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    GoldenTree got a reaction from Chex in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I definitely see what you're saying about programs wanting to make sure we'll fit the community. You're on point when you mention that all these programs have cultures and some part of it is seeing to see if an applicant fits into said culture. I do stand by what I heard at the panel though about the writing sample being the bulk of the application's importance. I think both things can be simultaneously true and or differ school to school. I will add that this is quite a subjective process and after reading your post it only made me view it as even more subjective. I wouldn't view someone who had the goal of getting a Pulitzer prize as lacking humility, I'd view that as ambition and a goal. Clearly though, these people are going to be making hard judgements on us they likely wouldn't want on themselves. It kind of makes me sad and upset at the same time in all honesty. I understand there is a give and a take in these programs. Still, most fully funded programs don't offer a livable wage (some only offer 12k per year before taxes). At the end of the day, these schools do use MFA students, I've seen it first hand at one of the top MFA schools in the country. I don't think anyone should be upset students want a lot out of the experience when the experience is going to take a lot from them. 
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    GoldenTree got a reaction from justasmidge in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I definitely wish I could fast forward until early March too but there is so much to look forward to outside of these applications. Namely, some of those small joyful moments of life we often taken for granted. At my uni, there was a MFA panel, and one thing they emphasized was 90% was on the writing sample. If they love the writing, and they see little issues with anything else, chances are, you'll definitely get in. 
    I don't think mentioning the publication and nomination is necessarily a bad thing. I for one, listed my entire publication record within my CV (as I've seen some CW profs do) and gave it to all schools. I also directly stated "I was interested in teaching" and I don't regret it at all because it's the truth. Plus, not all schools are the same. I know Syracuse actually wanted a teaching statement from me, so not all of them will be turned off by it. And if they are, it is something I'm interested in. My poetry mentor did tell me that in these SOPs I shouldn't be something I'm not, and neither should any of us. I for one am a bit tired of pretending to be something I'm not. I'm definitely past that point in my life. What's done is done. Nothing is 100% perfect to everyone at every point in time. 
    Plus, I think we need to look at rejection a bit differently. I once heard a quote from a friend one time. "Rejection is redirection and protection." So remember that all of us will end up where we're supposed to be. And there's still hope. Who knows, maybe in a couple weeks, you'll be so excited about the program you got in. 
  3. Upvote
    GoldenTree got a reaction from Chex in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I definitely wish I could fast forward until early March too but there is so much to look forward to outside of these applications. Namely, some of those small joyful moments of life we often taken for granted. At my uni, there was a MFA panel, and one thing they emphasized was 90% was on the writing sample. If they love the writing, and they see little issues with anything else, chances are, you'll definitely get in. 
    I don't think mentioning the publication and nomination is necessarily a bad thing. I for one, listed my entire publication record within my CV (as I've seen some CW profs do) and gave it to all schools. I also directly stated "I was interested in teaching" and I don't regret it at all because it's the truth. Plus, not all schools are the same. I know Syracuse actually wanted a teaching statement from me, so not all of them will be turned off by it. And if they are, it is something I'm interested in. My poetry mentor did tell me that in these SOPs I shouldn't be something I'm not, and neither should any of us. I for one am a bit tired of pretending to be something I'm not. I'm definitely past that point in my life. What's done is done. Nothing is 100% perfect to everyone at every point in time. 
    Plus, I think we need to look at rejection a bit differently. I once heard a quote from a friend one time. "Rejection is redirection and protection." So remember that all of us will end up where we're supposed to be. And there's still hope. Who knows, maybe in a couple weeks, you'll be so excited about the program you got in. 
  4. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from Rixor in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I definitely wish I could fast forward until early March too but there is so much to look forward to outside of these applications. Namely, some of those small joyful moments of life we often taken for granted. At my uni, there was a MFA panel, and one thing they emphasized was 90% was on the writing sample. If they love the writing, and they see little issues with anything else, chances are, you'll definitely get in. 
    I don't think mentioning the publication and nomination is necessarily a bad thing. I for one, listed my entire publication record within my CV (as I've seen some CW profs do) and gave it to all schools. I also directly stated "I was interested in teaching" and I don't regret it at all because it's the truth. Plus, not all schools are the same. I know Syracuse actually wanted a teaching statement from me, so not all of them will be turned off by it. And if they are, it is something I'm interested in. My poetry mentor did tell me that in these SOPs I shouldn't be something I'm not, and neither should any of us. I for one am a bit tired of pretending to be something I'm not. I'm definitely past that point in my life. What's done is done. Nothing is 100% perfect to everyone at every point in time. 
    Plus, I think we need to look at rejection a bit differently. I once heard a quote from a friend one time. "Rejection is redirection and protection." So remember that all of us will end up where we're supposed to be. And there's still hope. Who knows, maybe in a couple weeks, you'll be so excited about the program you got in. 
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    GoldenTree reacted to catsaregood.pdf in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    i feel that!! i think it’s okay to give ourselves a break from productivity though!! we have all of our lives to “be productive” i think it’s okay for us to be kind to ourselves when our brains are not wanting to!! maybe it’s a time of rest :’) 
    congrats on finishing your major!!!! lol i started watching the curse and bridgerton!!!
    lmao i felt that, i refresh gradcafe and my email constantly 😳 
  6. Upvote
    GoldenTree got a reaction from catsaregood.pdf in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I'm currently finishing out my BA which I had hoped would take up all my mental focus (it definitely isn't working, maybe also because I've already finished out my major). What I've been doing mostly though is watching the whole slew of Tolkien movies (The Hobbit & LOTR). I've been getting distracted when I've tried to read lately, but those movies have successfully relaxed me and are quite long to get through. Also, since I haven't watched the Hobbit in 10 years, it was almost like I got to re-experience it for the first time.  Other than movies, I've been spending time with my mother and boyfriend, two super supportive realtionships of mine I'm eternally grateful for. 
  7. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from lychees in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Yeah. I think that's all any of us can do in all honesty—our best. And whatever happens, we'll have known we tried our best with whatever resources we had at the time. There's peace in that I think. 
  8. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from Rixor in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Yeah. I think that's all any of us can do in all honesty—our best. And whatever happens, we'll have known we tried our best with whatever resources we had at the time. There's peace in that I think. 
  9. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from Chex in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Yeah. I think that's all any of us can do in all honesty—our best. And whatever happens, we'll have known we tried our best with whatever resources we had at the time. There's peace in that I think. 
  10. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from Jim VK in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Yeah. I think that's all any of us can do in all honesty—our best. And whatever happens, we'll have known we tried our best with whatever resources we had at the time. There's peace in that I think. 
  11. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from ajcam in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Yeah. I think that's all any of us can do in all honesty—our best. And whatever happens, we'll have known we tried our best with whatever resources we had at the time. There's peace in that I think. 
  12. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to Rixor in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    If you uploaded the screenshot to Imgur or another service, you could post the link to it here.
    That sounds like a form rejection to me. That's standard for big schools like BU. You genuinely shouldn't let it discourage you, though! Plenty of people received rejections today. I'm sure your application materials were lovely.
  13. Upvote
    GoldenTree reacted to sunnysequoia in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    *hugs* I’m so sorry you’re feeling so sad. Honestly, I do think it’s a bit callous to send out a rejection email merely one week after the deadline passed, after you presumably spent many months researching the school and preparing your application materials only for them to make their decision so quickly. They could have delayed the notice and didn’t need to send it out right away.
    You’re allowed to be sad now. For what it’s worth, this quick rejection also lets you move on from this school and consider other possibilities for yourself sooner than later, and I hope you will get to that place after you’ve processed things.
  14. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to Chex in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Take heart. You're not alone in the not-having-enough-information-beforehand situation. We learn in the process of doing. First time applications are usually like this. Knowing what I know now, there are definitely some things I would change about how I applied, but I did my best at the time and hope it all pays off.
  15. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to Rixor in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I'm so sorry. I would be heartbroken. It's cruel of them to send out such a cold email so soon. They could've at least used your name.
    Remember that the admissions process is imperfect and impersonal and relies quite a bit on luck. It's probably a room of people spending many hours at a time reading through dozens of dozens of writing samples. The criteria they act on could be totally arbitrary and based on their personal interests; the same writing sample can get rejections at some schools and massive stipends at others. I've also heard stories of people re-submitting the same exact materials to a school twice and getting an acceptance only the second time. A rejection isn't in any way indicative of your worth as a writer. Someone on Draft pointed out that they might also be trying to rush their process given that their program is only one year long. 
    You've still got Amherst, Brown, NYU, and those fellowship. It's not over! I'm rooting for you and I hope you get good news soon!! 
  16. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to Rixor in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Just in case you're sitll interested--I have a blank Facebook account that I never use (and that has a fake name) and they still let me in:) It's been helpful to be a member of the group. I just wish I'd joined before I sent all my apps! 
    Good luck on all your applications!
  17. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from Rixor in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Let's hope that's the case. 🤞 
  18. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from Chex in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Thanks for the welcome and well wishes! Fingers crossed you get in too! And I definitely wish there would be a list somewhere of the programs where cross-genre/multi genre is encouraged. I tried to apply to some places where I heard about more cross-genre work like Pittsburgh and Ohio State but I don't think I did enough research in all honesty. I didn't know about Iowa State or UC-Riverside but I appreciate you sharing! 
    In Poetry I applied to OSU, ARK, Ole Miss, Michigan, Vandy, Greensboro, UVA, Pittsburgh, and Notre Dame. I'm a dual genre applicant to Alabama and VCU. And I applied in fiction to the University of Kansas and NC-State. I tried to somewhat look at faculty. I do write literary speculative fiction/magical realism (which I know isn't well liked in MFA programs, thus me applying more in poetry) and I only applied in fiction or dual-genre to places that had speculative writers on MFA staff that seemed like a good fit. I guess I'll see how everything goes. 
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