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Posts posted by caterpillar

  1. I swear that the reason I had such a good verbal score was because I memorized vocabulary.  I'm a strong reader, so the only thing holding me back on the verbal section was the weird vocab words that they use.  I'm not sure if memorizing vocab will work for everyone, but it sure worked for me.  


    This. My husband is an avid reader but didn't feel confident that he'd have the vocabulary to do well on the verbal section. He got the Kaplan New GRE flash cards (i think there are like 500 cards?) and spent months going through them, having me test him on them, etc., until he only had a tiny fraction that he couldn't remember off the top of his head. He said it really helped because a lot of the words ended up on the test, and learning the root origins to so many words enabled him to more intuitively guess the meanings of words he didn't know.

  2. Does anyone know if PSU offers any funding to their graduate students?  I got accepted, but I am out-of-state, so I'm afraid the only way I'd be able to afford it is if I get some amount of funding.  Which is depressing because I'd love to go to PSU.


    Sometimes they do, but afaik it's very limited. You might try emailing to ask when funding decisions are going to go out. 

  3. I just do not understand why these people agree to write LORs if they can't provide a good reference...it just seems cruel and it's easy enough to say no, isn't it?


    I don't either. I suppose it is good, however, that my husband was at least made aware (one way or another, after the fact) of an area of his application package that needed improvement. It still stung following all the rejections, though!

  4. I didn't hear back from western michigan and noticed many people were stating on the admissions forum that they heard

    Of their acceptance via e-mail. Well I heard back today and got a decline..wasn't surprised. I'm assuming I got a decline from GVSU because I didn't get an invite for an interview..

    I know I need to retake the GRE, but does anyone know of anything else to do to increase my chances next time around?


    I think the standard formula is the following:


    1) Increase any scores where possible


    2) Increase experience in the field


    3) Cast a wider net - applying to more schools, less competitive schools, schools in less desirable areas, etc. 


    I'd also suggest taking a good look at your LOR writers. This is probably not the case for most people, but after my husband was rejected from everywhere last year, he notified his LOR writers as a courtesy. One of them wrote back and strongly suggested that he find someone else to write the LOR next year. I can only imagine what the LOR looked like.  :wacko:

  5. Retaking classes - often times the admissions committee will consider the new grade to be the "replacement" grade. This is also true of schools if the class is retaken at the same institution. For example, my husband incorrectly dropped a music class in his first term at community college and received an F. He retook the class the next term and received an A - this "replaced" the F and showed to his later bachelors program (and i assume the admissions committee for SLP, too) that the first grade was a mistake he was willing to work hard to overcome. The F does remain on his transcript, however. 


    If your degree has posted, no, retaking classes won't raise your GPA as calculated by your graduating institution. But for outside admissions committees, who are able to see the whole of your academic record, they'll be able to see that you retook the class and improved your score. 


    Taking classes and doing well will only help, as you are applying with ALL your transcripts, not just the one where you got your degree. The extra classes my husband took raised his GPA a whole 0.10, which is pretty significant when you're talking about the 3.0-4.0 scale.

  6. Yes, they do. My husband's undergrad GPA for his bachelors was 3.31. With his 4.0 in pre-reqs factored in, his overall GPA was calculated at 3.41 by CSDCAS. I do believe they consider CSD grades specifically separate from the rest of the courses (imagine if someone had a sub-3.0 in CSD but over 3.0 in overall GPA because they took a hundred easy art classes, for example - that would be telling to the admissions committee) but if you haven't already done pre-reqs, they're a great opportunity to bump up your GPA a little.

  7. I was also accepted to UCA today with an assistantship! It's the cheapest option so far, but I'm not sure it's the best for me. I have some serious researching and decision making to do within the next two weeks. :wacko:  Is anybody who was accepted to UCA planning on attending? Do you have any additional information about the college or the area? Thanks everybody!


    Seconding this... After discussion with my husband, we are pretty divided between our options (though fairly confident that he will be withdrawing from the waitlist at PSU). More information on the area/school would be fantastic!

  8. Arkansas is pretty nice, UCA is about 45 minutes from where I'm doing my undergrad. It's got a Panera bread really close, but that's all I remember really..shopping plaza in town, and a Dunkin Donuts! (one of three in the state). (Only been to Conway once) but there's lots of nice hiking and stuff to do around here, too, it's less than an hour from Petit Jean State Park (has a waterfall). I mean, I know you pick the school for the school, but those are just random things about the area :)


    This is good information, though! Neither of us has been to Arkansas, so while my husband will I'm sure be very busy on campus, the kids and I will need to find ways to occupy ourselves in the meantime. :) 

  9. I've been waiting on a reply from Texas Women's University. I called them in February to confirm my application was complete and it was. Now they have told me they already emailed those who have been accepted and waitlisted the week of spring break. They sent rejection letters last week. So I told them I have not received anything then they emailed saying sorry to to inform you but we have no record of you applying to the program. Omg I am breaking down right now!


    Whaaat?! How does that even happen? I'm so sorry. :(

  10.  Maybe if the societal norm changed so that men felt more comfortable working in elementary schools, that would be different (but that's a subject for another day)...


    I'll throw out there that many men do feel comfortable working in school settings - not just in SLP, but in general. For example, my husband has only worked in the schools (preschool through high school level) since he graduated in 2007. One of his LOR writers was a male SPED teacher he worked under. Both the other SPED aides he works with currently are male, and several of his professional references are men. While education is a female dominated field as well, I do think it's a bit much to assume that if more men were involved in SLP, there wouldn't be jobs for female SLPs in medical settings or that the men would flock solely to medical settings. :)

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