold Feet?   
    Well, some of you might find this a bit corny, but I'd like to share a quote that I go back to when I have the same types of feelings. I'm a worrier by nature, so it has really helped me out! For me personally, I think it is the fear of failing at 'grad school' that worries me the most, so this quote really applies to me!

    "What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?" -- Robert H. Schuller
  10. Upvote
    waddle reacted to Eigen in B + in a PhD class, pros and cons   
    PhD Comics for Every Occasion!

    Grades Don't Matter #1

    Grades Don't Matter #2

    That said, I'm sure it is somewhat field dependent. In most STEM fields, B's are "meh", B+/A- are average, and As are good. I got a B+ my second semester, and it didn't really faze me at all- and hasn't really effected how any of the prof's view me. Even the one that gave it to me thought I did fine in the course, from what I can tell.

    Everyone cares much more about the research, publications, etc.
  11. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from schoolpsych_hopeful in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    You mad?

  12. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from jklein in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  13. Upvote
    waddle reacted to wanderlust07 in Can prospective grad students count to 25?   
  14. Downvote
    waddle got a reaction from katerific in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    You mad?

  15. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from schoolpsych_hopeful in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  16. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from drumms9980 in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    You mad?

  17. Downvote
    waddle got a reaction from katerific in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  18. Upvote
    waddle reacted to paigeski in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Definitely. I need to brush up on my vocabulary.

    Although, the post was very enjoyable to read because of the varied and interesting wording.
  19. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from kotov in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  20. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from Strangefox in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  21. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from SuperPiePie in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  22. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from jynx in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  23. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from drumms9980 in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  24. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from Vacuum in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  25. Downvote
    waddle got a reaction from Aroma Black in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
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