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Posts posted by Hicks

  1. I did the MFA/ MS at Pratt and was very happy with it. The main draw back was that it limited my studio electives. But, it has served me well. I headed an art department at a liberal arts college where I taught both art history and studio and I am currently adjuncting in both areas as well. Beyond that, I also am now applying for PhD programs in Art History. Most, of my class mates in the dual program aren't going on in Art History but they seem to have been well served.

  2. This is my second year applying or PhD programs.I was shut out of seven applications last year. But, they were not the best thought out in terms of fit and there was a problem with my writing sample. At the time I was heading the art department for a small liberal arts college and figured it was only reasonable to go back to school if it was to a top program. I finished up an MFA in painting and a masters in Art History in 2006 and have been teaching for the last five years. I left where I was department head (long story) and am currently adjuncting so the time seems good to pursue the PhD more vigorously. My interests are problematic for many departments so I put a good deal of time into concentrating on finding good fits. I'm interested in contemporary at and religion but want to approach it from a art historical rather than religious studies direction so there are very few potential advisers. I'm all done with my applications with the exception of sending a couple more transcripts.

    I've applied pretty broadly (unlike last year):

    Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts (Aesthetics & Art Theory)

    Duke (Art History)

    Chicago (Art History)

    Columbia (Art History)

    Graduate Theological Union (Art & Religion)

    UC Irvine (Visual Studies)

    NYU-IFA (Art History)

    Harvard (Art History)

    Bryn Mawr (Art History)

    Yale (American Studies)

    Yale, Institute of Sacred Music (M.A.R., Art &Religion, concentration in Visual Arts)

    Missouri (Art History)

    Temple/ Tyler (Art History)

    Now it is just waiting time.

  3. It has been interesting, as I've been in contact with professors, some have put a lot of emphasis on writing sample as something there school really looks to and others have specifically mentioned making sure I have good GRE scores. I guess the moral of the story is that it varies from place to place. I agree with you though about contacting professors. My interests area little odd (religion & contemporary art) and there are only a couple of professors at PhD programs that deal with those issues. So, I wrote e-mails to over 50 professors explaining that I was looking for professors that would be willing to work with me even if our research interests weren't exactly the same. I ended up with some good responses, some curt responses, and some nice leads to other potential professors. But, in all I have a better idea of which programs will fit me well and I believe those who encouraged my application will remember me when my application comes around. I hope it works.

  4. My caution would be to make sure that what you submit makes a complete argument. Last year I took a 20 page section out of my 100 page thesis. I think not having a full argument really hurt me. This year I've taken a 40 pages article and abridged it down to a 20 page sample. So, it depends on the longer paper. In my case the thesis was a history of a collection and had a lot of analysis which didn't translate as well to a shorter format as I would have liked.

  5. I'm thinking about applying to the American Studies program at Yale. My interest is in art history and religion so I am mostly looking at art history programs but the Art Historians whose interest most fit mine aren't currently in art history programs. Sally Promey at Yale is in the American Studies program. So, I am thinking about it. But, they only accepted 8 of 260 applicants last year.

  6. Yes, I've talked to my adviser. There are a couple of things I'm changing. But I'm curious what others have done. My adviser was surprised I didn't get in last round. But, I'm in a little different situation. I've been out of Grad School for five year (MFA painting/ MS Art History) and have been teaching at colleges for the last five years. But, I've gotten more interested in Art History and want to switch from primarily being in the studio to Art History. The other complicating factor is that my area of interest is the relationship between contemporary/ modern art and religion, especially Christianity. But I want to approach the field from an art historical not religious perspective. It is really hard to find a good POI for this which we think was a big part of my problem last year. The other thing was I made the stupid mistake of just submitting an excerpt of my thesis which probably came across a bit disjuncted. So, this year I will have a writing sample that is specifically suited for the applications.

  7. I applied to 10 programs last year...and was rejected from ALL of them. I applied to 9 schools this year (granted, more MAs this time) and got into 6. There is definitely hope, and the unsuccessful first round helped me really figure out where I could improve this go-round.

    Any PhD's out of the six you got into this year? And if so do you mind if I ask which ones?

  8. I was also, and I'm hoping to spend the next year working and to reapply for fall 2012. I think things may still work out for the best, but it's a difficult situation to be in, and I do feel sorry for us both :-) What are your plans?

    Sorry for not getting back to this sooner. i honestly don't know what my plans are right now. There are also a lot of other things up in the air right now. I life has kind of gone all crazy over the last few weeks.

  9. Well, I ended up shut out of all my applications with the exception of Chicago's MAPH. But, the price that there is too high. Especially since I already have two masters. Anyone else end up shut out and what are your plans?

  10. This is good to know, and I am now even more convinced that those of us (ME TOO) who haven't heard from Chicago yet are going to be offered "consolation" MAPHs in the next week or so, especially since this appears to have happened last year.

    See that would be odd in my situation. I already have an MFA in painting and an MS in art history. I'm currently teaching in college both studio and history but want to be able to move on in just teaching art history. So, the MAPH probably isn't a good fit for me. I'm feeling a bit of pain right now because I only applied to top programs because I figured it didn't make since to leave a position to go to anything other than a major school. It obviously didn't work out as I'm expecting my final too rejections for Chicago and Harvard. So, now I need to decide if I want to retool for next year, stay in my current field, or look at something like the IDSVA program or the Graduate Theological Union would be more open to my interest in the intersection of religion and contemporary art.

    I just want to get the rejections so my mind can move on. :)

  11. Just got rejected from Princeton. My POI was on leave last semester so I was unable to meet with her, though I did explain in my SoP why and how I wanted to work with her. Three down, four to go.

    Good luck to the rest of you.

    I also got a rejection from Princeton. Three rejections so far. :)

    I really think a big part of my problem is fit. I'm interested in the relationship between Christianity and modern/contemporary art and there are so few people that work in that area. I really thought Duke was my best fit but they were also my fisrt rejection. Maybe i just suck. :)

  12. I didn't receive an email or anything - just saw the postings on the results page and so checked the website and had the rejection waiting there for me. The link was not super conspicuous there at the bottom so it took me a second to see it - but there it was with my admissions decision that I had already pretty much figured on given that acceptances were given 2 weeks ago :)

    Same here. I saw the rejections on the results page and then went to the website. I haven't received any thing from them just what was on the website.

  13. I haven't heard from Princeton or Harvard either.

    You mentioned int he other thread that you got in no where last year. I'm curious how your application varied this year from last, as you have been much more successful this year.

  14. This is helpful advice...which I appreciate since I was just asked earlier today for an interview (or "informal conversation" as I was told) later this week. :blink:

    Excited? Terrified? Why yes, yes I am.

    Congrats on the informal interviews! I have to admit that it makes the waiting a little more difficult for me. :) I hope they go well for both of you.

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