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Posts posted by cquin

  1. Emailed the program and just received a response:

    We have not finalized our list of applicants to invite to campus. We are planning to do so soon and notify students within the next week or so.

    All the best,


    AHH!!! This is too soon. I know I've been doing nothing but complaining about how the wait is killing me, but now it seems far too soon!

    Does anyone know how crucial it is to go to the interview weekend at Duke?

    To the best of my knowledge, admits are given only to those who are invited to the interview.

  2. Is the Blackout affecting anyone else?

    No Reddit, No Wikipedia...yet I keep going to them. There's not even PennSound or UbuWeb...

    When in doubt, my answer is always NETFLIX (assuming you have Netflix). I know I'm a few years late, but I just started watching Skins. There's nothing like the drug-fueled, sexual escapades of a bunch of nihilistic British teens to keep your mind off of grad school.

  3. Here's my grievance for the day: I received an e-mail from one of my schools that said my transcripts are missing. I found this odd, considering that I overnight-ed that shit two weeks ago. I logged in to check my status and turns out that they're referring to transcripts from a school I attended on a study abroad program, even though the credits from said school are listed on my main undergrad transcript. WHY? I ask. WHY do they need an official transcript for the eight credits I took at a foreign university when those credits are already listed??? Now I have to scramble to somehow procure an official transcript, all the while praying that my application will not be immediately voided and tossed in the trash. Can't this process ever be easy?

  4. I've also heard [rumors] that schools take the best of all your non-expired scores, so if you don't study much for the math the first time out, get a great verbal score and then retake the test, but you lose a few points on the verbal the second time, because of all the conical diagrams floating through your head, some schools will take your best verbal and your best math. Boston University, for example, has a "date" entry for all your scores, contemplating that you self-report the highest historical score for each section.

    I can confirm this for at least Duke.

  5. Coral Gables, I assume? The campus is absolutely amazing. Seriously beautiful. And you can literally run over the bridge into the keys.

    Well...you can't actually run over the bridge to the Keys, unless you're thinking of Key Biscayne and the Rickenbacker Causeway. But Key Biscayne isn't a "Key" as in a Florida Key... Anyway, splitting hairs :P I'm only bringing this up because I was born and raised in Miami and I am currently cursing my decision to move to the cold, frigid Northeast (this weather is fucking killing me right now).

    But back to the original topic: Duke's Literature program is my top choice. I'm trying not to obsess over it right now but MY GOD, it's difficult.

  6. Just kidding, I didn't apply to 47 programs, only 11. But either way, I am now freaking out trying to keep track of every program and who received what and who is missing what and where the fuck are my transcripts and what do you mean you don't have my writing sample and WHY hasn't ETS sent my scores yet?!!

    Yeah, anyone else going through this right now? I wish every school had an awesome application status page like WUSTL does: clean, easy to navigate, updated frequently.

    It feels like a guessing game unless you hound the people in the admissions office (and even that doesn't always help! One representative at a school that shall remain nameless told me, "Yeah...I don't really know about transcripts...uhm...try calling later, maybe you'll talk to someone else").

  7. No, don't worry Timshel, you've got it right. I was confused because on the English page it says:

    "In addition to application forms required by UF, the Department of English requires that the following materials be included in the application packet, and mailed to the Department at the address below:

    • A completed MA/PhD Application Cover Sheet
    • Statement of Purpose: A brief essay concerning your past academic or teaching experience and future plans
    • Three letters of recommendation from people familiar with your academic record. Letters of recommendation are to be enclosed in sealed envelopes signed across the flap by the referee and returned to the applicant for submission with the application packet."

    But immediately below that, it says "If you have submitted your statement of purpose online and also arranged for your letters of recommendation to be submitted electronically, you do not have to submit those materials directly to the Department. We will be able to access them online."

    So, in short, that was a whole bunch of confusing BS that was not necessary to read. We just need to mail in the cover sheet, writing sample, and transcripts.

  8. Never mind, I think I may have just found the answer to my own question...

    "If you have submitted your statement of purpose online and also arranged for your letters of recommendation to be submitted electronically, you do not have to submit those materials directly to the Department. We will be able to access them online."

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