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Posts posted by SweetTee

  1. 20 hours ago, yehaw said:

    Hello, so i got waitlisted to my top choice that being ATSU. To anyone who previously went through this, what are my chances of getting in? into a class that has only 16 students? do I even stand a chance? or should i just look into something else? (knowing at this point I cant look into other school, and my only option is change career path bc of other personal issues) im honestly gradually loosing hope in myself, and ATSU has been the only school I wanna go to but i dont know honestly what did i do or where i messed up. i got wait listed from my top 2 so there's def a reason i wasnt selected as their top choice.                                                                                                                                       

    Hiya! If being an Audiologist is your dream, I would check out some other schools with later deadlines. If going to AT Still is your dream, then I would check out other programs. Either way, don't give up hope yet! Where there is a will, there is a way. 

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