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  1. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from habanero in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  2. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from jklein in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  3. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from schoolpsych_hopeful in Colleges Rescind Acceptance Offers   
    Cool story, bro.
  4. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from rising_star in Listing Non-Tenured Faculty in SOP?   
    What's wrong with that? Isn't the point that their successful mentoring of you, their Ph.D. student, will help them get tenure?
  5. Upvote
    waddle reacted to katerific in Things not to say to someone who has just been rejected by their dream school   
    A pamphlet, you say?


    a preview!

    Front side
    Back side
  6. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from aberrant in Things not to say to someone who has just been rejected by their dream school   
    Things not to say/do:

    Well, it's not like you had a shot anyways. Reality check, eh? How does that feel, mate? <point and laugh> Cool story, bro. So where else did you get rejected from? Even <insert names of other people they know> got into there! And I thought you were better than them!
  7. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from Aztecson23 in Things not to say to someone who has just been rejected by their dream school   
    Things not to say/do:

    Well, it's not like you had a shot anyways. Reality check, eh? How does that feel, mate? <point and laugh> Cool story, bro. So where else did you get rejected from? Even <insert names of other people they know> got into there! And I thought you were better than them!
  8. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from ladybug3 in Things not to say to someone who has just been rejected by their dream school   
    Things not to say/do:

    Well, it's not like you had a shot anyways. Reality check, eh? How does that feel, mate? <point and laugh> Cool story, bro. So where else did you get rejected from? Even <insert names of other people they know> got into there! And I thought you were better than them!
  9. Upvote
    waddle reacted to Bukharan in Challenging the Grad Cafe: The Six Word Memoir   
    Should Have Gone to Medical School
  10. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from chaospaladin in Chemistry PhD Programs with a High Acceptance Rate for a Person with Around a 3.2 GPA and 3.5 Chemistry GPA with 1 Month Research Experience   
    A month-long research experience isn't very much, unless it was full-time. If you'll be getting a letter from the professor, then definitely tack on a few sentences about your research. I figure it's always better to be able to describe what the 'big picture' of the project was and your specific role in the project in your statement, even if you haven't done a lot of actual work on it, than to have done a bunch of technical work, but have no idea what the purpose was. In other words, knowing it is better than doing it (if you don't have both, that is). Can you go back and work with this professor some more over the school year? Any data-analysis work you could do that doesn't require you to actually be in the lab, but still allows you to contribute to the project?

    Toggle multiquote for all posts you want to quote. Then go to the bottom of the page and click add reply.
  11. Upvote
    waddle reacted to ZeChocMoose in Decoding the Academic Job Market   
    That is a good question. There is some talk about this on the forum at the Chronicle of Higher Ed




    And I am sure there are more than just the ones that I have selected. Seems to be a hotly debated topic in the academy.
  12. Upvote
    waddle reacted to UnlikelyGrad in Decoding the Academic Job Market   
    I posted about this a while back...My feeling is that most profs don't list grad students who don't end up with a "prestigious job"...

    FWIW, my former PI was a Stanford grad, post-doc'ed at Columbia, and then went to teach at a NoName State University, where he was very happy. So there.

    And my current advisor's former student just landed a TT job--none of his schools were Ivy-class.

    eta: Here's the post
  13. Downvote
    waddle reacted to potato in University of Washington- seattle   
    Is anyone who is applying for the PHD program of Pharmacology in University of Washington invited to the interview weekend?
  14. Upvote
    waddle reacted to TheOtherJake in Very Very Stupid Question   
    Yeah! Like a GradCafe Wiki, with a featured article article everyday, and occasional pranksters who claim your favorite professor died.
  15. Upvote
    waddle reacted to MoJingly in Very Very Stupid Question   
    WHAT does "POI" stand for? I just always say "PI," as in "principal investigator." I've googled. I've lurked. I'm out of ideas. Here are a few I have:

    Primary Opium Introducer
    Pithy Orangutan Instigator
    Perching Orange Intimidator
    Person Oppressing Imagination
    Pathological Optimism Incinerator
    Professor of Interest (<---- that's actually a legitimate guess)

    Don't judge me. Maybe somebody else out there has this question too.

    Thank the Lord for anonymous forums.
  16. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from mytomato in Wordle your SoP!   
    Guys, I'm screwed.

  17. Upvote
    waddle got a reaction from doobiebrothers in Nightmares: Georgetown Arab studies   
    Chillax, db2290. The OP's just trying to get some advice regarding his application. I understand your vigilance for trolls, but I don't see any indication that the OP is anything troll-like. Hey, at least the post is (mostly) grammatically-correct, and we really shouldn't sound like we're driving first-time users away from the forum. (I know you try to be helpful, but your tone comes across as slightly bitter--could be an artifact of the Internets, but nonetheless ...)

    Georgetownhopeful, I have no advice I can give (sorry!), as I'm not in your field. I'm sure others here will have much better advice, especially if you could give a few more details as to how this "verbal confirmation" was worded.


    P.S. For the record, db2290, I canceled out your -1 rating.
  18. Upvote
    waddle reacted to qbtacoma in Do you have a Plan B?   
    Yep. Grad school is the first step to be a history professor at a sweet college somewhere nice. Goodness, if my only option turns out to be working at a for-profit college or struggling as a community college adjunct for the rest of my life, my Plan Bs are going to kick in hard. But no! I have decided it won't happen to me! I am worthy! Lalalalala!
  19. Upvote
    waddle reacted to waddle in Are "Ivy League" schools really that bad?   
    Hey guys/gals,

    I very recently got an invitation to fly out to one of the premier institutions in my field--and probably in most other fields, as well--for a visit/interview. I know most people would be thrilled to have an opportunity like this, and while I appreciate the chance to visit, I'm pretty apprehensive about the whole thing. Although I applied to this school because its research & people are amazing, I don't feel motivated to go to this interview/visit. A short while ago, I visited a less-highly ranked (but still awesome) school, but I didn't have this kind of negativity at all. I fear that I'll feel like I won't belong or that I'll stand apart in a negative way from the community at this very 'prestigious' university. (I don't know if this is a case of the impostor syndrome, or what.)

    For a long time, I've been of the belief that (to put it bluntly) students of the Ivy League (and I'm using "Ivy League" very loosely here to encompass all top-ranked research-focused small private universities with huge endowments) are generally pretentious & rich, and care little about anything but seeking fame or fortune. Now, obviously this is an over-generalization (and I sincerely apologize to any of the students/alumni of these schools who are on The GradCafe--I don't mean any offense, I admire you greatly, but there's no better way I can express my thoughts), but to what degree? I've spent my entire undergraduate career at a public institution that is not known for anything, and nobody I know personally is an Ivy graduate, so I've got nowhere to turn. So here's where I need your help, GradCafe members, especially those of you who have experienced life at both types of universities. What's wrong with me? Am I unfairly prejudiced against schools that are generally perceived as prestigious? I would really like to clear up any doubts before going into this interview, and I'm imploring you to help me do this.

    With gratitude,

  20. Downvote
    waddle got a reaction from omahairish in Nightmares: Georgetown Arab studies   
    Chillax, db2290. The OP's just trying to get some advice regarding his application. I understand your vigilance for trolls, but I don't see any indication that the OP is anything troll-like. Hey, at least the post is (mostly) grammatically-correct, and we really shouldn't sound like we're driving first-time users away from the forum. (I know you try to be helpful, but your tone comes across as slightly bitter--could be an artifact of the Internets, but nonetheless ...)

    Georgetownhopeful, I have no advice I can give (sorry!), as I'm not in your field. I'm sure others here will have much better advice, especially if you could give a few more details as to how this "verbal confirmation" was worded.


    P.S. For the record, db2290, I canceled out your -1 rating.
  21. Downvote
    waddle got a reaction from Pamphilia in Are "Ivy League" schools really that bad?   
    Hey guys/gals,

    I very recently got an invitation to fly out to one of the premier institutions in my field--and probably in most other fields, as well--for a visit/interview. I know most people would be thrilled to have an opportunity like this, and while I appreciate the chance to visit, I'm pretty apprehensive about the whole thing. Although I applied to this school because its research & people are amazing, I don't feel motivated to go to this interview/visit. A short while ago, I visited a less-highly ranked (but still awesome) school, but I didn't have this kind of negativity at all. I fear that I'll feel like I won't belong or that I'll stand apart in a negative way from the community at this very 'prestigious' university. (I don't know if this is a case of the impostor syndrome, or what.)

    For a long time, I've been of the belief that (to put it bluntly) students of the Ivy League (and I'm using "Ivy League" very loosely here to encompass all top-ranked research-focused small private universities with huge endowments) are generally pretentious & rich, and care little about anything but seeking fame or fortune. Now, obviously this is an over-generalization (and I sincerely apologize to any of the students/alumni of these schools who are on The GradCafe--I don't mean any offense, I admire you greatly, but there's no better way I can express my thoughts), but to what degree? I've spent my entire undergraduate career at a public institution that is not known for anything, and nobody I know personally is an Ivy graduate, so I've got nowhere to turn. So here's where I need your help, GradCafe members, especially those of you who have experienced life at both types of universities. What's wrong with me? Am I unfairly prejudiced against schools that are generally perceived as prestigious? I would really like to clear up any doubts before going into this interview, and I'm imploring you to help me do this.

    With gratitude,

  22. Upvote
    waddle reacted to MoJingly in What would Chuck Norris do?   
    Chuck Norris passed his defense. Nobody asked questions. Nobody.

    Chuck Norris is not happy with the location of your University, so he's personally moving it.

    Chuck Norris will not respond to your admission offer by phone. He'll just yell. You'll hear him.
  23. Upvote
    waddle reacted to UrbanWonk in Anyone Regret Anything? (2010-2011 Edition)   
    In cleaning my stuff out of my parents' house, I found the newspaper I was editor-in-chief of during high school. The last edition of it was an "advice to juniors" special--all about applying to college. One thing that stuck out-- "Applying to college is like taking a class. You can do it in the fall on top of everything else, or you can do it in 'summer school.'"

    Yeahhhh....wishing I knew now what I knew then? I did the applying for fellowships gig over the summer, and was so burned out from that and my job that I didn't start on apps until around Thanksgiving.
  24. Upvote
    waddle reacted to Tybalt in Not nice, Boulder!   
    One of my freshmen comp students couldn't make it to the first class because of the winter weather. He sent an e-mail that started: "Mr. O'Neil, I regret to inform you that I will not be in class today." When he walked into class today, I told him that I am currently waiting for results from PhD applications, and he is NEVER to send me an e-mail with "I regret to inform you that" in it again. I told him that I don't care what the news is--Always open with a "Congratulations!"
  25. Upvote
    waddle reacted to Eigen in Postdoctoral Forum?   
    What you want is the PhDcomics forum (when it ever comes back online), or the Chronicle of Higher Education forum.

    The Chronicle Forum is populated by PhD students through emeritus faculty, with nice sections devoted to post-docs- Job Searches, early TT positions, etc.

    The PhDComics was mostly PhD students, post-docs and young faculty, with some older faculty mixed in.
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