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Status Updates posted by beanbagchairs

  1. I kind of miss the hustle and bustle of February and March. GC is so quiet now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. newms



    3. Zouzax


      so true! and i agree with PhD Pharm about the tone of the new posts. U can see a clear difference between the "seasonal" members & the "permanents" haha

    4. neuropsych76


      :) i didn't go on here much last summer but i'll be on this summer!
  2. Last (too-late) decision is in. Rejected for PhD, offered an MS. Classic. That'd be from rank #1 program. Meh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlueRose


      Heh. I had a school do that to me last year. "Sorry you're not good enough, but if you pay us $30K, we'll tolerate your presence for a year." (Um...no thank you!)

    3. beanbagchairs


      my thought exactly! haha

    4. hopehope


      bluerose spoke my mind!lol

  3. How do you choose? :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BlueRose


      @Zouzax: I swore all along that my decision would be made with a dartboard and a bottle of whiskey. I may have told a POI this, actually. Really, it involved Googling, nail-biting, hiding in bed with the covers over my head, Googling some more...and then finally deciding what was most important to me. Then there was whiskey.

    3. newms


      You've got two good options and you really can't go wrong with either one. Good luck!

    4. beanbagchairs


      Thanks all.... :D I made my decision!

  4. Ah thesis! I was sleep-deprived, social-life-deprived, everything-else-deprived when I was writing mine :P This season is pretty good for me. I am still in the process of making my final decision. Good luck for you there!

  5. Hi Zouzax.. You havent posted much lately.. How are you?

  6. Others cant understand why I am so emotional when talking about applications. I am about to take a big step in my life! I am not crazy; I swear :P

    1. MoJingly


      That's why this site is awesome. We all get it!

    2. Tall Chai Latte

      Tall Chai Latte

      haha, i totally understand you beanbagchairs. i was emotional too when i talked about my apps, and that was the only thing on my mind. people thought i was crazy and trivialized my feelings! i was so pissed!

    3. renster


      Me too. I have a great decision to make, but it's been absolutely eating me up. Don't worry, we'll all get through it!

  7. I am confused. Do you choose schools based on fit or prestige? I want "fit"; one professor chose "prestige".

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. beanbagchairs


      thanks Tall Chai Latte :)

    3. NUcat72



      Fit: "You've spilled some prestige into my fit!"

      Prestige: "Ugh! I got some fit in my prestige!"

      Both: "hmmm..."

      Moral of this "story" Why not have a bit of both? :)

    4. Milo_10011


      This sounds like causation/correlation. If you go to Harvard, do you get a job because of prestige or do you get a job because so many Harvard graduates have deep connections? If the former, than prestige helps. If the latter, your connections would get you a job regardless of where you went. My suspicion is that the people who do best coming out of Harvard are the ones who have been prepped and groomed for Harvard since they were first sonogrammed in their mother's womb.

  8. Thinking of selling my car before attending grad school :| as I wont be needing it. I like this car! :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sderek


      GaTech is so slow

    3. Milo_10011


      if you can find a place to store your car, the insurance (against theft, damage, etc.) for a de-registered car is ridiculously low. If you really love the car that much, see if there's somewhere you can tuck it away. Do you have a friend with a garage out in the boondocks somewhere?

    4. beanbagchairs


      Sadly I dont know anyone with an extra garage :(

  9. "We will let you know of your admission decision by April 15th". Whatt! I did not get an interview and turned my app in early Dec!

    1. eklavya


      heh - few schools did that to me. as a result, i've vowed to burn them down before i die.

    2. beanbagchairs


      I think I need to create a similar "burn list" :P

  10. Accepted with fellowship. Dreams do come true!!!

  11. I should have applied for more fellowships.

    1. Langoustine
    2. snes


      I should have applied for any!

    3. athenianstranger


      Sigh. Same here.

  12. Hang in there poisoned. I am still waiting for the results of three interviews I had :|. These are my top choices.

  13. Hi there poisoned! Hows apps going?

  14. My top choices are deciding the final admit list this week. Hoping for the best.

    1. newms


      Good luck!

    2. Waffles


      fingers crossed, dear! :)

    3. beanbagchairs
  15. Need to wait till March to get the rest of my application results. Time for the big bang theory!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. beanbagchairs
    3. Argonaute


      I'll be waiting as well. Bring them on, March!

    4. beanbagchairs


      fingers crossed for all of us

  16. wow.. professors do read this forums...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MoJingly


      haha! I like that after he posts, people don't seem too eager to respond. Almost like they were found out!

    3. newms



    4. Zouzax


      ugh that makes me want to close my account

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