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Posts posted by Zouzax

  1. And I also agree, thanks for the advice. I was so down on myself that I didn't consider the fact that maybe the professor just isn't good with emails. (Btw, I saw some people were asking - I had sent this email way before the application period, in September). Hopefully that was the case. I guess I will find out in a few weeks, when acceptances/rejections start rolling in :)

  2. as a Part B to my "how you will mourn" post ...

    WHEN *being positive here* I get an acceptance letter, I will slowly walk to the nearest liquor store. I will buy the most expensive bottle of champagne I can afford. Ill drink it slowly while reading the letter over and over again in disbelief, convinced I'm in some sort of Inception-like dream that Ill eventually wake up from. Then, once reality hits, Ill start yelling: WOOOOOOOOOO! while simultaneously calling my family friends (most likely at a godforesaken hour, since I'm 7 hours ahead of them). Then, as I get decidedly drunk enough, Ill open up my window and yell something along the lines of: "I'M GOING TO XXXXXX UNIVERSITY, B*TCHES!!!" while still WOOOing and scaring the Turkish people on the street below.

    The next few hours will consist of facebook updates, champagne, updates on grad cafe, more champagne, researching my new life.... and did I mention the "woo"ing?

  3. Oh, that was really rude! :mellow:

    She asked you herself to tell her about your interests and then she sends you this curt reply! I definetely would not want to work with such a person...

    You know, Im so glad you said that! I was really down on myself after that; I had really put time into my email response & was excited to hear her thoughts. When she blew me off I figured it was because she really didn't like what I had to say. I ended up applying to the school anyway, but it's a fairly large department. I won't mention wanting to work with her again.

  4. I had a similar experience with one POI that I had contacted. I had written that I was interested in working with her. She wrote me back the next day and asked me to explain my current research & future goals. I wrote her a long email in reply. I waited a week or two for a response but never received anything. I started getting paranoid -- maybe the email didn't send? Maybe it went to her spam box? So I sent her a quick message saying - my emails been a little spotty lately (which was the truth, that's why I was so paranoid) ... just checking that you received it, etc. etc .... she wrote back: "Got it. Thanks."

    ..... and that was all. I didn't reply. Nor did I contact anyone else in the department. I think it's best to leave it alone; if they are interested and want to accept you, it'll happen. But a curt reply is a pretty clear message to not try and continue the conversation, in my opinion.

  5. "IF" (positive thinking here) I get all rejections, I would wait until the final day, when the last rejection comes in. Then, I would slowly walk to the nearby liquor store, buy the most expensive bottle of champagne I can afford, go home, and start drinking (regardless of time). When Im decidedly drunk enough, Ill call my family and friends and cry over my lost youth and general unworthiness.

    After I get over the hangover and embarrassment, Ill realize that it means I have another 6 months to finish my thesis, and another whole year to attend and present at conferences without pesky classes being in the way. Ill claim to everyone that it's for the best. Ill take up yoga to fit my new, positive lifestyle. This will last approximately 6 months.

    Then, come October, Ill start obsessively stalking school webpages again. Ill fill out and send the applications way too early because I can't TAKE having unfinished business. Ill be back, lurking on Grad Cafe and making the 'top poster' list every month. Ill stop taking yoga (no time, must stalk email), and will develop a bulge in my neck that I can't get rid of (it's really starting to worry me. Cant really look left at this point).

    And the cycle will repeat, on and on, until finally, one day, I receive an acceptance.....

  6. I prefer email too. Although, a phone call would be pretty good too - it's highly unlikely you'd get a call saying you're rejected (I'm guessing you'd only get one like this if you had a relationship with the POI and s/he wanted to give you the bad news) - so once you get a call, you know its either for an interview or an admit. An email can go both ways and that moment before you click on the email can be terrifying because of the anxiety.

    This is a GREAT point that I didn't even think about. Now Ill be constantly checking my phone!!

  7. call me old school, but I prefer the regular mail system. I loved the excitement of checking my mailbox each day to see if there was a big, fat envelope waiting for me ... there's nothing like seeing that big envelope in your mailbox!!! And when you get a rejection letter, you know its a rejection without opening it ... aren't the thin letters the worst?

    I actually don't like this email rejection system, Im going to be so excited before opening the email & then just to see a "We're sorry" will be SO depressing. Id rather take a thin envelope any day.

  8. Schools I was interviewed by: UPenn, Brown, UCSC.

    Schools that accepted me without an interview: UMass, MIT, UCLA, NYU, Rutgers.

    The three schools that did interview me were the ones that were really not a good fit for my research interests, and I think that was the reason for the interviews. Talking to PIs at all three schools (2-3 profs per schools) made me realize that I would not be happy in those programs so I ended up withdrawing my application from all three, which means I declined the invite to Brown's open house and I have no idea if there were any further steps after the first round interviews and before the adcoms at those schools decided who would be accepted. For four of the other five schools, I got a "congratulations!" email without having any contact between submitting the app and the decision. MIT notifies via phone, not email, but again no prior contact.

    that's interesting - I wonder if most programs only contact applicants that they think wouldn't be a good fit, and they're interested in why they applied. Smart to withdraw your application if you don't think it would work out. I wonder, what made you apply to the schools in the first place? Did you not realize they were a good fit until after the interviews? I'm having the same feeling about one of the schools I applied to. I'm wondering what I would do if it was the only school that accepted me.

  9. I totally know how you feel. This time last year, Brown was giving out their interview requests (January 29). Ive been checking the results forum and I see that theyve already sent out requests/ rejections for the Cognitive Science and Psychology programs in the department (CS, Psych, and Ling are all together there). Which means .... Linguistics is coming any day now. I'm biting my nails, waiting ... 

  10. so glad u started this thread. I had NO idea what it meant, but figured it had something to do with an interested party at the school the person applied to. Please, when I first got on here I had NO idea what LOR meant, let alone LTR -- im way behind with internet lingo.

  11. i have zero patience as well; I have been posting abnormally angry status updates on facebook (to the point where family & friends are noticing and asking if everythings alright), and yes, those 'perfect' posts do NOT help my anxiety at all.

    On Monday, AOL had a one day glitch where no one was getting their emails - I almost organized a mutiny.

    By the way, its 1:20 am here and I'm still obsessively checking my email, even though I shouldn't hear anything until February. sigh.

  12. Glad if I could help! :) And since you're into psycholinguistics, I don't really think you should be worried that your sample deals with an issue in psychology. :)

    EDIT: OMG, I just checked my mail - I'm shortlisted at Michigan!! I'm sooo happy! :)

    But I'm also sad 'cause I probably won't be able to visit due to financial issues - the plane ticket would be more than $1k. It's night here, so I'll have to discuss things with my parents tomorrow evening (yeah, I have lectures on Saturday :rolleyes:)...

    EDIT #2: Oh, the mail says the department will pay up to $500 for airfare, so money stops being a problem. But what about the fact I don't have a US visa? I don't think I can get it in three weeks...

    CONGRATS! biggrin.gif

  13. You guys are hilarious! 33 minutes until January 21st begins which might just be the day one of us hears something...;o)

    haha u sound like me! as soon as my clock hits 4 pm (which is 9 am EST) the waiting begins... until 12 AM when I finally breathe a sigh of relief (which doesnt stop me from still checking my email at 1, 2 AM, thinking a late-night email mightve come through)

  14. According to one of my recommenders, they'll care more about our analytical skills. According to the only adcomm member I've ever talked to, they want to see something original in our sample. I'm not really sure what qualifies as original (enough for grad school acceptance), but - according to one of my other recommenders - that could be sth small, e.g. new data.

    EDIT: I just remembered that the aforementioned adcomm member said that in our sample we could present a problem even if we didn't have a solution.

    this was great to hear. just took a major load off ... my biggest concern was that my sample was on a different subject...

  15. Last year I sent emails out to potential POIs. Oddly enough, the school I go the most negative email response from was also the only school that I got anything from. From the schools that expressed exuberant interest by email, I got nothing but a form letter rejection.huh.gif This year I sent out no emails and am just going to let the chips fall where they may.

    thats really interesting!! you just gave me renewed hope ... thanks!

  16. so glad i saw this.... I'm definitely angrier. People on the street annoy me. Normal school deadlines give me chest pain. The sound of my email getting a new message makes my heart jump.

    When I pass my mailbox, I only look to see if there's new mail out of the corner of my eye as I run past (generally in my program, acceptances are sent by email, rejections by post). I have a constant neck ache. I'm more neurotic than usual. I seem to have developed a sort of compulsive behavior that causes me to click on "Grad Cafe Forum" at least 25 times a day.

    At this point, I'm just praying to the powers that be to send me some sort of application update soon, before I go completely off my rocker.


  17. I would just like to say that sending a large package from a school that has NOTHING to do with an admissions decision is highly inconsiderate given our (definitely my!) fragile mental state. Thank you for all the info about how cool your school and town are. . .now if I don't get accepted, I'll feel even worse :(

    oh no!!! i wouldve been so annoyed haha

  18. In a lot of ways, this application season was a test run. I didn't even think about applying to any PhD program until July or August, when I told a professor I was communicating with of my plans and she steered me this direction. I had taken the GREs in 2009, but my scores were abysmal. My UG GPA is absymal too, so all I have going for me at the moment is a decent SOP, wonderful LORs, a 3.8 grad GPA, and great communication with a POI at the one school in which I've applied. If I don't get in this year, I will certainly be sad, but it won't be unexpected. And then I will add more tear-jerking statements to my SOP, retake the GRE and have my M.Ed finally under my belt. Next year is looking kinda nice actually....

    I feel the same. If I'm not accepted, Ill take the year to do the things I wish I had time to do, like get published, present at conferences, beef up my CV, etc...

  19. @ mrjd: thanks for that. Even that much was enough to make me think that it's worth taking a second look. I actually went to undergrad in Boston, and I agree with how expensive it is. That's my major concern if I'm accepted to any universities there.

    I looked into housing in Providence and wow, you're right! Its really inexpensive. Things are looking up :) I will certainly let you know if I'll be visiting

    @ OH YEAH: That's a great idea. Maybe someone can suggest that to the admins?

  20. Just remembered something else!

    I wish I had taken the time to get published/ present at some conferences. Unfortunately, I worked way too much during this Master's, and I barely had time to finish the workload I was given (I am taking 5 classes a semester, one semester was 6 classes), let alone sit down and prepare a piece to be submitted to a journal/ conference. This is actually one of my biggest regrets sad.gif I get so obsessed with working, once I see a paycheck I'm always thinking about how I can increase it, which means I sign up for more hours ... definitely shouldve had my priorities straight!

  21. Geographically, I grew up closest to Boston. This has prompted my dad to remind me at least weekly that "it'd really be best if you went to Harvard."

    Cheers. I had no idea, pops.

    hahaha my father AND uncle tell me the same thing. As if it's this novel concept, and I can just DECIDE to go to Harvard, as in "You know what? I think I'll go to Harvard this year!"

  22. mrjd, thanks a lot for offering to answer questions. I'm sure you have a really busy schedule.

    Brown is one of my top choices for the field I'm interested in. I haven't heard whether or not I'm accepted yet, but I'm trying to stay positive and think ahead :)

    My only reservation about the school is its location. I was considering applying to Brown for undergrad (this was 11 years ago), so my father and I took a tour of Providence. I must say, it wasn't my favorite city. If I'm accepted to Brown, this will probably be the one thing thatll hold me back from wanting to attend.

    Then again, a lot can change in 11 years. How do you like Providence? How is the crime rate, etc? Do most students live near campus? How often do you make trips to Boston (if ever)? I would love to hear a current student's thoughts on this. Thanks again. smile.gif

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